One month and change Post Op

Aug 07, 2010

 So here it's is, Aug. 7 already. I am one month and a week post op.  I had my one month visit with Dr. Suh on Thursday and he said my weight loss looks good. From Oct. until now I have lost 54lbs. From surgery until now it's 38 lbs. Not bad, but I would have liked it to be a little more. My scale and my doctors scale is a little off so that's based off the doc scale. 

I was moved onto the next stage of the plan and can now eat fruits (no grapes), veggies, chicken, crab, shrimp and a few other fishy stuff. I still need to get tested for this fish allergy. I had a bad reaction to shell fish and besides tuna, I won't eat anymore fishy stuff. 

I recently ordered a bunch of sample packets of protein flavors. Two from click, which I was sad to find out Doc says "No, it has to much sugar". So I'm not going to be able to use those anytime soon. Told hubby he should try them so they don't go to waste. I also ordered the start kit from Unjury. I've tried their strawberry sorbet and it's not to bad. I mixed it with milk a banana and ice. Not a real big fan of it, mostly because I hate anything thats a strawberry powder. I also tried their chocolate with a banana, not bad and chocolate with SF english toffee syrup and that's YUM.. This morning I tried vanilla with SF root beer and wasn't a fan at all. Blending it made it foamy. I was able to get one swallow down, bu when I took the next it make me throw up. Just to foamy for me. However, I tried it again but instead of blending it I put it in my click container and shook it. No foam...but still not the best tasting. 

I still have quite a bit of testing out my syrups to do since I have a ton of them. I am hoping to find something thats just really good. I am going to try and get my hands on some Nectar protein. I think I need a little juice type instead of the chocolate/vanilla. Hmm wonder if thats why I have this need to drink apple juice all the time.

I didn't take photos the day of surgery like most people do and I really regret it. But I did find a couple photos that were taken a week or two before surgery and I posted them. Hubby took some photos of me a couple of days ago and I posted those as well. Hoping they will help me see the difference in my weight as I go.


One week Post Op (okay well yesterday was)

Jul 07, 2010

 As always, I was reading through the forums today, just listening to peoples stories. I came across a womans post about how her family thinks she is using her surgery as a crutch and how she said shes not usually an emotional person and apologized for posting another depressing post.

It got me thinking about myself. I wasn't a crier or really expressed my feelings very much. As I got married and had kids it changed a bit. But not like it is today.

As it got closer to the time of my surgery I had to exclude more food.  4 days before surgery, no red meats or leafy veggies. In those few days the tears started to come. The day before surgery was all liquids, the tears came even harder. The day of surgery I cried at everything. of course some of that was to due the fear of the surgery itself.

But reading that post this morning, it really made me see how food was such an important thing in my life, something that actually kept my feelings bottled inside. Without the food I could feel freely. I can express when I am sad or upset. 

Granted I am only a week post op, but for me, coming to this conclusion about food is a huge weight off my shoulders. I can only hope from here on out it gets better.....And my lovely husband came put up with the tears.

4th day out

Jul 03, 2010

 Well I have made it to my 4th day of being post op and 2nd day home from the hospital. The first day home I was wiped out. I hadn't gotten much sleep in the hospital. 20 minutes here and there. Then when I would finally start to doze off.. you know that point right where the world completely shuts off.. *knock knock* "Time to check your vitals". So needless to say when I came home Thursday I slept most of the day and was in bed pretty early that night.

I had been struggling with the gas pain since last night. I wasn't passing enough gas in my opinion.  So i felt bloated and very uncomfortable. Oy! I have never wanted to fart so bad in my life. Finally, last night I was able to, and I felt a lot more comfortable. Yes Yes.. TMI..but c'mon. All the post op's have been there. :P

My kids have been away at my in laws since Monday, the day before my surgery, and I am so anxious to get them home. I was trying to bride hubby to go get this today but he said they will be coming home tomorrow. I'm so happy to see my little men tomorrow. We've been chatting through Skype but it's just not the same.


June 29th is the big day.

Jun 03, 2010

I got the call this morning. My surgery will be on the 29th of June. I'm anxious, excited and scared. I still haven't told a lot of people around me just yet about the surgery. The ones who I feel must know now, do. Husband, Mom, mother in law, couple close friends. I'm working on letting the rest of my family know, but it's not exactly an easy thing to do. Some of them can be a little more opinionated than I would like. 

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