MARCH gads we still have snow on the ground and it' so cold.

Mar 12, 2009

Well, as time marches on I am 164 lbs only have 14 lbs to go for the goal of 103 lb loss. I have been so happy with my progress. Had a little set back this month with a kidney infection. I had a 103.8 fever for 9 days. I kept thinking it was the flu and I would break the fever in the morning and feel pretty good and then the evening came and I felt awful again. I felt so bad I didn't want to get dressed and go to the Dr.'s also it is a 2 1/2 hr drive to see her. I ended up in Urgent Care with 2 liters of fluids and antibiotics. Man was I sick and dehydrated. Guess we can't drink enough with our little tummy's when we have fever. That was quite the lesson. I just don't think well when I am sick. Next time my husband is going to throw me into the car and take me. Took about a week to feel good again but I am back with it strong as ever and almost at my goal. I look so different to myself when I look in the mirror almost don't think I should loose any more weight for awhile. I am so thin in my face and neck and arms and legs. My gosh I am happy but not use to seeing myself this way. This is a mental trip and physical trip. I am in a med. pant and top. I haven't been this size for 30yrs. I am waiting for things to kinda' settle in. Has anyone else experienced this or am I all wet. My daughter said I am about 1/4 of myself and she likes the way I am looking. She is the smallest of my 3 girls and is on the thin side altho she has to work really hard at staying trim as she is 47 yrs old and kinda think she is starting to go through the change. She has a 9 yr. old daughter. We all had lunch together the other day when I went to the Dr.'s. It was so much fun to be with them. They ditched from school in the afternoon to be with me and my husband. Like I said it is a 2 1/2 hr. drive and sometimes it seems like such a long day between going and coming I could have  been half way to CA. visiting relatives there. Anyway, maybe by the end of the month I will have hit my goal but probably it will take a little longer. I really like the Fuzzy Navel protein drink. I usually have it for breakfast. I am so tired of eggs. Well, good luck to all of you and keep that chin up.

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