4months & 3weeks Post Op PICS posted!

Jul 16, 2010

Let me know whatcha think!

4 1/2 months post op

Jul 10, 2010

So I am 4 1/2 months out and feeling alright for the most part. 

POST OP WEIGHT LOSS - 75.7lbs!!!

I still can't believe all that weight is gone!!!  I am looking forward to losing much more weight though...  I still have a struggle getting all my food/liquids in.. Its an everyday battle!  I try to get more in but its hard because I will not force myself to eat if I'm not hungry... I mean that's what got most of us in this obesity mess in the first place.. eating just to eat and not being hungry!  I know that before we lived to eat... and NOW we have to eat to live but there is just some days its not all fitting..

I haven't wrote in a while because I have been busy with going to school, working and spending time with my daughter!!!

A few weeks ago my daughter for the first time was able to wrap her arms around my stomach and touch her fingers together!!!  We were both very excited about that!

Not too much going on besides that... everyday is a struggle though...


May 19, 2010

I am finally out of the 300's!!!  Today I weighed in at 299.00!!! 


So since August 2009 to now total loss is 106.7lbs!!!  and since Feb 22nd (surgery)  I am down 54lbs!!!


2 months out POSITIVES!!!

Apr 25, 2010

So I am 2 months out!  Seems like it has been longer! lol

As of today my weight loss from post op is 41.1 lbs!!!

As of today my total weight loss from august 2009 is 95.1 lbs!!!

Everything is going alright and all... I could be exercising more...

I am getting in all my fluid and almost all of my 80g of protein everyday!

I am super busy and never really sit down unless I am online or if I have to study....

I am able to do more things now than I could from pre op...

I feel so much better about myself!

I like wearing clothes that are NOT baggy on me! (never thought I'd say that ever again... its been like 9yrs for that)

I haven't had to use my cpap machine since pre op!!!

I can buy sexy bras now!!! (WHOOO HOOOO)

Oh and my daughter is about 6 inches away from being able to touch her hands together when she hugs me!!! (I have never been able to get a huge from her that hugged me and not my belly.. I can't wait for that to happen!!! I guess that's something most people don't think about but its important to me!  That is going to be one awesome reward!!!)

I have more pep in my step!

I had the confidence to go back to school!

I am no longer a tight 32w pants and no longer a 6x shirt!!!

Right now I am a 24w pants and a 3x shirt!!!

I have the energy to get things done that need to get done!

I have a better attitude about things!


That about sums it up from what I can think of at this time!

Thanks for reading!!!
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Bra size...

Apr 22, 2010

So back last July 2009 when I started this journey again my bra size was a 54ddd!!! Yikes huh?!? Anyways surgery came and gone and I was a 52ddd... Then a month after surgery my bras just didn't fit so I got measured and was a 50ddd.... Coming along alright..

So yesterday I went to Fashion Bug because the "deal of the week" is the satin trimmed bras for $10.. yes ladies only $10!!!  I figured I would get a 48 because I had some room in the one I had on.  Well they didn't go higher than 44 around and when the lady asked my sized she said there was no way I wore one that big... So I walked around and debated because I refused to go to Kmart and get one of those big girl bras that come in a box!  Then I said I'm gonna start trying on some bras! So I grabbed a few sizes and OMG I fit into a 44ddd!!!  A 44!!!  I couldn't believe it!  I just wanted to stay in the dressing room staring at myself.... I was in shock!

I was so excited!  It has been at least 6 years since I could buy a sexy bra!  I was so overwhelmed!  I ended up getting 2 bras that had the push up support and lace all over!  I didn't even get the deal of the week ones!  I wanted something lacey! hehe... and plus all the other bras are buy 1 get on 1/2 off!

What a wonder WOW moment!!!

Wooo Hooo.... and tomorrow will be 2 months post op for me!

something new...

Apr 20, 2010

So today I had to go and get something out of my truck more than once.. (lol yes I was forgetful today) Anyways I went out and walked the same way both time but didn't' notice it the first time but the second time around it clicked what I was doing...  Instead of walking down the steps slowly (and I mean slooooooooowly) It was like I was flying down the steps in our front yard!  I was going fast... Not running but fast and I had a bounce in my step! lol  As soon as one foot stepped down it bounced right back up again!

hehe I know i'm being silly but wow what a feeling to move like that and not be huffy and puffy and tired!

WOW Moment from 4/18/10

Apr 19, 2010

Okay so I am sitting on the bed with Lizzie and she is helping me study with my flash cards... and I have ALOT!  She was being so sweet about it!  So anyway when we were finally done I went to get up and realized I had been sitting "Indian Style" the whole time on my bed!!!  Me sitting Indian Style... insane! The last time I sat like that was sometime when I was a child!!!

How exciting!!!

Just wanted to share!!!

Thanks for reading!

long time no blog..

Apr 18, 2010


Its been a while since I have posted something... I have been really busy and all cause Iast week I just started school.. and it keeps me super busy!

Everything has been going well for me and seem to be doing good!  I have my good and bad days but I get through it..

I am eating well now and getting in 5 small.. very small! meals a day in and my liquids too!

I am not sure if I have lost anymore weight or not but will find out at the end of the month when I go and see the NUT...

I refuse to have a scale here because I don't want to make myself crazy by checking it multiple times a day!!! lol

I hope everyone else is doing okay.....

You all can email me at
[email protected] if you want to or look me up on facebook under the same email! (I just don't post anything about the wls on there)

Oh yeah I posted a pic of me that was taken 4/10/10 ... sooooooooo check it out and lemme know what ya think!

6wk check up

Apr 08, 2010

So I was told I am doing good... down 10lbs since last time... I thought that was bad but they said they look for you to loose about 2lbs a week so I am doing great...

hmmm... not feeling great about it though...

... oh yeah and i'm not eating enough! yeah right huh?  So I eat 3 times a day and I was told I have to eat 6 times a day?!?  oh myyyyy............................. If I eat more throughout the day then that takes up my time when I drink..

ugh... what to do... what to do...

I feel like crap today...

Fluid intake..

Apr 06, 2010

So today was HOT!!! and I know its going to get worse... but at least Delaware isn't anywhere near as hot as Georgia is.. lol anyways so my thing I have been hooked on for the past week is Diet Lemonade from Chick fil a!!!  They make it fresh daily and they squeeze their own lemons!!! LOVE IT!!! Then they add water and splenda!!!  ITS AWESOME!!! So I got in 64oz of that today!!! lol 

This is the first time since surgery I got in more than 50oz of liquid.... wow 64oz! I am excited!!! and guess what I am drinking more as I type.. on the bad side only 50g of protein... HEY its HOT and I'm thirsty not hungry!!! ugh... I feel like its a non stop battle that never ends... Protein vs Me and Fluid intake vs ME..... 

oh the everyday drama of a post rny patient!
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About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 08, 2010
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