
Apr 05, 2010

So I started my journey as a tight size 32w in Jeans and a 5-6x in shirts.  Well 2wks after surgery I was able to fit into a tight size 26w jeans! It has been 40 something days and I managed to get on a pair of 24w jeans!!!  I mean they are snug and all but omg how great is that!  I went out with my mom today to Boscov's because she needed somethings and she told me to go and try on these 24s... I laughed at her and told her she was funny!!! So to humor her I did.  I thought there was no way that I was going to fit into these things.... Well I put my legs in and started to pull up to my hips and then said there is no way they are going on.  I have big hips so well... you know how it is!  I managed to squeeze them over my hips and the what do ya know... they zipped up with no issues!  I was so excited and she ended up getting them for me as an Easter gift since she couldn't get me candy! lol  So they are snug in my hips and thighs but hey I was there a while ago in the tight 32s so I am happy!  Later we went to fashion bug.  Now I have size 5x in fashion bugs shirts and had preordered special ones from somewhere else last summer that were a 6x and snug!  Well my 5x have been hanging off of me so I figured I would grab a 4x to try on.  Well since my daughter was with us due to spring break she wanted me to try a 3x.  So to humor her as well I grabbed the 3x.  I tried on the 3x at first and what do you know it fits!!! and its just right! Not loose or tight but just right!  So as the other part of my Easter present I got a shirt!!! a size 3x shirt!!! Woo Hooo!!! I am so excited!!!

Wii Fit Plus... hmm...

Mar 21, 2010

So I got a wii fit plus today and I am not happy!  A few weeks ago I was weighed and I was 330.xx okay well thats good because I know that is the limit for that board!  Well I know I have lost a little bit more since then and when I tried it out tonight it would not register me!!!  WTF???  Boy am I pissed off! I went online to check to make sure it was right with the limits and I found a message board of people who are pissed off like me because they weight about  300-320lbs and it won't register there weight either...  GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Some recent WOW moments!

Mar 21, 2010

So last Tuesday the 16th I went to the Victory Support Group and my friend/angel Laurie brought me a pair of her old jeans.  I thought no way in Hell am I going to fit in to a size 26!  Just for the simple fact that for the past few years I have been a tight 32! So I tried them on and they fit!!! But were somewhat loose.. I thought okay let me go ahead to wash and dry them. See that is a test right there! Because clothes always shrink back down after you dry them! So after they were done I put them on again... and ummmmm OMG!!! They FIT!!! haha Boy was I excited. I hadn't seen a size 26 on me since I was pregnant and my daughter is 8 years old!!!  So I am very excited about that!  Thanks Laurie! 

Yesterday I took my daughter to go and see the movie "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" at the movies.  This was interesting because I normally get the biggest popcorn and biggest soda and the pretzel bites with extra cheese!!! But hmmm... well none of that for me! I just got my daughter that little kids pack and went on our way into the theater. Before I sat down I thought to myself should I or shouldn't I lift those arm rests before I sit.... Well I sat on the very edge of the seat before doing anything and got my daughter seated. Then I thought why not!  Yeah that's right why not try to get all the way into that darn seat without lifting those arm rests!  See normally I would lift both sides and sit down, then I would lower the arm rests and they wouldn't even go down all the way because of my big old thighs were to big!!!  So I was already at the edge of the seat so I decided to slide right back in the seat..... And guess what?  I FITTED INTO THAT SEAT!  And guess what??? I didn't have to raise those arm rests!! AND they didn't even lift up when I sat back in the seat!! Wooo Hooo!!! What a feeling.. I thought I was going to cry!! haha but I didn't!

Just wanted to share!!
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2wks post op apt today...

Mar 10, 2010

So I went in today to see Dr. Peters and he was very excited to see me and the progress I have made since Feb 22ND!  Since surgery I have lost 22.6lbs!!!  I am very pleased with myself!!!

He told me that I am healing up great and that I should push myself to eat if I am not hungry!  He told me to make sure I am getting my liquids in and the Carnation Instant Breakfast SF drinks (for protein!)

As for my urso forte meds.. he said i can cut it in 4 pieces and Swallow them throughout the day!  What a relief.. I will start that tomorrow! lol

As for me well I am feeling alright.  I stopped at BJ's to pick up some more SF Popsicles! Yummy... You get 48 vs 12 or 24... And its cost just over $6... So extremely cheap to go to BJ's!!!

Well that's all for now..

2wks post op

Mar 09, 2010

Well I am doing much better and moving around more.  I do get very very tired climbing the stairs and walking.. ugh!  Hopefully that will end soon.  I am able to get in about 35oz of liquids a day.. Still no protein shakes!  I did start the Carnation Instant Breakfast SF mix.  Its very yummy!!! And when made with milk it has 13g of protein in 8oz.. Not the best but hey if it helps right?!?

Everyone keeps telling me I look different already.  In my face and upper body! yay right?  not really.. I was hoping my big middle would leave first!!! lol  But my face does look smaller now!  Which is exciting! and my cup part of the bra is a little loose... I don't want to loose them all!  I hope that part of my shrinking stops.. LOL!!! 

Pre op I wore a size 32 jeans and they were snug.. especially after I would wash and dry them.. Well now I can wash and dry them and they are no long tight!!!  Very exciting!  I know its not much but hey I'm excited! Even my medical alert bracelet is big on me now!  (I highly recommend having one!)

As for eating... I try.. I am not big on eating food but do try to get protein in that way because lack of the shakes!  I have come up with alot of different things to have too!  Not too bad.. The only problem I have is that if its a hot meal by the time I am not even half way done its cold!!!  I hate that!

Well tomorrow is my 2 weeks post op apt!!!  I will get weighed for the first time since surgery!!! I am so excited and can't wait to post my new weight so far!!! 

Wish me luck!!

Starting to feel better!

Mar 04, 2010

So I am starting to feel better and have barely any light headedness.. (haha I don't think that's a word.. oh well!) Last night I went to my daughter's karate class.. She was there 3 hours so I made the best of it and walked in the shopping center for a while!  Which is good... I have noticed I didn't get as tired as I normally do!

I got a phone call today from the pharmacy and my prescription for the LIQUID urso forte is ready!  Yay... They are going to flavor it cherry!  I will be picking that up later in a few hours.. I have to wait for a ride because I am not allowed to drive yet.. ugh.. Then its off to little Lizzie's karate class again.. so more walking here I come!

As for fluids... I still manage to get in 30-40oz a day.. anything more is still hard to do.. I don't think there is enough hours in my day! haha.. As for eating well... I try one meal a day and so far today I haven't had anything.. I am just not hungry!  I am not tolerating protein drinks yet either.. So at least I am getting some from my meal... not much but better than nothing!

I do notice that if I move around too much my stomach doesn't like it yet.. such as doing laundry! lol from twisting and turning.. it'll start having like a sharp pain and then I know.. to stop and rest! Then I'm okay!

I have not weighed myself at all.. but then again I do not own a scale!  They can be evil and addicting!  lol  and I haven't found a scale that registered me either.. Like post op I tried a scale at walmart that is "supposed" to hold up to 400lbs... Now that morning I was weighing in at 364lbs.. BUT that scale said error! lol meaning over 400lbs.. I was ticked!  Good thing I tested it before I paid $40 for it!  but its okay because I would hate to have one and jump on it numerous times a day and get depressed over the numbers!  I think its more exciting to wait the 2wks post op for my apt.. which is march 10th!

I did however get my tape measure out because I had noticed a difference in my belly.. so when I checked my waist (above my hips) its down 2in!!! Cool huh?  Yeah I thought so... woo hoo!

Other than that nothing else to report... except I hate being cooped up in my house... and I can't wait to drive again so I don't have to depend on people to take me where I need to go..

1 week, 1 day... post op

Mar 02, 2010

So I am starting to feel a little bit better... And I am not as light headed.. so that's a plus! 

I am getting in about 40oz of liquid.. which is good for me so far! I'm just sipping away!

I am having a huge issue with protein... ugh... the shakes, eggs, yogurt and cottage cheese makes me sick, sick , sick!!!

I managed to have an ounce of pureed meat yesterday... better than nothing right?!?!?

I have been walking around the house.. and yesterday my mom had me out shopping with her.. we were out for 7 hours!!!  I was so tired and dizzy... and felt like falling over and passing out!  I was glad to get home and lay down!

I haven't been hungry since before my surgery.... I guess that's good.. hmmm... I would have never imagined that happening!

Nothing else to report...

Sip, Sip, Sip

Feb 26, 2010

Well.. yesterday I managed to get in 30oz of liquid... very tough!!!

Today so far... I have gotten in and 11oz protein shake (17grams of protein), 1 Popsicle and I am about 3oz of water.. and working on more as I type....

Sip, Sip, Sip.... ugh

I am feeling light headed all day so far... I feel like napping but I am determined to finish the rest of this water in this bottle before I nap... Its an eleven ounce bottle and I have had 3oz so far from it... what a tough goal... finish it so I can nap.. LOL!!!

anyways... did I mention sip, sip , sip????
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Feb 24, 2010

So I had my RNY this past Monday morning and my surgeon said everything went awesome!  There was no issues when he got in there and there was barely any bleeding.  He told me and my parents how happy he was with me on how I did throughout this whole process!!  Which is nice to hear! 

So all day Monday was  a very painful day.. ugh.. and everything made me nauseated! I couldn't even walk or barely get up.. Monday sucked!

On Tuesday I was more awake to use that pain pump!  It managed to make me feel much better until I would get up then I would be really nauseated!! ugh... My wonder Angel, Laurie came to see me later this night and stayed quited a long time.. I didn't mind.. Seeing her made me feel so much better!  I was able to stay awake long enough and talk with her the whole time!    Later that night they took me off of my pain pump and started that codeine medicine...

Wednesday when I woke up I was in about as much pain as I was in on Monday.. It was like taking a step back.. terrible huh???  and then the drain came out... ugh.. hated it especially since I was in so much pain already... ugh But I came home afternoon and have been resting since... I have been sipping and all!  Not too much but getting some in and all.. I had a grape SF Popsicle last night and was able to get all that in pretty fast.. it was crazy.. but about 30mins later I realized I felt so full it felt like I just pigged out!!! lol omg over a Popsicle!! haha.. so now I am going to stick to 1/2 a sf Popsicle at a time!

So today is Thursday and I feel alto better.. I still have some pain which is normal.  So far today I have managed to get in 4oz of dasani lime water!  yummy!  which I am doing pretty well getting that much in so far!  I think I could have gotten more in but I was napping... Codeine does that to me! lol

So that's about it so far... Oh I loved my RN darning the night she was the best!!! During the day... omg... talk about lazy!  not all but most!  Monday I started to pee myself after waiting 20mins after I pressed the call button.. boy was I upset... ugh... Glad that's over with!

2 hours away!

Feb 21, 2010

So... Of course I didn't get any sleep at all!!!  In just 2 hours I will be at the hospital for my rny!!!  I am so excited!  I think another reason I couldn't sleep is because I keep having to pee!!!  I managed to drink 85oz of water yesterday... 45oz of that being within 4 hours... lol  Ahhh I am all ready to go!  I just need to get my last shower they said to take. 

I remember back in 2002 when I wanted this done but was talked out of it.  Then back in 2007 when I went to do this process my old insurance was sending me all the way to Philly... ugh .. didn't work out!  and now look at me!  I did an awesome job!!!  I am actually doing this! I can't wait to start my new journey! 

My daughter who is 8 was crying last night.  Not because of the surgery but because I she won't see me for almost 3 days... then I got upset and cried with her.. She is my everything!  I love her so very much!  We always do everything together and go everywhere together!  I just love enjoying my time with her.  I can't wait until this weight starts to come off.. I will be able to do so much with her.  She says that she can't wait for me to be able to ride a bike with her!!! I can't wait!!!  I will ride that bike with her.. I will!!!

Ahhh.... well next time I blog I'll be on the losers bench!!!
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About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 08, 2010
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