Working in the coal mine...

Jul 27, 2007

I'd like to believe I'm working in the gold mine, anyway.

Since Friday the 13th I've put in 29 hours at work, most of which were this week.  I was going nuts around the house so I called and begged my boss to let me go back!  I'm a desk jockey (surprise) so it's not a big deal.  I can sit in my chair at work longer than I can sit on the couch, anyway.

I went to my PCP Monday and actually got on the scale because I wanted to!  What a nice feeling.  Even better: I'm down to 284!  Last time I saw that was in 2003, when I was taking phentermine.  During that phase, my lowest weight was 268... but of course it yoyo'd right back up once the script ran out.  Probably won't be too much longer.

Of course there are the 'skinny jeans' -  the 22s I bought back then and for some reason, felt compelled to hang onto.  When the journey began I wore 26s.  I've been in 24s for a while, but they're getting looser.

Problem this week has been pills.  I got some Ambien CR samples, which is good, but the first night I crushed the pill like I should.  Bad idea.  I was staggering back through the kitchen within 5 minutes, passed out in 15.   So I took them whole the next few nights, but they seemed to work slow, like hours later instead of the 45 minutes/hour it should.

The Augmenten is the kicker.  It's an antibiotic; however, they are frigging horse pills!  Huge.  And horrible, horrible, horrible crushed.  Can't stand the taste or chalk.  So I haven't taken it, which isn't good... or the Certuss-D.  I don't think I should crush those pills either cause they're extended release.

Guess I'll go search out how to handle this on the forums.  = )

Otherwise... feeling pretty good, pretty good...

Protein Bawlz

Jul 22, 2007

Ok, I actually got up off my butt last night and made protein balls from one of the recipes here on OBH.  It looked odd that all the recipes were cuppas - cup of protein powder, cup of peanut butter, cup of non-fat dry milk, cup of crispy cereal, cup of rolled oatmeal, or some variation of these ingredients. 

First round consisted of the above ingredients (except oatmeal).  However, the resulting mixture was so loose it couldn't be packed into balls.  I don't know if it was the natural peanut butter or what, but it didn't get better until I added another whole cup of peanut butter (non-sugar added this time).  I think it's the non-fat dry milk - it doesn't seem needed and was not listed in the other recipes, so I wonder if it should have been replaced by the protein powder.  Either way, I have 30 some odd balls in the fridge.

Well, I did - my DH and daughter love them.  I've forced down two.  And I now feel like crap.  What was that?  Non-fat dry milk?  I guess I'm really becoming lactose intolerant.  Or maybe the sugar?  I just seem to be having a problem finding foods I can (and will) eat.  I made chicken salad, but the thought of eating it makes my stomach turn.  Again.  Mac N Cheese sounds soooo gooood... but again - DAIRY.  This is getting annoying, fast.

Protein: DO NOT WANT

Jul 21, 2007

Frulatti...  BAD... 
It was good going down... and a b**** for the next two hours.  For the record, I tried a small pineapple coconut orange with a scoop of protein.  It sounded like a good idea!

Now I'm drinking on this Naked Protein drink DH got for me.  He's not sitting here with a gun... that's in the other room... but he's watching me...  DO NOT WANT.  It's nasty.  Tastes sweet for just long enough, then turns chalky, nasty, gritty, icky...

I was so hoping to avoid much supplementation by eating as much dairy as possible... and now I'm lactose intolerant.  The idea of a glass of milk is sickening.  He's got a point - I've gotta get it down somehow, but dang it...

I'm going to finish this thing, then go make protein balls and see if I can hoark them down any easier.  There's gotta be a better whey...

Friday Blues

Jul 20, 2007

I'll pass one week on the loser's bench in about two hours.  Hard to believe it was just a week ago - it feels like two weeks but just a few days.

Teletubbies.  I like Boobah better.  I've seen way too much PBS this week.

Well, things are getting back to normal.  I went to class last night, followed by an all-class Happy Hour.  I drank water with lemons and limes, but still had a good time talking with my classmates.  Got in rather late.

Still frustrated with work.  At this point I'm fine.  I'm not taking the lortab or any other painkillers.  So...  I volunteered to work from home 4 hours/day Wed - Fri.  Then, on Wednesday night I get a voice mail with a message delivered through a coworker saying they will cut off my remote access if I work from home.  It's not a serious threat, I'm perfectly aware of this.  However, I still got rather upset.  I've been rather upset, as a matter of fact, and I'm still working on just what crawled up my butt and died.

Might be a good time to schedule an appt with Dr. Jill...

Two reasons, really - she's not just a psychologist, she's also my nutriutionist.  It seems I've developed some level of lactose intolerance. 
Drinking a glass of milk makes me feel sick.  Cheeses aren't as bad, but just sound disgusting.  The problem is protein - I can't stand the whey powder, so I really hoped I could cram in enough dairy to get away from it!

It's also that nothing sounds good, except fruit.  No-sugar-added peaches are good, and I've been craving banana chips.  I am getting anxious for some kind of cracker so I can make chicken & tuna salad.  I might try some anyway, without crackers.  I suppose I'm worried about anorexia.  I can see how it's so easy to eat very little.

Then again... maybe I should just take off another week, work on developing a hobby, and make some of the sewing things on PBS.  Dangerous thing, daytime TV.  But that looks sew easy!!!

KFC Taters, Lortab, and Dreams

Jul 17, 2007

Uggh.  Had my KFC mashed potatoes with gravy for dinner and milk with a carnation no-sugar added breakfast for night snack...  ugh.  Just feel icky since drinking the milk.  Gonna have to start using the blender, I guess.  It may also be the sinusitis and nasty taste, or just not liking milk that much.  Hafta see.

Going to take the Lortab and go to bed soon.  Hope I wont have nightmares again...

They were the oddest ones.  I renovated our daughter's bathroom a few years ago, but I kept having dreams that it was falling apart again.  Like, quickly - we'd go in and the shower would be pushed back through the cracks and it would be the old 1" to 1.5" tile that was popular 50 years ago... the strangest thing, but it was more the terror of the unwelcome changes than the literal text of the dream.  I woke up twice with the same thing, the vanity being ripped out and the shower demolished, just not what should be there.

Anyway, I figure these dreams are being affected by both the Lortab and the psychological changes... but maybe someone else won't feel so alone in the dark with a fading fear of the changes we wreak upon ourselves.

Staple-Free is the way to be!

Jul 17, 2007

Just got back from Dr. Barker's office - I'm staple-free and green-lighted for pureed foods! 

( Mashed potatoes, here I come!  I've been craving them since the pre-op diet. )

All the swelling and tenderness is normal, got there's a little extra bruising on the left side but well within spec, got the On-Q removed, so from here I go back in one month to say hi. 

Just marvelling at what can happen in just four days...

Tuesday July 17th... More IS Less...

Jul 17, 2007

Eh, or less is more... something like that!

Woke up after getting a decent night of sleep.  Except for the nightmares... more on those later.  I've been able to go longer between Lortab doses, which is a good thing.  Even when it's worn off the pain is minimal.  in other words, the difference between today and yesterday is amazing.

Got a call from the office wishing me a happy recovery.  I think I scared them, though - I mentioned putting in some part time hours and they seemed to freak out.  Seriously, I'm talking about sitting on the couch with the laptop... something I've been doing already.  It's not a big deal.

Anyway, off to Dr B's office for my checkup.  Laters!

Tuesday July 17th... more or less...

Jul 16, 2007

Ugh.  Feeling pretty crappy about now.  Woke up this morning and blew my nose... full of bloody icky stuff.  Welcome back, sinus infection.  Been a while since the last one.  My throat's sore even though I'm on top of my Lortab, so I'm sure that's why I hadn't noticed - a sore throat is just par for the course.  The bloody snot is not.

This would explain the funky taste in my mouth and why plain water's so nasty.  And why everything tastes like crap.  I can't imagine the post-nasal drainage into my pouch is good for it, either.

So, now the question: is this a PCP or a Dr. B issue?  I've already got the appt with Dr. B so I'll just wait until 1:30 this afternoon.  I won't die between now and then.

Anyway, off to sleep with my miserable not-so-little-yet self.

Monday July 16th... Tastes, pain, and blenders

Jul 16, 2007

Here I am, 3 days post op.  I'm worried about a few things, like a suture that's getting icky and if the OnQ pump is empty or not.  I have a follow up appt tomorrow at 1:30pm, so those questions will get answered.

The biggest concern is a pain on my left side.  There's a group of sutures which have leaked a lot more than the others; there is some swelling above it.  The problem comes when I try to lay on my right side.  That patch of swelling on the left side gets very very painful, a visceral, sick pain (not just a pulling or stretching).  It hurts when I lay on my left side, but not as much and I can prop myself up in such a way that it's ok.  It's also very sensitive to pressure.  But, that's why I go see my dr tomorrow.  We'll see what it turns out to be.

My sense of taste certainly changed!  The first meal they brought me included a cup of some clear liquid that tasted like a gelatinous protein drink.  I forced a little bit down... then the nurse showed me the protein powder in the little cup.  After she mixed it I couldn't drink that, either.  It wasn't until I tasted the leftover water from the ice chips that I believed it was me, not the water.  Crystal light makes it better, but the lemonade flavor is getting old.  It doesn't hide the thick taste, either.  Thank goodness for tropical sugar free popsicles.

For some reason ice/water seems to give me problems.  DH noticed that I would howl about 30 minutes after eating ice chips, but I was so thirsty he gave them to me anyway.  We still didn't know if it was the surgery or the back spasms that were causing the pain, anyway.  Since getting home and using a heating pad and Icy Hot, my back is more or less fine.  I've also found I can sleep in the recliner (once I wrestled it away from the cats).

I don't know why my spouse kept insisting we didn't have a blender.  We do.  I purchased it a couple years ago.  He finally saw it this morning... go figure.  He's off for a WalMart run right now.  I'm looking forward to milk!  That way I can get my protein in.

Well, I'm getting tired again.  It's been 4 hours since the last Lortab.  I've moved from three to four hours between doses, so that's good.  Time to take some more, then go rest in the recliner for a while.

Later, ya'll!

Sunday the 15th... Lortab Dreams

Jul 15, 2007

My surgery is done.  Happened on Friday at 3pm.  Woke up in recovery in pain, but not from the incisions .. from my back!  I was on the table or in recovery wrong and spent the first night seeking relief from the tennis ball spasm stuck in my back.

Dr. Thompson gave me Valium as a muscle relaxant, which helped me get a few hours sleep.  It hurts like a bear in the IV.  The rest of the time they would give me Lortab aka Tylenol 3.  That works pretty well for reducing the pain.

I do have two problems I'll call Dr. B about tomorrow  - the IV site on my hand is swollen, red, and painful, and there is noticeable swelling over one of the incision sites.  It's also quite tender to touch.  There's a pulling hurt when I lay on my right side, so I've been on my left side which hurts, just not as much, or on my back, which isn't a good idea either.  We'll see what they say.  = )

About Me
Rowlett, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 31
One Year Retrospective...
Thanksgiving Post
Inches aweigh
Spring Creek Update
Sliding towards normalicy
Wow. Wow. Wow!
Wake up, clear up
Week of Clinique
Up the sunny road
