FrIdAY thE 13th...

Jul 11, 2007

*tap*tap*  is this thing on?

Ah, yes...  well...  Hi, I'm FalynnDFW and I'm picking up this page in the middle of my journey towards being healthy again.  My surgery is scheduled for Friday, which happens to be the 13th of July.  It's about 15 minutes until Thursday morning, so I should be in bed, but I haven't been sleeping too well this week...  wonder why?

The strangest thing so far has been the surface calm.  Granted, I've been busy as a one-armed papaerhanger this last week, rushing around to get my workload down or re-allocated before the surgery, so I haven't been able to sit and think about it much.  There's been this relative layer of calm punctuated by bits of excitement, nervousness, fear, elation, etc.  Monday was the worst -  I nearly cried at work.  Instead I posted on this board and found the support I had been missing... and since then it's been far better.

Thanks ya'll!

I'm sure I'll post more about my story as this goes along, but meanwhile, here's at least the start of my recording sessions for posterity.  Not to be confused with being an equinacious posterior.  ; )

About Me
Rowlett, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 31
One Year Retrospective...
Thanksgiving Post
Inches aweigh
Spring Creek Update
Sliding towards normalicy
Wow. Wow. Wow!
Wake up, clear up
Week of Clinique
Up the sunny road
