Dec 27, 2008

  This past year has without a doubt sucked royally. I am happy it is over-well almost over anyway. 4 days left.
I am now looking towards the next year to get turned around and in the right direction. My husband was out of work for about 10 months and we almost lost our house. Monday before Christmas we got some paperwork from our Mortgage company that lowered our Mortgage payment to something we can handle a bit easier. We used my husbands 401K and all of our savings so we are pretty tapped out. We have a long road to go now.

I am planning to slowly ease myself out of the stress in my life. I am not sure how yet but I am starting slowly.
The first big thing was lowering that HUGE mortgage payment. We  have a handle on most other bills so that is a great improvment.
Second is removing things that have just been a burr in the side of our marriage. If it still doesn't work after this at least I have made an effort.
My sister has owed us about $1500 for almost 2 years and there is always a reason she can't pay us back - well I just got her on a payment plan and she will be depositing money weekly into a savings account. This is a 2 fold plan- She is paying us back and we are rebuilding some savings.
Third we want to ask them to find another place to live-I have both my 21 yo sister and my mother living with us. We needed them to help pay the bills and they needed an affordable place to live but that is just done now. We need our house back. We have owned this house for 3 years and my sister has been with us since day 1 and my mom shortly after. We have lost our kids play room and a bathroom and a bit of our sanity along the way. It is time it is just us.
Forth is getting rid of the additional kids I babysit during the day- See I work 4-midnight. My oldest daughter is in school all day and I am home with a 2.5 yo. I thought I could take in a family members kids for some extra cash because I am home anyway. Well it sucks. It is only about $3/hr because it is family and I have no time off as she really doesn't have a back-up for me. I have been to multiple doctors appointments when I recently broke a finger with 2 if not 3 kids. It is just too much.

If you don't see a pattern here- I just keep piling it on my back and trudging along as someone has to do it.
The damage here is I have put 16 lbs back on, I have quit running and I am just full up to here

So a long post but a purging of the shit I have carried for too long. I will try to keep you up to date on the future changes and hopefully for the better.


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E Falmouth, MA
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Jan 01, 2007
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