4 weeks Post-op!

Dec 04, 2006

One month ago today I was re-born. I am so glad I did this. It is tough but I know the results will be well worth it. I am feeling great and almost normal at times. I went to work for the first time since surgery yesterday and I felt like I did before surgery. I was afraid that I might not be able to handle a full day but it went by as it did before the surgery so I am glad about that. I definitely get more walking in at work than I do at home. :) 

I just can't wait to really see the scale move. I know I shouldn't be caught up in the numbers but it helps give me positive feedback when the head hunger is kicking my butt. My clothes are really telling the tale of my journey. I wore two shirts and a pair of jeans this weekend that I hadn't been in in at least 2 years. It felt so good. Everyday my boyfriend tells me that I am melting away. Is it wrong to enjoy hearing that? LOL 

I must order protein today. I have not been doing the shakes. I think I get about 40-50 grams in a day. I also need to up my water. Yesterday I did pretty well and was only 1-2 cups shy of my 8 cups a day minimum.  I have been keeping up with my vitamins so that is a good thing.

3 weeks, 3 days post-op!

Dec 01, 2006

I had My 3 week follow-up appointment with Dr. Afram on Nov. 29th and I am down 18 pounds in 3 weeks and my PCP took me off all my meds at 2 weeks! I can't wait to exercise. I go back to work on Monday. :( I have enjoyed being home a little too much.   One of my meds was part water pill so I think I gained like 3 pounds of water weight.   I am happy it is water and not fat. :)  I am feeling pretty good.  I have no headaches and not vision problems.  I just feel like I am eating too much.  I mean it is way less than before but I just fell like it should be less than it is.  Hopefully when I can start exercising I will really start to lose the weight.

15 days post-op

Nov 21, 2006

Sorry it has been a while.  I am doing fine.  I was having vision problems and getting lighted and dizzy.  I called my surgeon on Tuesday and he told me to go see my PCP because it could be the medication I am taking.  Well I saw my PCP yesterday and by the the weights they have taken I have lost 25 pounds in 2 weeks!  I also found out that I was having problems because my blood pressure was too low and now I am not on any medication for a week to see if it helps and then I will be re-evaluated at that time and my medicine adjusted.  I am so happy.  I was also feeling pretty normal so yesterday was a very good day.  My next appointment with Afram will be Nov. 29th.  I can't wait to see what his scale says. lol 
Have a a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

9 days post-op

Nov 15, 2006

I went for my 1 week follow up with my surgeon and he said I lost...15 pounds!  I couldn't believe it.  I was so happy.  My incision looks "beautiful" so says Afram but I think it is pretty nice too.  This pureed thing is not too bad I just can't eat and drink all that is recommended.  I only have a 2-3 oz stomach people. lol  I swear some days I can tell I have lost wait from morning to evening or overnight.  My binder will be nice and tight and then later is is so loose.  If this weight lose keeps up I might lose a total of 30 or more and not have anything to wear to work.  Naked is not a good look for me.

6 days post-op

Nov 12, 2006

I just started the pureed stage of the diet today.  I had 1 oz. of light yogurt and 1 oz of Gerber organic rice cereal.  The flaky kind for babies.  It wasn't bad at all.  I think at this point anything is better that broth water and Popsicles. lol  There really isn't anymore pain just discomfort in my butt (from laying only on it), lower back, and legs.   They get so tired by the end of the day because they have been doing all the work the abs use to.    Since my but is so sore I can only get a few hours of sleep at a time.  I go from the rocking chair in the living room to the twin bed in the spare room all night and finally give up around 6 or 7 every morning.  If anyone know what to do it help the butt please let me know.  I have tried pillows, towels, blankets.  It just doesn't work for very long. I also have bad gas. Not from my lower half but in the stomach and chest.  I am still glad I did this and given that I just had major surgery I am feeling Grrrreat!

Last Post Pre-op...

Nov 06, 2006

If all goes well I will be in recovery this time tomorrow.  I am so excited and I hope nothing stops me from having surgery tomorrow morning.  So if you all don't hear from me then that means I am in the hospital starting my journey on the losing side!

Long Day

Nov 01, 2006

I had my all day last appointments before surgery day today.  I met with my surgeon, trainer, Support Group, Bariatric wing of my hospital, pre-admissions, and hospital blood work all today. lol  I met two women who will be having their surgeries on the same day.   All the meetings went well.  I am less nervous after seeing the hospital and meeting the nurses.  Now I can just be excited and relax. My friend is flying in from Japan on Thursday for her job.  She is going to sneak away on Saturday and come down here to visit.  I have not seen her since 2000.  I am so excited.  These next few days are going to fly!!!  Hey I even lost a couple pounds. lol

Pre-op Testing...

Oct 26, 2006

is done!!! I am so happy. I got my blood work and all pre-op testing completed on Tuesday!. That barium was pretty bad. The first couple of gulps were ok but towards the end I wasn't sure if I could keep it down. I only had to drink one very large cup of the thick kind. The x-ray session lasted about 15 minutes if that. I see my surgeon for the last time before surgery on November 1st. I will be downtown all day. I have my appointment with the surgeon at 9, then meetings with the trainer, nutritionist, group session, and Bariatric Surgery orientation at the hospital. I am going to take the Metro down. I don't drive in the city. I am getting more and more nervous/ excited everyday. I just would like for this to be over so I can start this journey on the losing side. it still doesn't seem real that I might actually be a normal/healthy size.

Nervous vs. Excited

Oct 19, 2006

I have less than 3 weeks left until I am under the knife. it feels kind of creepy because It seems like I am having my last visits with people. I am almost afraid that I won't make it through. I went to a wedding for an old co-worker and saw her and all my other ex-work friends there. I haven't talked to them in over a year and it was like I had just seen them yesterday. We still can laugh and joke about anything and I really enjoyed being there. I went to the wedding with a friend that I hadn't actually seen, though we talk a few times a week, in over 2 years. My best friend in the world, a Japanese woman, Sakiko is coming to the US for work but will come down to see me for the weekend before my surgery. I know that these things could all be just very coincidental but I can't help feeling like maybe this is God's chance of letting me spend one last time with them. I know, morbid right? Anyway I am starting to get nervous with no really fear just excitement and anticipation of the outcome. Is this weird? If anyone is reading this let me know what you think. Leave a comment below this post. :)

New Profile

Oct 17, 2006

I am loving this new profile and OH site layout.  it is much more up-to-date and easy to use.  I am happy!  Three more weeks until my surgery!!

About Me
Frederick, MD
Surgery Date
Jul 07, 2006
Member Since

Friends 34

Latest Blog 24
A year and some change post op!
39 Weeks 2 days Post OP!
6months 3 weeks 5 days post op!
4 months 2 weeks post-op!
I don't know if this counts but...
13 weeks 6 days Post op!
8 weeks, 1 day Post-op!
6 weeks, 2 days post-op!
6 weeks post-op!
4 Weeks, 2 Days Post-op!
