Low Carb Success 1/26/09

Jan 26, 2009

I am on a mission right now and have been for about a week.  I will not stop until I reach my goal.  The goal is to find the magic number of carbs I can eat and still lose and at what rate and also to find what number of carbs I can eat and maintain.  HERE IS WHAT I KNOW:  Carbs do not affect EVERY person.  People who watch their amounts and cals and lose, well, that is great those people more then likely do not carry the bulk of their extra weight in the belly area either.  If however, you are a person that carries a substantial amount of your weight in the belly area then you are more than likely a person who is insulin resistant.  If you are insulin resistant then regardless of low calories intake if your carbs are too high then you WILL not lose weight and may even gain, even on low caloric intakes.  Here is what I have been doing (by the way, this is after month 5.5 which started a 3 month extreme slow weight loss including two stalls):
I eat no more then 20 carbs per day (lost 7 lbs. in 5 days)
took one day off
back to under 20 carbs a day for one week.
After this, I will weight once a week only and on the same day each week.  I will continue to add 5 carbs a week until my weight maintains.  I will cycle this a few times to make sure it is the carbs and not purely accident or TOM or any other variable.  BTW, once you go low carb by the 4th day you don't even crave it anymore at all.  It is a huge energy boost and a wonderful way to live and treat your body if you are a person with insulin resistance. 
What does 20 carbs look like?
4 cups of salad
1 south beach bar and 1 cup of salad
2 oz. of south beach mixed nuts and 1/2 c. salad or greens
1/2 c. cottage cheese and some grapes
basically, one can eat a nice variety and live well on a lower carb diet. 
20 carbs is a little extreme but it is just a beginning to get RID of the carboholic in you.  I love this lifestyle and with the WLS tool we have it is painless to live by in fact, feels great.  It is amazing how full you get from the proteins when you work your tool to its best. 

Gina  : )

