If you are contemplating surgery and not sure then read this:

Jan 31, 2009

You can and will lose the weight!  Then, there is a 98% chance that you will regain the weight and gain more, you will then lose the weight again although never as much as the first time and you will gain even more.  This will happen many times until you finally go to the dr. and find out that you have comorbitities and then you will, if insurance permits have WLS.  By that time you may be in your 30's or 40's and have spent many years of your life sick and worried about your weight and many of the time in a mental torture about being stuck in a body that does not present your personality.  You may suffer from depression, and humiliation you may have pregnancies that are high risk and pay lots of medications for ailments you will have due to your weight.  HAVE THE SURGERY AND HAVE IT NOW.  My only regret is not having my RNY when I was 20.  I  had mine at 38 and thankgoodness for it.  I have had many thin years, many fat years but I suffered through them all with agitating hunger either way.  Now I am normal.  I am hungry, I eat something healthy and good for by body and boom hunger gone.  It is a dream come true.  You are young and healthy, I can't think of a better time to have the surgery.  Most people begin their path of WLS thinking this is the last case scenario if I CAN'T DO IT ON MY OWN however, who has ever asked someone with cancer to try to heal themselves first and then come back and see us for chemo if that doesn't work for you.  It is utterly rediculous.  This surgery IS A LIFE SAVING PRECEEDURE your physical, spiritual and psychological self saving.   This is an incredible place for support and understanding.  Use it well.  Gina  : )

