Oct. 14 2006

Oct 14, 2006

My profile looks so pretty.A special thank  you to sally (Annoyinglizard).
I appreciate what you have done.  TYTYTYTYTY So MUCH !!!

it worked

Oct 11, 2006

Hey it worked...I see my pics.When I first added them I got a error,and I couldn't see my pics.Trial and error I guess. I'm so happy I did this all by myself..... I have to go smack my hubby he is snoring so loud LOL

testing the new beta WOW !!

Oct 10, 2006

Wed.oct.11,2006,I was so happy when I checked my mail and I was picked to try this out.so far I like the look of it.The new features are also kool.I love the blog. i love to keep track of my progress and this is such a kool way to do it.Not going to write to much as its late and I want to explore ..Hugs Kay

October 2006

Sep 30, 2006

Just wanted to say I am doing ok.I'm working out every day .My cloths are hanging on me YIPPIE!!...It get's better each day.i'm stronger now then I have ever been.I have met some very special friens on OH. A nice place to hang out....hugs Kay

Oct,11, 2006
Time to post my 2 months post opt.I am down 36 pounds.I feel pretty good. I am happy about the weight loss. I have question my decission many times over the past 2 months. I wonder what the heck I did and will I ever feel good about my decission.I had periods when my weight didnt move.I panic and wonder if the surgery was a success.I had all kinds of thoughts rush threw my head. I am very happy i'm off my meds for blood pressure,cholesterol,and sugar and also the weight loss. I thought I knew everthing I needed to know , after the surgery and boy was I wrong..You never know enough.Everyone is different. Each day is a learning experance for me. Today I can say I would only have this if it was life threatning. If you have this just to be thin,then you need to do some research. After surgery , you still have to keep track of you daily intake,vitimins,water.So if you think you dont you need to go read some post on OH.I;m not trying to upset anyone.This is how I feel as of right now. I'm taking it one day at a time. Hugs Kay



Oct.31 , 2006

I have lost well over 43lbs. I see Dr.Quinlin on November 17, 2006.I'm not going to weigh in till then.It will be my 3 month check up.I have seen my body change.I have itchy dry skin YUK!I'm haveing fun trying on smaller cloths.I'm doing more things with the children.Today after school I took them out to dinner.I had soup and a wonderful time with them.Stoped at the dollar tree and let them get a goodie bag.Bradley doesnt like the girls to be real close to me,he gets a little jelly on his face.When i look across at them and see the smiles on ther faces ,how happy we are and that were out and about having family time together.This is truely a blessing for me.Makes having the surgery worth it.Knowing I have done something good for all of us.I wouldnt change my life at all.It has made me the person I am today.I'm getting better day by day.Its a learning thing for me each day.I'm up for the journey.Nothing but good and positive thoughts.Till soon GBU Kay

September 2006

Sep 02, 2006


Ok a brand new out look.I did go to the doctor.I pulled a stitch.He said I was over doing it,going up and down the stairs,plus walking.So he told me to rest my tummy ( RALPH ).I've been very good.I don't hop on the scales and i haven't looked for them.My son hid the scale from me.I also quit compairing my weight loss to others who had it done around the same time as me.I was going batty.This is a learning experiance every day.What one can eat another can't. I was only bad one time and it was a cracker.I'm not allowed them yet. I sip sip sip all day long.I really feel good .The last few days has been pretty good.Thank God! Because I was scared I had hurt RALPH.I called and talked with my sister all this week and we compaired notes. I sent her the ISOPURE ( OMG YUK!!! ) I hope she can keep it down.She has a lot of gas,like I did in the beginning. She got us a resturant card off the doctor.To order childs portion.She knew I wouldn't ask him.I'm backwards.lol. She has a doctor apointment the week after mine so instead of her taking air ride. I'm going to go get her and we will spend the day together.Visit Dr.Quinlin and then do lunch .I have so much fun with her.We go to lots of thrift stores.I look for angels.I'm looking for male angel so if any one has one and would love to sell it to me shoot me out a email.My tummy doesn't hurt and I can tell I'm losing cause it getting flat.YIPPIE !!! if my days continue like this I will be so happy.I can deal with this. It has changed my opinion about what i did to myself. I am glad i did this,but I still would never do this just to lose the weight.Thats just my opinion.Don't get mad because I said this.This is a serious operation and not to be taken lightly.I guess I didn't realise how serious it was till after I had it.Even though I did my home work on it.There were still lots I didn't know to after I had it done.It's scary but its exciting if that makes since.We worry about the day of the surgery,make ourself sick and it goes so fast .Then after that we worry about the water,the protien,vitimins and what to eat.We all go through this.I guess we let fear get a hold on us.Perfect love cast out all fear.This is a long journey and we will hit pot holes and our weight will drop and we might even have stand stills.In the end it will be worth it and we will sit back and say What the heck do we get so bent out of shape for.I'm enjoying life one day at a time.Having my grand kids and doing stuff with them is so kool.I will have the energy to do what they like for a change.Ken has been so good to me.He doesn't want me to say any thing about him but he deserves the praises.My son Ken has been a blessing also.I didn;t realise how much I would need help after I got home.I was glad my family supported me.My husband in the beginning was nervous about the surgery.He was scared.He was scared I would die But he knew my health was bad and if I didnt do something I would die.God worked everything out.He works night shift now that school is back.So I better get off here .he brings me home a decaf coffee. YUM YUM !!! it's another way to get water in.LOL brain is always thinking water.HUGS KAY

Well I'm 7 weeks out and doing good.I'm down 30lbs.I feel good about this.Off all my medecine now.Thats a plus.I'm feeling pretty good now.I have decided to weigh myself just once a week.I hate the scale. I have done so good not going to OH and compairing my weight loss.It was making me NUT!! We all lose at a different pace.I still would not have had this done if I didnt have co morbities.
This is tuff.My taste buds have changed and I hate coffee it makes me sick.I loved coffee before.Food taste so different.I'm trying to get the protein in an the water I must say it's hard.I have to force myself to drink and sometimes I even forget to eat.I have started Curves and been doing it every day now. Something i wasn't doing prior surgery.I use to work out,then I slacked off.I'm not saying I like it cause i don't but i do it.I can't see myself jumping around at the age of 70.LOL I met my sister Shirk the other day and she raved on how smaller my hips look.It made me feel good.She has been my number one fan and has been a great support for me during this.I must say we have been good for each other.She is doing well also. She is down 30lbs also. I'm very proud of her, she looks fantastic. We have scheduled our appointments at the same time. We were going at the same time but then she had her surgery a week after me and that screwed up our day being together. The doctor said she is far enough out now .That it's ok to come with me again. Yippie!!! I missed us going together and then going shopping. Well we can make up for lost time...Hugs to all Kay

August 2006

Aug 07, 2006

Aug.8 2006
My last post till after surgery.I have so many things i have to do.I was praying my sisyer shirk was going to have the same surgery date as me but the doctors office made a mistake and forgot to give her a script for a test .So now she will go at the end of this month.One thing nice we can share so much with each other.Keep each other spirits up.I have to go wednesday and get a few things.tonight Ken took me to the Villa to eat.had nice dinner.I really haven't been to jumpy.That will change when i get inside the hospital.LOL I know everything is going to be ok.I have a peace in my heart.I really gave the wheel to Jesus and he is the river, healer and deliver.I have prayed that God will Guide Dr.Quinlin and touch everyone in the operating room with his hand and that the angels surround us.By his stripes i am alredy healed.I could not have done this with out the Lord and my sister shirk.She inspired me to go on.We have had lots of fun going out to eat after the meetings.Now we can order a meal and take it home eat for 3 days off it LOL We can fight over who gets to the sexiest cloths at the store.This is going to be a new beginning for her and me this year.My sister is a beautiful woman inside and out.Well i am going to close.tomorrow i do the liquids and then Thursday I will be on the loser side .I will do my happy dance ..when i feel better.I am going to take pictures in the hospital.I will post when i get home.also my son Ken is going to post on O.H. how I'm doing.Keep me in your prayers ...My journey to a healthy new life is here. big Hugs Kay

Down 14lbs. Wow !! what a rush this has been.I am enjoying my new journey.My sister is scheduled to have her LAP on Tuesday.I am so happy for her.I was hoping we would have been in the hospital together .I can't wait till she joins me on the losing bench.I am saving her a spot.This is going to a good year for us.We have a new out look on life and how to live.The stay in the hospital was good..They took good care of me.The doctor was fantastic! Adjusting to being home was ok.I sometimes wish I had the nurses yelling hey you want a pop cycle.LOL. You wait to you have it done.You will see what i'm talking about.It was nice having them bring my jello.Today was a good day for me.My tummy was very good.Hey I named my new tummy ( RALPH ) he makes so much noise.The gas is toxic.LOL stand back or get away hahahaha.I am really happy I did this.I see my body changing and I love this. I wonder why I waited so long.I was to scared before to do it.There is a time for everything and this is my time.I am so happy for my sister Sharley . doing this with her is a wondeful and rewarding experience for the two of us.We are going to be the new chetta CHICKS !!! I have to go get my shake in will update soon hugs Kay


Aug. 25 2006
I am having a WOW ! moment...wondering what the heck I did to myself.The surgery went well.I am 15 post opt and I have this pain by my belly button.It hurts when I move a certain way.I called the doctor today and he said as long as I am not running a fever ,an i can keep my food down, and not throwing up ,I am to take my tylenol with codi. I hate this pain.I am doing ok other then that.I walk a few blocks and I get all my protein,water in. I dont seem to be losing the weight like I thought I would.My son Ken had to hide the scales from me because i was hopping on them all day long.going nuts. I even gained a pound AND THAT FREAKED ME OUT.I thought what if This operation doesnt work and I dont lose weight.It scared me.I have lost 18 lbs since my surgery.I guess I should be happy but I'm not. I dont know if I would do this again. Maybe when this pain passes I will feel diferent right now I have mixed feelings about the lap RNY. I was reading the post of people who had the surgery the time as me and it depressed me.They are doing better then me.I need to stay away from the before and after board.I compair myself with the people who are the same weight as me.This is wrong so i will stop.I know everyone is different.I hope tomorrow I will feel better . I will keep posting on my progress.HUGS KAY

Hi again,well I still have this pain in my right side.I'm going to call the doctor again in the morning.Other then this pain I feel really good.I'm getting my protein ,water,and shakes in.I dont have any trouble keeping it down and i have a normal BM. The doctor did give me medecine for the pain but it doesn't help.I pray that I don't have a stricture or a ulcer.I want the pain to go away.This really sucks.it helps when I walk.I have been walking each day.I don't like to walk but I make myself do it.I hope in the next few weeks I can post and say something good about this surgery.I'm losing weight ,this I'm happy about.i also feel better except for this stupid pain.till next time ......HUGS KAY

July 2006

Jul 12, 2006

July 13,2006
It's a waiting game now,Waiting to get approved.I havent felt good sence they put me on a 2 week protien shakes.I started having pain in my kidney and then yesterday I spoted blood in my urin.benn in so much pain but yesterday even though i was hurting when I got home from the doctor office.I had a nice letter from my secrete pal.She really made my day.It is so nice to know someone was thinking of me and cared. I love having a sp and I love being one.That means so much to me.I didn't think this 6 months would be this stressful boy was I wrong.I'm sick and tired of being sick. I do want to thank god for answering my prayer.My sister and I started out doing this journey together.She was told a few months back that maybe she wouldnt be able to have the operation because of her copd or something like that.She was so upset when she was told maybe it wouldnt happen.The doctor put her on meds for it and then he had her do the test over again and today she got the ok to have it,I really believe God answers prayers.Now all we do is talk about what were going to eat when we get home and YES !!! we can't wait to get into smaller sizes cloths.When I got home I went down stairs and found my size 7 chic jeans I hung them up in my bedroom .I will get back into them someday....and I will do my happy dance.I'm going to pass all my cloths down to my sister.I don't think I could have done this with out her.She was so faithful and kept my spirit up.It also gave us sister time.I loved it.I loved going to the meetings and then afterwards I would take us out to dinner and then go shopping.Good times lots of laughs.Next update will be my date and I hope its soon Till then Hugs Kay

Hi yesterday I found out i was approved for surgery,my date is Aug 10 ,2006. I;m happy and filled with so many emotions.I'm looking forward to living a healthy life and being able to do things with my family.I couldn't have done this with the support of everyone on OH board.I tahnk you all.I also have to thank the staff at Dr.Quinlin Office.They were so good to me.Now its just counting down the days to a new beginning....Keep me in your prayers. GBU Kay

July 26 2006
I want to thank Sally for sprucing up my profile.It looks so much better . My surgery date is Aug.10 2006.I have packed very little .I am going to wear the hospital top line of fashion.I did get chap stick,c/d player.Tobby kieth and kieth urbin .I have all my personal items and my journal.Oh yeah and the camera.For the before and after shots YUK !!!! So i'm as ready as i will be.Oh I did get nails to put on while i'm in the hospital rot the day I come home.LOL I have met so many nice people on the OH Board.They really have been here for me.I will update when it gets closer hugs Kay

I don't have to many days to wait.I'm so glad i decided to do this.I found out today I dont have to drink any of that yuk !!! that makes you run to the bathroom.Just a liquid diet.When i went too my pcp doctor on the 2 my blood pressure was 110 0n the bottom.Today it was 90 took it,I was glad it was down.I believe i'm calming down.If any of you have read my profile you know i am raising my grand children.The twins said to me mama we wont be able to make bread after you have surgery,LOL they would push on my belly and pretend they were making bread hahaha.Kids are so funny at times.I love them and want to be around to see them graduate.They have brought so much love to my life.Please keep me in your prayers.i STILL DONT HAVE AN angel yet.....ITS FUNNY CAUSE I COLLECT THEM,SO I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD BE THIS HARD TO GET A LIVE ONE... HUGS KAY

June 2006

Jun 02, 2006

June 3 2006
Well it won't be long now.I finish my last dietician class on the 20.Then I see Dr.Quinlin.I was told that at this point they will turn in all my insurance information.Then i wait for the ok.I am so looking forward to having it done some time in July.I have enjoyed going to the meetings.it has been very helpful to me.I have been keeping a food diary and i haven't had any kind of diet pop in 2 months.I'm much better with out it.I have turned to drinking propel.I like the taste.I am trying very hard to follow this.My dietician said the insurance company will be very impressed with my weekly planner.I am doing protien first and then i work the rest in.I also wasnt much on milk but she said to add it to my plan.Si I have added skim milk.Not so bad with whey protein.I need all the prayers I can get also for my sister Sharley.We are doing this as a buddy team.When we went to see her doctor he told her that he wouldnt operate unless her sleep test comes back ok and that the medecine he gave her helps her lungs.My sister had a heart attack last June.The doctor said this surgery would help her.We ar praying her test will come out good and that the meds will work.She wants this surgery really bad.I also want it to for her.Only if the doctor oks it.I thought it would be kool for us to go in together and we could share a room and support one another.We have to put our faith in God and believe all is well.I was looking up the insurance company on the forums and they need to update that page.Most were back in 2003.I have select Blue.Would be nice to see up date.If any one has had select blue,please email me and let me know how they were .I will close for now ITS ALMOST 2:30 AM. i GET ON THE oH BOARD AND GET LOST IN TIME...lol....hugs kay

June 14,2006
i'm doing the whey drinks,working out and my weight hasnt moved.so depressing.I feel like no mAtter what i do or how hard I try the weight wants to stay on my body.I know i take medicine and that has allot to do with the keeping it on.i also have fat genes that run in the family.I find myself beating myself up because i dont see the scales going down.I go to the dietician on the 20.it is my last visit.Then i see the doctor and he will have them send my paper work into select blue.I'm worried because I havent lost any.All i have been doing this week is drinking the whey protien 3x a day and lots of propel.I dont no what else to do.with this weigh I have a hard time breathing and getting around.I had surgery on my back and the weight doesnt help the pain.Oh well I guess this is a pity party day for Kay.I want this surgery for many reason.I have a husband ,2 sons,4 grand kids who need me to be aroud to love them and do things with them.Instead of sitting on the side line and just watching.I want the thin kay to come out and be healthy and able to do things with my family and to be happy.I will post after the 20.

June 21 2006
I met with the dietitian (Sara ) for the last time.She is such a sweetheart.I learned so much from her.We had so much fun today in class.Every time I go there I see so many new faces.I have met some very nice people.I have to call and make my apointment to see the diet education and then I guess my paper work goes into the insurance.I have really worked hard on my food diary and I worked like i was ask to. I haven't been very successful in getting any weight off.I did not cheat and I havent had POP in months.I think if i was able to do high impack workouts the weight would of come off.I did the protein drinks and I think that also had something to do with why i didn't lose any thing.It bound me up.I had to come home and fix that.Sara said to try metameicil or benifiber to my shakes.That hurts when you can't go OUCH !!! I felst so good today .For the first time in a long time I can see the light at the end of this...I pray tonight that I get a quick apointment and a surgery date.I want to be on the winning side.This may sound silly but i had a dream that ,I had the surgery and I could see me thin at kennywood with my grand children.Doing things i can't do now.One of those dreams that are so real and you want to last. My healt is the most important thing and I have to be the one to do whats best for me. I will be doing my happy dance as soon as i get my appointment.....

Today my pain level is over the top.My right leg is numb so I have't left the couch.I'm not one to go on about my aches and pains but this is a tear jerky day for me.My meds arent helping.We have had so much rain and parts of our little town got flash flood.The weather has allot to do with my back pain,and my breathing.On to something more exciting. Well my sister and I have only 10 days till we finish up .The doctors office will send our information into the insurance company.I have been on a emotional roller coaster ride since i started this journey.It wasn't the test or visits to the dieitician it's the not knowing weather or not I get approved.If I have to appeal I will but I will make sure i get an attorney.Hey Ihad 4 sleep study test done,so the insurance company knows I WILL NOT GIVE UP !!! MY LIFE IS WORTH THE FIGHT. My sister Shirley had her last test with the shrink.he made a good point to her.He said he didn't understand the insurance company wanting a test for this.He said there are other operations that are more serious that the insurance companys don't ask them to see a shrink. I see my shrink every 4 months.So it's no big deal to me.He also had the WLS surgery and is doing good (he looks great ).He is very supportive of me having this done. One of the girls in his office also had it done and she looks wonderful.She had my doctor.She said he was wonderful and very professional. I'm very glad I decided to go to the seminar.For the first time in my life I am doing something good for Kay.It is time to live a long and healthy life.i will be able to do things with my family that I couldn't do. Having 4 grand kids I can do things with, Simple things like bike ride,a walk, to go to zoo with them,to take them to Kennywood.This is what I'm looking forward too.Right now I CAN'T

May 2006

May 18, 2006

May 19,2006,
I have all my test done.I go May 23 to the dietician this will be the fourth visit.Learning allot.i watch the video on lap rny it was the one in Philidelphia,Pa.Very interesting.Lots of questions and answers.The video didnt gross me out.It made me wish I was the one on the table.I have had so many people help me on the OH web site. I go on every night and read the post.This is an extra plus for me.The staff have been so very kind and helpful.They deserve a big hug...I want them to know I appreciate them very much.Its nice to know I'm not alone.That I'm not the only one who gets upset and wants the process to go faster.This is what we all have to do.I am no different.I will wait my turn and I will post my surgery date.I know OH will all be there for me.My husband is also supportive and is helping me get my things rounded up.He is going to take some time off of work to take care of me...Such a sweetheart.....I have had many operations.The worst was my kidney so this should be a piece of cake.I had a Birthday on the 16 of May.Ken got me the new razor phone and case..It was a very nice supprise.Well June i finish up my 6 months dietician.Not far away at all.I hope its not long after that I get to see my doctor for a surgery date.I'm thinking positive on being approved....I'm believing it will be done...I will keep you posted night all Hugs Kay

April 2006

Apr 22, 2006

April 23 2006
I went to the dietician on the 18.Yahoooo only 2 more to go.I also saw my pulmonary doctor on the 20.He sent his aproval in to my doctor.He thought it was a good thing for me.I have read so many profiles and we all sound the same.I see we all face the same fears.It is nice to know this stuff ahead of time.It helps me to understand and what i have to do ,to live a healthy life after WLS.I need the message board.It has helped me.It's also very friendly.I would like to thank every one on the ohboard.Ok want to hearsomething funny ..when i got my height at my doctor i was 5 ft. 5 i really liked that because i always thought I was 5 ft 7 hehe that was with heals...DUH !! ok no i go to my pulmonary doctor on the 20 she weighed me and did my height.Said stand up ...hehhe I was 5 ft 4..what the heck!!! is that I'm shrinking..LOL I'll take that ...lol smile . It was because I was having back pain and not standing straight up. Dummy kay LOL...This surgery means so much to me and i'm trying to learn as much as I can.I wish i knew how to put a pretty back ground on here .Does any one no how and if so could you help me spruce up my profile. My next apointment with the dietician is in May . The time is going pretty fast now.Its a shame I'm counting the days down and wanting them to fly by.It's that it makes me closeer to getting my date.Hugs to every one. Kay

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 15, 2004
Member Since

Friends 32

Latest Blog 23
My weight loss
Me Again March 2,2007
Jan. 15, 2007
Merry Christmas 2006
3 Month visit
Thursday Nov.16 2006
Friday oct. 27 , 2006
Weight Loss
