I wish!

Jan 05, 2009

I wish that I would get really sick from sugary foods!  ...like I get sick from greasy foods. 

For lunch, I had leftover 'sticky chicken' and sauted veggies.  I knew the veggies had too much EVOO on them, but I ate them anyway.   Now, I'm suffering.  I think it will pass without much drama, but still... 

After eating like a pig over the holidays, I have commited to getting back into a better, more normal routine.  After noticing Pam joined the Back On Track Together group, I checked it out, and I joined.  For January, I have commited to kick grazing to the curb.  Over the holidays, snacks were plentiful and accessible.  I got into the habit of eating without thinking. 

In the past, I would have just quit after gaining 'holiday pounds', but not this year!  There is no quiting - only accepting and moving on.  I still feel in control for the most part.  I know I can do this.  Being at a stall for so long (months) is disheartening, but I'm not going to let it sabatoge future success.  I'm not done losing weight!

Today, I feel Ok about my food choices (so far).  I did good yesterday, until late night, so today I vow to do better.  I also commit to 30 minutes on the treadmill.


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