Measuring-Up ~ One Month Later

Dec 24, 2007

Well it's been a month since I was measured and posted about the numbers. Today I measured again to see what a month has done for my body and I was very pleased with the results. Especially right now when the scales aren't moving! So, here we go....

11-23-07 One Month ago   
Chest: 37" 
Waist: 42 1/2" 
Hips: 50" 
Thighs: 241/4" 
Upper Arm: 131/2"     

12-24-07 Today
Chest: 36" 
Waist: 41" 
Hips: 47" 
Thighs: 23" 
UpperArms: 12"

I am very pleased with 8 1/4 inches total lost in a month. It's really cool to see the difference a month can make. 

It's also Christmas Eve, I can't think of a more wonderful pressent to myself, than my continued determination to using this tool to be sucessful in my weight loss. I will achieve my goal! 

Sending out the warmest wishes of love and peace to everyone on this Christmas Eve. I feel extremely blessed to be loved by so many, and additional blessings this year for my own physical health and well-being.

Merry Christmas!

Sittin Still

Dec 20, 2007

The scales haven't moved since my last post. I think my body is getting into a cycle of losing consistantly for 2 weeks then taking a week off. That's ok though, it helps that there seems to be a pattern forming right now and I'm able to anticipate the changes. 

I also posted some new pictures today. Courtney I think is getting tired of taking pics of ole Momma here, but she doesn't moan and groan too much. She does pretty good for an 11 year old. She takes all of my weight loss photos in fact. :)

I seem to be have more frequent nights/days of difficulty sleeping. Prior to surgery I slept like a rock 95% of the time. For the first 2 months post-op I slept good maybe 40% of the time. It's been better the last month or 2, like as high as 80% good sleep nights/days but here over the last couple of weeks I've not been doing so well. If I go 2 days in a row without good sleep I'll take a Unisom tablet (the doxylamine version, not diphenhydramine) to help me get some good solid sleep. I'm not really sure what's causing this but I hope it levels out soon. 

I don't mind taking the sleep aid from time to time, it just leaves me feeling so groggy and lethargic the next day so I don't like to take it unless I feel it's necessary. I'm beginning to think that I'm getting to old to work 3rd shift anymore and that my body is not making the trasitions from day time life to night life every other week as well as it used to. What I'm really hoping for is once my weight becomes stable, my body will be able to adjust and develop some normacy, then fix my sleep habbits. 

I tend to be very in tune with my body, even more so now that so much weight is gone so in my gut I'm thinking that the sleep issues are related to the dramatic changes going on over the last 5 months. 

I was just noticing that we have so many different areas on this site to update our info in, it would be nice if we could just update one area and everything else would follow suit! Ha! I'm not complaining really though, it's kinda cool to be able to type in those new numbers so many different times. 

Well speaking of sleep, I think it's about time for me to hit the sack. I feel like I'm tired enough to sleep like the dead tonight, now if only I can stay asleep for a solid 7-8 hours I'll be a happy camper! :)



102 pounds!!!

Dec 15, 2007

OMG! I don't have much time, I've been busy as a one-legged man at a butt-kicking contest this week so I've been slack about posting, but the title says it all!! I've lost a lot of weight this week and I crossed the 100 lb mark!! WooooHooooo!!!

I need to take some more pictures soon, I will! 

I'm just 4 pound away from 200, and I can't even believe it!

Current Weight: 204 lbs
Goal Weight: 155 lbs
Total Lost: 102 lbs

It really doesn't seem real. I had to get on the scales several times to make sure I wasn't seeing things today! LOL

Short and sweet, off to work some more!




Dec 07, 2007

Well I had a WOW moment on the scales today. I had dropped 3 pounds in 3 days! That hasn't happened in a long time so I was sooo surprised and very pleased. I had been up and going all day long yesterday on my feet and such. We had a field trip, then an afternoon of shopping. I think the last time I did an all day shopping thing I lost a couple of pounds that one day. Maybe I need to shop more often!! LOL

At any rate, it's only been a couple of days since my last post here but I'm going to post my stats again!! HA! It's my blog and I'll brag if I want to!!

Current Weight: 212 lbs
Goal Weight: 155 lbs
Total Lost: 94 lbs

*Shock* only 6 lbs til I'm a Century card holder!! WOW! How cool is THAT!?!

I think we'll get a Christmas tree this weekend and do some decorating. I'm defintely ready and in the spirit. We've got a Christmas parade we're participating with the homeschool group tomorrow and we're looking forward to that as well. 

I hope everyone is keeping warm and eating healthily. 



Keeping on Keeping on

Dec 05, 2007

Hmmm I just couldn't think of a witty title

Well let me just start with my stats today...

Starting Weight: 306 lbs
Current Weight: 215 lbs
Goal Weight : 155 lbs
Total Lost:  91 lbs

15 more pounds and I'll be at 200.... THAT is hard for me to wrap my mind around. 9 more pounds and I will have lost 100 lbs total!! That is mind boggling. Where in the hell did I keep all that extra weight? I look in the mirror now and I just can't fathum where in the world I held it all!? Oh I know it was there... I have the pictures to prove it, and I don't even reconize myself in the mirror sometimes, but WOW, I carried around nearly 100 more pounds just 5 months ago! Good Grief!!

Moving right along, I could ooo and ahhh and gasp at this miracle all day.

I found another workout video that's a newer version of my Walk-Away The Pounds series. I had forgotten all about it actually. It's one my mom bought last year while I was busy going back and forth to the gym during my 6 month insurance approval process. It's called Walk-Away The Pounds Abs and it comes with a belt that wraps around your waist and has 2 resitance cords with handles that you use during the workout. I've done it twice this week and the change is soooo refreshing as well as working new muscle groups. Not only am I working more of my abs, I'm also working my back fat! I can feel the sorness in those long back muslces that run behind my ribcage back there. Quite neat to feel those being sore now, I don't think I ever have before. 

I have not been great about getting in my fluids this week. I blame it mostly on the cold and the fact that my hands are freezing all the time day in and day out, but I'm trying to do better today and the rest of the week. I also missed a meal yesterday, bad Holley! I remembered as I was heading off to bed that I  had only eaten twice all day long so I had a couple of whole wheat crackers with low sugar peanutbutter. They were yummy and I felt better about my protein intake when I went to bed. I know it wasn't enough, but better than what I had before the crackers and peanutbutter!

There's excitment all around my house today as tomorrow is a fun field trip day to Raleigh to see the Disney on Ice show. This year it's High School Musical and my daughter and her friends are out of their minds with excitment. To top it off our dear friends from out of town will be joining us and that has bumped up the excitment levels 10 fold. 

Then Saturday our homeschool group is in a parade, that will be a long day as myself and the other co-leader of the group will be getting an early start to get everything together. It looks like it's going to be a cold day as well, so thank goodness I have a pair of long johns that fit! Thank goodness I'll be doing the driving!! Hehehehehe!

I don't have much else to talk about today, just ramling really. I think I'm a bit stir crazy today, I've been doing a lot of work around the house and I've been craving some adventure. It's time to get out on the town some and relax a little. I think I need a date! *gasp*

Hope everyone is doing well. Be safe and eat healthily!


I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop

Dec 01, 2007

Do you ever feel like that? Like it's too good to be true? I'm sure that part of that feeling is due to the fact that my mind hasn't adjusted quite yet to my body getting smaller. 

Knocking on wood here before I dare say these words, but the whole process that I've been through since surgery seems almost too easy. I keep thinking that this is going to get really hard and I'm going to not be able to control my eating again and I'll stop losing weight. Going through those slow downs doesn't help those feelings either! In fact me just getting out of a nearly 2 week slowdown is probably why it's on my mind right now. 

In the beginning of the healing process I never had any nausea or vomiting, I had no problems sticking to my diet phases, I'm ahead of schedule with my weight loss, all my lab levels were aweseome at 3 months, I don't have any difficulties avoiding sweets, and I'm able to reconize when I'm full and stop eating. Not to mention that my appetite still hasn't returned, so I have to keep reminding myself when to eat. All that being said, I'm really not bragging, what I am is in awe of these facts and keep wondering when it's all going to end and I'm going to have to really work hard to keep losing. 

Don't get me wrong now, I've not been sitting around the house vegitating and eating constantly, I'm doing my exercise, I'm staying active, and I'm eating healthily, those aren't always easy to do, but in the broad spectrum of things, it seems easy. Will this ever change? And I don't mean will I ever stop losing weight, of course I will, but will all this easiness just end and I'll go to struggling?

I think what concerns me the most is the fact that I've been told that the appetite usually comes back around 6 months post-op. Now that I'm past the 4 month mark, that worries me. I think I'm affraid that my appetite is the other shoe, that once 6 months arrives I'm going to be hungry all the time again and want to eat more and more. 

I've read other's who are about the same amount post-op that I am, who have all these trials and tribulations with nausea, eating, eating sweets, over eating and I keep asking myself, "Why haven't you had those issues?" 

I even had a dream the other day that I ate so much I ripped out staples in my stomach pouch, only I didn't realize it and just kept eating and all this food was just going everywhere. Weird, huh?

At any rate, those were just some thoughts I wanted to get out of my head this morning. I'm about to head off to bed as I feel the sleepiness settling in over me. It's about that time. 

Take care and eat healthily!



Nov 28, 2007

Well, I've finally broken out of that little slowdown I was in and I've lost 3 pounds this week wich puts me at 90 lbs gone!! EEK!! That's a LOT of weight, I'm still WOW'd by this if you can't tell. 

I guess my body is just ready to start losing again, so here we go. 

Beginning Weight: 306 lbs
Current Weight: 216 lbs
Goal Weight: 155 lbs
Total Lost: 90 lbs

My mind is just boggled by the fact that I am 10 pounds away from losing 100 lbs. part of me, is still in shock that I even had that much to lose, much less 150 lbs. People around me are shocked that I had that much to lose as well. My body style has always carried the weight well, and I've always been proportionate all over, so no one area was extremely bigger and causing a lot of attention like some body types. I was just big all over, and for me it worked to my advantage, or not, depending on how you look at it. That fact probably caused me to live with it a lot longer than I should have. 

Well on top of breaking the slump, it's also my work week, so for me to be losing this weight during my work week it makes me feel great. 

I went shopping with a good friend and my mom this past weekend for a girls day out without children and had a blast. On top of getting a few more gifts purchased, I also bought myself a pair of sexy black boots. They are just above the ankle and leather, and skinny high heels. They look GREAT with my boot cut SIZE 16 new black jeans!! If I grin any harder my face is going to break...LOL.

Something weird today while I was sleeping. I had weird leg cramps that ran down the side of my legs in a small muscle that pulled my foot outwards to the point of hurting in my ankle. I had to get out of bed and stand on that foot to ease the muscle. I've never had a charlie horse like that before. It wasn't as painful in the muscle I guess because it was one of those long skinny muscles on the outside of my lower leg, but it hurt like the devil in my ankle and foot! I'm not sure where this is coming from, but I hope it never happens again!

I was wondering if I might be lacking in something, but my 3 month blood work was awesome a few weeks ago, remarkable even according to the nurse so unless this deficiency has happened in the last 3 weeks I don't think that is the case. Who knows, if it continues I'll call my Dr. 

That's about it for me today. I hope everyone is staying warm with all this cold air circulating all over the country. You guys be safe and eat healthy!


Measuring Up

Nov 22, 2007

Well, it's Friday morning and I have yet to drop below 219. I got one pound below my lowest weight ever and got stuck there it seems! So I'm putting away the scales for a week or so and this morning I had my Mom take all of my measurements. I could really kick myself in the ass for not taking my beginning measurements in July, but I have my measurements from 2006 when I attempted a joint effort weight loss with a friend of mine. I was 294 lbs in the begining of that venture so they'll be pretty close.

I figure as more time passes and my exercise increases the pounds will come off slower so also seeing the inches melt away will be good to keep me motivated. 

So, I'm going to be brave and post my measurements today.

I am 5'7" tall btw

March 19th, 2006:


Chest: 52

Waist: 51

Hips: 60

Thigh: 29.5
Upper Arm: 15

November 23rd, 2007

Chest: 37
Waist: 42 1/2 
Hips: 50
Thigh: 24 1/4
Upper Arm: 13 1/2

I'm not sure about the chest measurments from 2006, because I don't know exactly where I measured. I'm going to bet that I measured accross the breast rather than just below like I did today. Everything else should be pretty close though! I'm impressed at the difference from back then and comparing the 2 is very motivating to keep up the good work.

On another note, Thanksgiving was yesterday and everything went so well. We had our gathering at my sister's new house this year which turned out wonderfully. I only ate 2-3 oz of turkey and a teaspoon of both collards and limabeans. I was satisfied and full and not over full which is such a drastic change for my years past. I did however still feel a little of that turkey coma! Even those small portions will get ya. 

This week I've begun adding more to my workout routine. I do a 30 minute walking aerobic workout of which I incorporate hand weights to build up the intensity.  This week rather than just stretching out with the video and ending there, I've been getting in the floor and doing yoga poses to stretch out, then doing some leg lifts, ab crunches, and chest presses with my heavier hand weights. 

I can tell a difference especially with my chest muscles due to the chest presses. I've been feeling some of that good soreness letting me know that I worked muscles in ways that they haven't been worked lately.  I'm also hoping to increase my flexibility with the yoga poses in my stretching. It feels really good to stretch this way, I feel like my muscles are getting treated better after the high energy aerobic workout. It's also very relaxing to hold those poses on the floor. I feel the tension being release and that is very cleansing. 

Well I hope that if you went out shopping this morning that it's gone by safely without any altercations with crazy shoppers. I'm chosing to go shopping tomorrow with my mom and a friend, because I just can't deal with the 'madness of Black Friday. I'll be quite content to hang out here today and get my nails done this afternoon. :)

Happy Holiday Weekend Everyone!!


A New Week

Nov 19, 2007

Well It's a new week, and the beginning of my off week. I'm looking forward to a daytime way of life this week and a schedule that my body likes. Last week I only lost 1 pound all week, but I've seen that happen many times on my week to work so I'm not stressing about it at all. 

I'm looking forward to getting out on the pavement for walks this week as it's not supposed to be quite so cold this week. I've been working out in the house to a walking aerobics vid that I love called Walk-Away The Pounds withe Leslie Sandsone. I highly recommend any of her Walk-Away series, but my favorite is Walk-Away Express. It's a wonderful low impact aerobic workout that you can make work for you no matter what your exercise level is. I add in hand weights and ankle weights to make the workout more intense as my body becomes accustomed to the workout. 

I got some new pictures posted this morning as well so if you haven't had a chance to look just yet, don't forget to do so before you leave. 

Current Weight: 219 lbs
Total Lost: 87 lbs
Goal Weight: 155 lbs

Thanks for reading everyone! 


It's official!

Nov 15, 2007

I am now lighter than I have ever been in my adult life. Only by one pound, but hey, I'm there!!

Yes, I have lost another pound this week so far which puts me below my all time low of 220 lbs that I can remember as an adult. That feels like a HUGE accomplishment to me. More so than the total amount lost, I guess just because I've never been here before. That makes this all new territory to me.

Something else I've been thinking on lately. One of the things I've noticed about other's around me is that some say things like, "Boy, I wish my extra weight would just melt off of me like it is you". Mind you most of the people that say things like this need to lose 20 - 40 lbs, not 150 lbs. I get the feeling that people that make comments like that feel like going through WLS is cheating at the dieting game and taking the easy way out. I don't think any of these people would ever say something like that, but it does seem that they imply it sometimes. 

Did you ever see the movie total recall? Where you could get hooked up to a machine and run a program that lets you enter the virtual world and experience things as if they are really happening to you. I'd like for others to be able to do that, and see what it's like to 1. be heavy enough to need WLS, and 2. experience what it's like to work your ass off to achieve a healthy weight, only to realize that the ONLY way you can do that is to have major surgery. Not to mention all the hoops a lot of us have to jump through in order to get approval from insurance. Lord knows we wouldn't be able to afford it other wise. 

And WOW, just thinking about how insurance companies rule our lives sometimes could lead into a whole other rant, but I think I'll just leave this with the thought that any insurance company that denies a morbidly obese person the WLS they need to be happy and healthy should be ashamed of themselves!

Ok, off my soap box now. I just needed to get that out. My stats today:

Current Weight: 219 lbs
Total Lost: 87 lbs
Goal Weight: 155 lbs 

WOW! I'm on my way baby!!

About Me
Windsor, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This was taken on July 16th, 2007 as part of my

Friends 46

Latest Blog 47
1 yr Post Op Surgeon Visit
10 months and a whole new life
Adrenaline Junkie? Maybe!!
Stalling.... Sitting Still... Scales Not Moving....
Just another week at work
Sore Muscles
Eatin My Words
Sick and Loopy, and one more pound is Gone!
Updating for Spring!
