June 1

Jun 10, 2009

Ok I skipped some time.

I had no dumping syndrome which is excellent.  Some loose stool which they said might happen from the chance in diet but nothing uncontrollable.

I did have 1 vomiting episode.  I got last and guess and the amounts.  Let me tell you I was sick all night and into breakfast the next more.  Couldn't get or drink till the next day around noon.

I hate to say but I am glad I experienced that because now I know what it feels like & how I will never get into that situation again.  My measuring cups are on the counter now & they will never see the drawer again.  HAHAHA 

I do have a little trouble with one pill for gallstones which they put you on here because rapid weightloss can cause gallstone.  So as a preventative they have you take that.  Once in a while it get stuck but I general sip more water and then it desolves and goes through the opening.  Minor discomfort for about 1-2 minutes...  Besides it isn't a permanent pill so I can make it through.

I went back to my doctor.  And they were amazed they said your doing excellent you're above where you should be for weightloss so far and officailly down 30 pounds and I was not even a month post-op.  My surgeon said see you in a year!!!  I have to do follow up with Endocrine but the surgeon I will not see till next year.  My dietician was happy with my progress, my exercise is right on mark.  They were very, very happy...  So am I!!!


About Me
St. Charles, MN
Dec 15, 2008
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