Looking back, Heading forward.

Jan 01, 2014

Well, its been over 6 years since my lap band surgery (10/23/2007). And its been over 3 years since my last post. When I began this journey I imagined I would be at goal weight by now. I should have imagined I would be a tall, blond supermodel. Looking back both seem equally impossible. I am at the same weight as when I started. I am older, with more aches and pains, bad knees and a lot of miles on me. The one thing I have realized is imagining my goal will not accomplish it. It will take hard work, perseverance and more will power than I can imagine. I pledge to myself, since I am the one I am doing this for, that I will use my band for its intended purpose, As a tool to help me win this war on fat. I pledge to gain control and hold myself accountable of my food, drink and exercise choices. I know I will never be a supermodel, darn it. But I can loose weight and be healthier.




Back On The LapBand Wagon

Jan 01, 2010

Well its been a year since I posted. When I fell off the wagon I did it big time. Not only have I not lost any weight, I gained back what I had already lost.  I fell back into the same old routine of stress eating, drinking with my meals and eating large amounts of anything that would pass thru my band easy.
But now its a new year, I have a better frame of mind and am determined to make the best use of my band. I know it works, I had lost over 50 pounds. I have my support team (husband, daughter and friends) to encourage me.  The road to a healther me is long and sometimes difficult, but I have made the first step. I know there will be potholes but if I keep a tight grip on my goal I will not fall off the wagon again.

New Year New Attitude

Feb 01, 2008

01/28/2008 All I can say is I survived Christmas. Will no restriction in my band I could eat anything I wanted and in big amounts.  I did gain a few pounds back, darn that fudge, but now I am back on track. 

With the New Year also came a fill, but almost no restriction. The second fill however is doing wonderful.  I can eat anything I want, just a small portion.  Isn't that what the band is supposed to do? I am making better food choices, getting in the protein and water, LOOSING WEIGHT, and feed great. I have already lost the holiday gain and am on my way to a thinner me. I have baggy pants now, it doesn't take much to make me happy. 


Nov 23, 2007

11/23/2007- Thanksgiving has come and gone and so has a total of 37 lbs,  never to be seen again.  I cooked a traditional dinner of turkey, ham, dressing and all the side dishes.  Everyone had plenty to eat, including me.
Now on to better, "not bigger"  holidays.

First Dr Visit Post Op

Nov 15, 2007

11/12/2007-- Went for my first post op doctors visit. Incision sites are healing fine. His scales weighs me three pounds more than mine.  Must be the clothes. LOL  I had a total loss of 33 pounds.  I can advance to mushies.  Come back in Jan. 2008 for my first fill. 

Lap Band Surgery- Been There Done That

Oct 26, 2007

Hey, everything went really well. 10/23/07: Got to the hospital at 8:00am, had surgery around 1-1:30. Jim was a nervous wreck. Kept saying "its not to late to change your mind". 

When I was waking up after surgery I kept hearing someone asking Maria' can you hear me, are you awake and I would answer, then they would start talking in spanish. I kept saying I cant understand a word you are saying.  When I woke up more I realized the lady in the bed next to me was who they were talking to.  My nurse said I would just answer when they called her name and look so confused when I couldn't understand what they were saying.  How often do you get a Marie and a Maria next to each other.  

I have four 1/2 inch cuts in a row just a little ways under my breasts, and a 1 inch cut for the fill port just below them.  I have no stitches. I am super glued together.  I asked the doctor what type of bandage was on the cuts, as it looks like a piece of saran wrap stuck to the skin, he said it was like steril super glue.   I had to have some pain meds.  Cant pass up a chance to get some morphine. HaHaHa  I only had about three small doses.  The gas they inflate you with has been more uncomfortable than the cuts.  I just started passing gas yesterday, and now feel a lot better.  They had me get up and walk the halls as soon as I was awake enough.  Could not have any water, or ice chips the first day.  I wet my mouth with a damp washcloth, and used lots of moisturising chap stick.  The surgical ICU was full, so I stayed in the bone marrow transplant ICU.  They were very nice. They let Jim stay in the room with me all night on a cot/chair.  He would spaz every time the phone would ring because everywhere there were no cell phone signs.  He didn't want to "kill" someone by messing up there equipment. 

Men are no help at the hospital.  Do you know how many men it takes to let a woman use the bedpan?  Three.  A male RN, a male assistant, and a husband.  Then it takes a woman to change the bed where they got me soaked.  Its funny now but wasn't at the time.  They liked to never found a bedpan, and when the did they were so concerned about my modesty that they didn't get the pan under me.  And how they managed to move that pad they always put under your butt I will never know. 

Now that I am home I feel better, I can get around fine, just a little weak.  .  I can only have liquids this week and full liquids next week.  At least 48-64 ounces of liquids. I came home from the hospital  1 and 1/2 pounds heaver then before surgery.  I know its water retention from surgery and was told to expect this.  I have to just take it slow and easy this week and next week start my regular walking and some type of exercise.  Overall its not been to bad.  I have not been hungary at all, which is a good thing since I bet there are ten thousand halloween candy commercials on tv. 

About Me
Northport, AL
Surgery Date
Jan 23, 2006
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 6
New Year New Attitude
First Dr Visit Post Op
Lap Band Surgery- Been There Done That
