Looking back, Heading forward.

Jan 01, 2014

Well, its been over 6 years since my lap band surgery (10/23/2007). And its been over 3 years since my last post. When I began this journey I imagined I would be at goal weight by now. I should have imagined I would be a tall, blond supermodel. Looking back both seem equally impossible. I am at the same weight as when I started. I am older, with more aches and pains, bad knees and a lot of miles on me. The one thing I have realized is imagining my goal will not accomplish it. It will take hard work, perseverance and more will power than I can imagine. I pledge to myself, since I am the one I am doing this for, that I will use my band for its intended purpose, As a tool to help me win this war on fat. I pledge to gain control and hold myself accountable of my food, drink and exercise choices. I know I will never be a supermodel, darn it. But I can loose weight and be healthier.




About Me
Northport, AL
Surgery Date
Jan 23, 2006
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 6
New Year New Attitude
First Dr Visit Post Op
Lap Band Surgery- Been There Done That
