Post WSL 1 week down!

Nov 22, 2010

Well, things have been going much better. Although food is still think of food frequently, the goal and the lack of hunger is keeping me strong. It is amazing how much better I feel just after 1 week. After the first couple of days, I though I would never be the same. However, the "I am actually able to function" feeling is coming to me. After surgery, that feeling is long gone, but eventually returns. In 1 week I start my soft food diet, but am nervous. I will return to teaching my students after one week of food introduction, if all goes well, but I am nervous about that too. Will I have the same energy? Even though I am obese, I have a lot of energy when it comes to teaching. I don't want to go back feeling less than, because that may effect my students negatively. My students are children with special needs, and I don't like the thought of upsetting them any more than me being out has already done. Does this make sense? Oh, how I miss those fun kids!

Post Surgery: Day 3

Nov 18, 2010

Well, this has been my third full day following surgery. I still feel like I've been hit in the gut one too many times. :) This surgery was the first surgery I have ever experienced and am only able to speak of my own experience. I am happy that I am doing well, and that each day brings me feeling closer to normal. The one thing I must say that I never thought would be painful, is the air leftover from surgery. That is how they check for "leaks," but you get the joy of that gas pressure until it is all gone. This could last awhile, which is the only thing I don't look forward.

In my mind I think about food, the taste, the smell, and yet am not hungry. That is something that feels funny. Food, for me, has always been my comfort. I think, due to my recovering I am visualizing the things that have brought me comfort before. However, I have been able to stay focused and remember what all of this is for and my end goal.

Pre-op appointment

Nov 01, 2010

Well, I am getting closer! I have a pre-op appointment with Dr. Banerjee on November 3rd. I started my pre-op 800 calorie diet, so my liver will, potentially, get smaller. It stinks how hungry I am! Just a small change in calories and all of the sudden I am starving. Good grief! I feel like a wimp!  However after all this whining, I know what the end result will be and it keeps me motivated to stick with it. It is a good thing I lost my sense of smell, though. My husband is eating dinner, and I cannot smell it. Otherwise, I could be in there tackling him to the floor and taking his pork chop!   
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Things are looking up!

Oct 05, 2010

Today I received a date for my surgery! It's amazing, it felt like forever when trying to reach my target weight (for surgery), but now that I reached doesn't seem like it took that long. I imagine that's how I will feel following surgery. Of course, the support of my husband and the drive to succeed has made this process so much easier. In fact, I must say, the classes, appointments, and everything else my doctor requires has been quite motivating, as well. Thank you to all, for your continued support.
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About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2010
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