Holy buckets!!!

Jun 05, 2007

Ok I went shopping and bought a new pair of capri pants two days ago and they are, hold your breath, a size 12.  So in seven months I have went from a 24-26 to a 12-14.  I almost cried right there in the store.  I also got me one of them there tops that hug your body, and it fits and it looks alright.  Man this is all so amazing I cant believe it.  God Bless all of you and have fun!!!

Sicker than ever!!!!

May 29, 2007

The last weekend in March I was in Wendover NV at a concert, Rick Springfield and yes he is still a hotty, and I got a fever.  April 1st I was throwing up and got scared my temp was over 103 and I could not drive myself home from Utah.  After my dear Aunt came and got me we ended up in the ER for over five hours.  They treated me for kidney infection for about three weeks and when the fever would not go down and I was about to give up they decided to stick a big huge long needle in my back.  In the area between my kidney and my colon they sucked out 40 cc's of nasty green infection.  Man did that hurt but at least the fever broke then.  To say the least they checked the infection and it was a very bad bacterial infection.  So I have been on antibiotics since April 1st and will be on them for at least another month.  This had nothing to do with the band, which man everyone sure freaked out about that one.  I just sure wish that someone in the hospitals in this area knew something or just anything about the band, I had to explain to all the doctors and nurses about it.... I asked doesnt anyone watch commercials or read magazines? 

Never Again

Apr 09, 2007

Well I went to the doc on the 19th of March and had the band tightend and omgosh it was to tight.  I kept it for three days thought I was dying and ended up with a severe kidney infection.  I was only down one pound but I think it was my own doing that I did not lose any weight for the month.  While I was in Vegas enjoying Nascar for the first time I enjoyed a few to many Maragritas, so I wont do that again.  It is a bad feeling toi know you sabotaged yourself.  After I had the band put back to where it was before I am now losing weight again and feeling great.  Headed back to Vegas for drag races next weekend, but wont be drinking anything but water this time.  I want to be happy when I go to back to the doc on the 24th of April.  I broke one of my goals, on the 20th of March I hit the under 200 mark.  Wow was great and now just keep going lower and lower.  Life is great.  Ok until next time enjoy and have fun with your life.

Feb 22

Feb 23, 2007

Another trip to the doc another great day.  Down another 8.5 lbs so that is a total of 41.5 since surgery and a little more since the start.  We did not do any adjustments right now because I am going through a rough stressfull time so we thought it would be best to wait until the next visit.  Still feeling great and getting better and better each day.  On the verge of dropping another pants size, I still cant believe I am wearing regular clothes and not plus size.  I enjoy shopping more now than I have in years. 

January 11

Jan 16, 2007

Went to the doctor again and was expecting the worse but oh ya down another 5 and a half pounds.  I did have another adjustment to my band, I am now at 2 cc's.   So now down 33 lbs since surgery and down 50 lbs from the start of the liver shrinking diet.  So I can not believe 4 months and 50 lbs.  Just totally blows my mind.  I am loving the new clothes though, have had to buy some since nothing seems to fit anymore.  It is such an amazing thing when every person you run into comes up to comment on how great you look and they notice how much weight you have lost.  Waking up and feeling so much better, with more energy not getting winded or tired easily.  Makes this whole journey so worth while.

December 9th

Dec 11, 2006

Went to the NewU clinic and had my first appointment after having the first adjustment.  After talking to the nutrionist they were going to take the saline out.  I have been having trouble with bread which is to be expected and meat.  Well the meat is why they were so upset.  I had to say wait and explain that I have not been able to eat it since surgery not just since the fill.  So needless to say I pleaded my case and they left it alone.  Which made me happy since I was down 8lbs since the fill which was three weeks earlier.  I did promise though to learn to eat meat and I have kept my promise and have ate some.  I just have to remember to take tiny baby bites and chew chew chew.  I am very happy I did this and I would do it all over again.  This past Saturday I had to go shopping for an outfit to wear to my work Christmas party and I was like a little kid in a candy store.  Each item I picked out in a smaller size than before was still to big.  I did not have to buy anything in the "Womens" size area.  So in the 7 weeks since surgery I have went from a size 26 to an 18 and oh what a feeling this is., and to think it is just getting started.  Healthy smaller me here I come!!!!

Leading up to surgery

Dec 11, 2006

After we went to the seminar I filled out the acceptance pack and sent it back.  I was accepted and had to have a few tests done.  I went for my womanly check up and visited my regular doctor and then made the initial appointment with Dr. Baird in Idaho Falls.  My mom and I talked to him for a little bit and before we left we were given a surgery date, which was 3 weeks away.  Needless to say I started freaking out then.  But I smiled and started the liver shrinking diet the following week.  Well surgery got pushed back a couple of weeks due to the financing so I was on that yummy fantastic diet for a month.  But then the day finally came and in I went.  I was not in much pain afterwards and was home by that night.  I was sore for a few days and back to work in a week.  After about three weeks I felt fantastic and then faced the learning to eat and live as much of a normal life is possible after having the band done.

About Me
Rupert, ID
Dec 05, 2002
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 17
Just checking in
Holy buckets
December 04, 2007
One year and happy as can be
I could have fainted
Happy Days are here again
Another Doctors visit another smile
