Sleep Study 9/10 @ 8:30pm

Aug 31, 2007

American sleep disorder Facility

Nutritionist appoinment 9/13 @ 9am

Aug 30, 2007

Flagstaff Medical Center

Got 2 referrals today

Aug 30, 2007

One week after my first appointment with my new Dr. and I left her office with a referral for a sleep study and my nutritional eval or whatever it is called. I called to make the sleep study apt. but was told I needed to come in first t fill out paperwork and watch a video, so thats what I will be doing tomorrow at 10 am. Still waiting for the Nut. to return my call tho.

I'm getting there...

Update on me

Aug 23, 2007

Well since my  last post I started my 6 month diet, was "diagnosed" with pre diabetes and have been taking Metformin for it as well as checking my sugar levels. I have lost about 10 pounds but my Dr was not satisfied and wanted to start me on Byetta injections. I tried to talk to her about my desires to have Lap Band surgery ( yes I changed my mind) and she brushed it off and said not till we do a few more months on a new med....I was so upset, I then asked if I could start getting some of the pre op stuff done like seeing the nutritionist...she said she didnt like nutritionists take on diabetes they just puch carbs too much, ummm hello, I wanted to see a nut. for the WLS not diabetes......I left her office with tears in my eyes and decied that after 8 months of trying to convince her that I want to have WLS it was time to move on to a new Dr. who would listen to me and help me reach my goals.

So I called around and found a Nurse Practitioner that said she would help me. I had my first appointment with her this morning. And I LOVE her already, she listened to me and actually left the room to go call the surgeons office to see what we needed to do, I guess she is friends with the bariatric surgeons nurse that handles all the surgery stuff, she is sending my new Dr. a packet  on everything we need to do. She told me to come back next Thursday to go over everything with her. I already know what needs to be done, but I think she might be new to this  which is fine with me, as long as she is with me and not against me.

I told her I felt like I had accomplished more in the last 30 minutes with her than the last 8 months with my old Dr.....HA!

Sooooo Maddddddd.....

Mar 21, 2007

The nurse from my pcp's office just called about an hour ago and told me my insurance denied my request for a referral.......I am so mad I am crying!!!!!

She said they say it's not medically nessacary and that I should do a 6 month diet and lifestyle change....Hello I was going to do the supervised diet after I saw the surgeon and had a plan.

I guess I should wait till I have a bunch of Co Morbs before I ask for the surgery instead of having the surgery now and not having all the health probems.....

So, I called the surgeons office and told the lady on the phone what was going on, she is going to have someone look into it and call me back, hopefully that will do some good.

Gall Bladder removal scheduled for April 20th @ 7:30 am

Mar 21, 2007

Flagstaff Medical Center

March 28-Tubal Ligation Surgery Consult

Mar 13, 2007

10:30 w/ Dr. Lynn

March 14th- Gall Bladder Surgery Consult

Mar 13, 2007

3:00 w/ Dr. Aldridge

Bloodwork results....

Mar 13, 2007

Well she was wrong, I have no metabolic syndrome, I don't have a throid condition, the only thing she even said was that my cholesterol was 42 and that was cause I don't exercise enough. She was actually surprised by how well my results were. I guess she just assumed that because I am overweight I have to be unhealthy!?!?

She gave me a referral to see a surgeon for a consult about removing my gall bladder cause the sonogram showed a large stone still. She aslo gave me a referral to have my tubes tied off topic yes but I am still having that done as well. She said she wanted to see me after I had my gall bladder removed and then we would talk about diet and exercise because she still thinks I am borderline Metabolic Symdrome.

BUT.....The surgeon she reffered me to for the gall bladder is the same Bariatric surgeon who I already went to his seminar and wanted to see for a WLS consult. I called the surgeons office to make an appt for the gall bladder consult and also asked about getting a referral to see them for the WLS, the lady on the phone told me that I needed to get a pre authorization # from my insurance company before I can get the rferral to see them about that. So I called my PCP's office back and left a message for my Dr's assistant, I told her what I needed. I recieved a call later from her saying she was confused cause she had already faxed the referral for the gall bladder surgery over and the insurance company said that cause the surgeon is contracted a authorization # wasnt nessacary, I then had to tell her that I wasnt asking for a referral for the GBS. She said she would have to ask my PCP if it was ok. I assume it was cause she called mt back that evening saying that it would probably take awhile to get a response caus eshe has to send info the insurance company about my health records to get the pre auth. #.

So Thats where I am now. I am waiting for the # to get my referral. The nurse said she has seen it take up to a month to get it but I am sending out positive thoughts that I will here back real soon.....WHY NOT??

Dr. Appointment update's...

Mar 13, 2007

Well my first appointment with my new PCP didnt go as I had planned, I mentioned that I was interested in GBS and that I had done research on it for yeras now and was ready to do something. She looked at me and said I think you have metabolic Syndrome. Apparently she "connected the dots" in her words and could just tell by my familys history, the gall stones I have, the fact that I had succeeded with South Beach diet and lost 30 pounds last year were all signs of this syndrome...Ok fine, so she orders a bunch of bloodwork done and a thyroid panel cause "my neck is thick" and she thinks I have a problem w/ my thyroid. I also went and had another sonogram on y gall bladder.
So she told me that I didnt need to have GBS and that she has heard so many bad stories about the surgery and that I can lose this weight with medicine for the metabolic syndrom and get this.....DIET & I had never thought of that....gesh lady!  But I left her ofice with a feeling of well good if I do have this syndrom and I go on meds she said that I will most likely lose weight. GREAT I'd rather do that than the surgery, who wouldn't!

About Me
Flagstaff, AZ
Nov 19, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 23
Ramblings of a mad woman...
I've been calling everyday...
I just had to
One step forward
My own personal check list of things done and things needed
I think I know where I'm headin now?
Dang Psych Eval!!!!!!!
Sleep Study results
One more hoop to go...
Psych Eval 10/17 @ 9 am
