I am no longer mordily obese!

Mar 11, 2008

I am only obese! I went to Dr. Yee's office yestarday for back pain and I was weighed in at 275 which buts my BMI at 39.4 which offically makes me obese and not morbidly obese! Woohoo!

On the flip side I do not have a single pair of pants that fits me right.. Boo

Holy Crap I think I've found my sweet spot...

Dec 20, 2007

So I got my 6th or 7th fill on Tuesday and I was filled up to 6.5 CCs in my 10 CC band, and already I'm down 4 lbs this week. I still dont see it. I still think I look the exact same way. However the scale is moving in the right direc tion and that makes me happy.

Four stupid pounds.

Nov 19, 2007

So over the course of the last month on paper I've lost only 4 pounds. However what's really happen is that someone started to snack on the halloween candy that was sitting around work... and that someone gained 10 lbs back.  Yeah.

And then when I started so exersize more, my weight actually starts to plateau. So yes, I've lost 14 lbs over the past month. It's just that unfortunatly I had already lost 10 of those 14. so they didn't count. Damnit,

So I'm back on the gravy train. (Pun on purpose.) Someone on livejournal WLS someone did a Pouch Reset Diet for her RYN and while it doesn't work exactly the same for the lap-band I started to do the same  principal; starting from scratch just as if  had been dicharged. It's really helped me to get in to the right frame of mind.

Here's hoping the Thanksgiving Gods are gentle..

Under 300!

Oct 21, 2007

Finally after a month in platue land my time finally ended and I am officially under 300 lbs! Woohoo! 298.2!

In Defense of Butter

Oct 11, 2007


Sure, butter is rich in fat—especially the saturated kind. But most of this fat is composed of palmitic and stearic acids. Research shows these saturated fatty acids either have no effect on your cholesterol or actually improve it. Not enough to convince you that butter—in moderation, of course—isn't a dietary demon? Keep reading.

One pat of butter contains just 36 calories, and the fat it provides helps you feel full longer.

Butter is one of the top sources of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a natural fat that's been shown to fight cancer.

Studies show the fat in butter improves your body's ability to absorb vitamins A, E, D, and K. So a pat of butter on your vegetables actually makes them healthier (and tastier).

Seconds all around

Sep 12, 2007

Monday was my second support group up @ NWWLS and today was my second fill.

The support group wasn't as good as the previous one I went to in that the guest speak lost 200 lbs on her Lap Band and is now a Yoga teacher.  But OMG did she really need to talk for 45 minutes on how great yoga is? I was so bored. Luckily I was sitting in the back of the room. It got much better when we split up in to little groups based on our band dates. Last time the group of those who haven't gotten their first fill yet, and that group was so huge we really couldnt talk, plus we didn't have a staff leader so we didn't know what to do. However this time our group was much more manageable and Jessie was there to mediate and guide us. I had a great time, and I'm thrilled I got to have more interaction with other bandsters.

This morning I had my second fill again with Jana. She loaded me up with 1 full cc and gave me water to sip and while it was going down, every sip caused a bubble burp and I actually felt serious restriction for the first time. I was worried that if I was having this much trouble with water what would happen when I ate food, so she took out .4 cc and I'm now @ 4.6 CC in a 10 CC band. I'm going to give it a week or two and maybe try to fill by another tenth of a cc or two again.

On the plus side I'm down another pound in a week.

First Fill

Sep 06, 2007

As of yesterday I am officially 4 weeks out, Saturday will be one month. Since I have a new type of band I can get my first fill at 4 weeks, and lord am I thankful. I have been feeming like a junkie for a fill. I’ve been eating way too much and I haven’t felt anything since the beginning of week two. Since the beginning of week 3, I’ve been on solid foods and I haven’t had a problem with anything aside from the few occasions where I didn’t chew something enough.

So I went in for my first fill yesterday up @ NWWLS. She weighed me in and 4 weeks out and I’m down 25 lbs. *Squee!* However since I don’t feel anything she wanted to verify how much was already in the band (New type of band comes with some liquid already in the band). I already had 3 cc in my 10cc band, and she added 1 more cc, and still advised that I make an appointment for my second fill next week since I’m not having any restriction. I sipped my water and she gave me my fill card, and life was good.

So exactly 4 weeks out and my scares are healing well, mostly in part to the slathering on of vitamin E every night. I really need to exercise more however when I come home after work, the last thing on earth I want to do is jog in 70-80 degree weather. (70-80 degrees ay not be bad for others but I’m a native Seattleite, and anything above 69 and I’m uncomfortable and unhappy; bring on the rain!)

I’m also in the phase where all of my clothes are starting to completely fall off of me. It’s not really that attractive. However several “conditions” I had before the surgery have started to disappear which is just as thrilling as any number on a scale.

Unfortunately I’m feeling so good; I want to share my success with everyone. As in I want to pass out my doctors card to every obese person I see on the street or in the hall, and tell them “You don’t have to feel like this!” However I don’t think people would take it as I truly mean it, no matter how heartfelt I come off.


Sep 03, 2007

My new minigoal is to be 250 by New Years (However I would be happy with 265-275). 50-something lbs in 3 1/2 months? Normally I would say bullshit, however with my Lap Band and my first fill Wednesday and getting the Proclub membership. I'm hoping with some determination (sp?) and hard work I can make it.

The changes keep rolling on in.

Sep 01, 2007

So Thursday I had an eye appointment to get contacts. I haven't worn contacts in maybe 5 years, however I thought with the Lap Band surgery It was time to make more positive changes. I've had some serious exfoliating and waxing on my legs and they're starting to glow. I went to a highly refered eyebrow specialist in Seattle who gave me a custom brow design and gave me a plan to rehabilitate them from former past eyebrow butchers.

I also paid a visit to Shandra @ Derby Salon, and I swear that chick is a total genius. She gave me a fantastic cut that perfectly compliments the duo-color she gave me as well. She dyed it a warm chocolate brown with a a strawberry red/auburn undernieth. She always makes me feel so pretty.

So the contacts on Friday were  the next step of leaving the old "big" me behind. I deeply want to move in to being someone who cares about herself inside and out. I'm going through so many changes on the inside I want them to reflect on the outside as well.

I really need to increase my exercise more. I'm getting more in at work durring the weekdays by taking the stairs as much as I can, and with all my meetings it ends up being a ton. I got some pink weights I use at home but I really need Tom to put the bowflex togeather like I asked.

I get my first fill on Wednesday and can I just say I need a fill like nobodies business. I am totally in bandster hell and I can feel it. I need to stay strong but I feel like a junkie who needs a hit. At least I'm not super over eating and I'm still loosing weight steadily.

Bandster Hell

Aug 29, 2007

I'm offically in Bandster Hell. I dont get filled for exactly a week and I'm a little "too fine" eating. I'm doing my best to keep my calories down and avoid liquid calories but jeebus I'm hungry all the time. 

I am eating FAR LESS than before surgery, however I need a fill like a junkie needs a hit.

About Me
Duvall, WA
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 23
I am no longer mordily obese!
Holy Crap I think I've found my sweet spot...
Four stupid pounds.
Under 300!
In Defense of Butter
Seconds all around
First Fill
The changes keep rolling on in.
Bandster Hell
