I need to find a scale

Aug 27, 2007

I have two scales, one is analog and is at work, the other was cheap & digital and is at home. The one at home says 308 and the one at work says 290.

That's a little effing irritating.

The Happy Birthday Girl

Aug 23, 2007

PostScript: It's my birthday! Happy Birthday Me!

I love my Lap band and I couldn't have asked for a nicer present.

First fill: September 5th, 2007

I'm also totally going to whore out a dear local LJ friend's YouTube Vlog. She also had her Lap Band done @ NWWLS and has documented her whole process all on video and is posted over at YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/thebandinme

Check it out it's totally fantastic.

More NSV

Aug 23, 2007

So I'm starting to see more Non-Scale Victories, despite not seeing any physical changes in myself.  I have the bestest pink studded belt from Torrid in a 4X their largest size but I had to quit wearing it b/c when I wore it, I could only put it on the last hole, and I still looked like chinch pony I used to laugh at named "Doughnut." So alas it was resigned to the back of my closet.

Well since post-op unbeknownest to me I've been shrinking, and my pants keep falling off. Yes I know totally attractive! So I dug out my belt of hotness and I put it on and in order for it to fit rightand keep my pants up, it has to be on the 3rd hole in! The 1st hole used to be tight and now I'm on the 3rd hole and it's still loose? Un-freaking-real.

So now with belt of hotness holding up my pants, I have started to develop diaper-butt since my pants are too big for me. But I guess that's a different problem for a different day.

Other than that I'm just starting my 3rd week, and since I have the new band I'm offically back on regular foods!

Sip, sip, sip, bite, bite, bite!

Second NSV

Aug 19, 2007

For years I have had a patch of "Acanthosis Nigricans" between my breasts. I realize this sounds like an exotic condition but I'm guessing anyone with any obesity problems know exactly what I'm talking about.

"Acanthosis Nigricans"

(This picture is not me, its an example I snagged off Goggle.)
Brown patchy skin usually where your skin folds or is compressed frequently. 

Mine was right between my breasts. Boys or small chested girls may not realize how much  that skin is compressed and relaxed for big chested girls. Just regular bra on, bra off breast placement was enough for me to develop this condiation. However loosing just the meger amout of weight I already have has already made my skin look normal. I can still see it however it's enought for me to feel confident enough to wear anything that might show cleavage, where previously I was afraid someone would see how horrible deformed my body was.

Or at least thats how it felt to me, as the possesor of said body.

I'm so happy I could cry. One small step back to feeling normal.


Aug 18, 2007

Friday I had my post-op appointment with Esther. I got my card with all my info on it and b/c I was given one of the newer bands I got the official okay to move on to smooshie foods; after only a week! Woot!

Also for the same reasons I get to have my first fill @ 4 weeks instead of 6, and I got that all squared away.

I also had a weigh in and I'm down 5 more lbs, down 21 lbs total from 330.2, down to 309.2. 

Today I had my very first NSV! I went to get my hair cut and I saw darling Shandra how I havent seen since April (when I was def @ my highest) and the first thing she said was "You have lost weight!!"

... and the she made me pretty!

Traded to the loosers bench

Aug 11, 2007

Things are still hurting, mostly around my port, and I swore that I got a Advil liqui-cap stuck last night. This has been fixd and I'm now taking liquid Motron instead; grape flavored!

No shoulder/gas problem I was warned of, but there is a definite in/out gas problem. Yes. Jarrah is farting a lot. I haven't pooped in a couple days. However since I've only been drinking soup and water I'm not really worried it a whole lot.

Too graphic? Whatever. I prefer honesty. 

I'm currently fascinated how different Dr.'s and clinics prescribe different diets. I'm on full liquids for two weeks, then soft foods for another two weeks, but I've found other people who were banded the same day as myself and they were only on liquids for the remained of the week, and start soft foods Sunday, and then for 3 weeks. What I wouldn't give to chew on something.

I'm am considering buying a scale. Every one says don't do it now. It will just freak me out and give me a complex, but damnit I can't see anything. I look exactly the same, how am I supposed to know when I loose? Boo.

Also I'm having problems wearing bras. They rub an insicion near my chest. I know you care ... deeply.

Surgery Day

Aug 08, 2007

In the immortal words of thebandinme "So not a big deal!"

I'm home I'll update more but I did want to check in and say everything went fine. I can feel  the contents of my IV floating around inside of me, and it makes me feel heavier.

All of the grogginess has worn off, but I feel like I was sucker punched in the gut. No sharp pain, that’s supposed to come later tonight. But I am really not enjoying the tummy punch.

Everyone @ NWWLS was so fantastic despite me constantly asking if I was bringing sexy back.

- But on snuggly traction socks, gown and robe? I’m bring sexy back.
- Hair net on and IV in? Am I still bringing sexy back?
- Waking up drooling all over myself? I am totally bringing sexy back.

So here I am banded. In other news I weighed in again this morning, and I lost another 3 lbs. ... totally bringing sexy back.

Last pre-op appointment

Aug 03, 2007

Exactly one week ago today I had my appointment with Esther, Trish & Dr. Montgomery, and was asked to loose 10 lbs by my surgery date of Wednesday August 8th. I was thankful it was as high as I expected. I had previously heard of some doctors asking people to loose 10% of their body weight. At 330 lbs, if I could loose 33 lbs in a short amount of time I doubt I would probably be getting a Lap Band, so when I was told 10 lbs in a week and a half I was relieved, until the though struck me that no really I had to loose 1 lbs a day. Jesus.

I’ve been drinking Medifast all week, and while it’s not as bad as slimfast it still tastes like ass. The Dutch chocolate tastes like chocolate milk if you’re distracted. If you’re watching TV or something and only half paying attention, it’s chocolate milk. That one is really not that bad. The French Vanilla, left something to be desired. When you pour it over ice, and mix it in a blender it tastes like a Vanilla Crème Frappacino, but if you don’t have the time. It tastes like vanilla milk, which honestly isn’t that good.

However what it lacks in flavor it more than makes up for in results, because on the Medifast I’ve lost 15 lbs over the past week. Woohoo! I even had people at work ask me if I lost weight. I even surprised the nurse at my appointment today.

So yes today I had my “for reals” last pre-op appointment. It was the appointment where I was given my prescriptions, surgery day instructions, doctors note etc. Tom was able to take the morning off from work to come with me. I realize that everything that Heidi went over with us today was stuff both of us already knew from our other pre-op appointments but it was his first time at the clinic and I really wanted him to be there and meet the staff and listen to the same information I was getting for day-of instructions since I won’t be very helpful after.

This process has been super fast and totally painless thanks to having good insurance and a super great clinic. From calling to make the first appointment till actual surgery date next Wednesday will be exactly 3 weeks. Wow. Really?

Wednesday July 18th: Got pissed off @ Virginia Masons complete incompetence & called NWWLS on the way home.
Friday July 20th: Psych eval with Linda
Friday July 27th: Met with Esther, Trish & Dr. Montgomery
Friday August 3rd: Pre-op
Wednesday August 8th: Surgery

Wow that really was fast. What’s even funnier, I will have met with  a different clinic, gone through the whole process, where they did everything to help and support me and have surgery as well as a post-op follow up *BEFORE* I would have my “rescheduled” appointment at Virginia Mason.

I guess all that's next is surgery..

Stupid Star Jones

Jul 31, 2007

I’m in a little bit of a snit. I’m fiercely mad at Star Jones right now. Today she comes out and admits she has Weight Loss Surgery (WLS), weeks after stating that she lost all of her weight through diet and exercising. Because rerouting your organs and cutting your stomach into a 3 oz pouch is such a minor mitigating factor.

Here is exactly why I’m pissed at her:

Her behavior perpetuates the thinking that people should be ashamed of WLS, and that WLS is “the easy way out.” She is contributing to problem & not supporting the solution.

People should not have to feel ashamed for seeking medical help for medical problems. By hiding it Star Jones showed everyone how ashamed she was, and while she may have been ashamed of being obese, which I will admit is natural; it comes across as if she is a horrible person for getting surgical help.

Magazines like to show people who lost half their body weight through smarter food choices, exercise and a ton of praying. These methods may work for loosing that stubborn 20 or 30 lbs, or the Freshman 15, but when your BMI falls in to “extremely obese” or “morbidly obese,” to quote Ralphie May when he was at least 450 lbs, “this is more than a Diet Coke fix, M’kay.”

People should not be ashamed to get medical help, and congratulations your shining example that only made those post-op feel more ashamed, and possibly made people who really truly need this type of care think there is something wrong with them for even considering it. Way to be.

And BTW, anyone who thinks WLS via any of the various methods is “the easy way out” can come and say it to my face, and I’ll cite my sources as I throw my facts at you.

Stupid Star Jones; I hate that you are the newest face of WLS. I’ll take Khaliah Ali (daughter of heavyweight fighter Muhammad Ali), Ann & Carnie Wilson (Heart), Randy Jackson (American Idol) or Al Roker any day.

07/27/2007 Nutritionist, Surgeon, Unsurence & a Date.

Jul 26, 2007

Friday morning I had a series of appointments first starting with the nurtitionist. It was totally an express meeting since I already have been through it, greanted it was three years ago. Fortunatly I was familier with most everything she wanted to review. It was a really good meeting and I like Esther a lot.

Next I got to sit down with Dr. Montgomery and it was very similar. I like him a lot and I appreciated his confidence.

Next it was on to Trish we talked about my insurence, available dates, pre-op appointments and Medifast. 

A week and a half. A week and a half untill my surgery date. How unreal is that? 6 days till my pre-op appointment. 

And I have to loose 10 lbs in 11 days. Wow.

About Me
Duvall, WA
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 23
I am no longer mordily obese!
Holy Crap I think I've found my sweet spot...
Four stupid pounds.
Under 300!
In Defense of Butter
Seconds all around
First Fill
The changes keep rolling on in.
Bandster Hell
