My First Baby Steps...

Aug 29, 2009

Well, I've thought about it.  I know pretty much where I went wrong and started gaining after I had my baby girl.  Part of it was the emotional eating....she nearly died on me.  I was so depressed that I ate and ate.  Then when we finally came home I resorted to eating "fast to fix" foods....mostly sandwiches.  I forgot to eat right and started gaining weight way too fast.

So here I am today.  I haven't lost any weight since last week, but that's ok because I was on steroids for a week for my back.  I'll forgive myself for not losing and try harder this week. 

I'm starting with baby steps.  My first baby step was a couple of weeks ago when I started taking my vitamins again.  I had been slacking on them.  Shame on me.  But i'm taking them twice a day like my doctor told me to do way back then.

My second baby step started about 4 or 5 days ago.....NO MORE SANDWICHES!  At least at home.  Maybe the occassional while I am out and about or at work.  But not at home.  No more.  Once I finished my bread and lunch meat I refused to buy anymore.  Good for me!

My third baby step this week has been to stop buying Diet Mt. Dew's at work.  I used to buy 2 20oz ones and drink both of them.  Now I'm doing water with the Wyler's Light (similar to Crystal Light).  I only drink water at home and occassionally some tea.  So I always drink plenty of water.  I have on two days this week bought a large diet coke at Sonic.  But I'm trying to cut them out.

My fourth baby step has been to try and drink less with my meals.  I haven't been able to completely cut out drinking with my meals....but I will eventually get there.  Baby steps....that's all I can do.  At work instead of drink 20oz drinks with my food.....I drink about 5-10 oz of water.

My fifth baby step this week has been to try and eat only when I'm actually HUNGRY.  Not when I'm bored, upset, depressed, or whatever.  This is super hard for me.  But I'm working on it too. 

And this coming Wednesday I'll start seeing a counselor to help me with my emotional problems.  I'm hoping she will help me learn how to deal with life problems instead of by eating to deal with them.

One step at a time.  I'll make it.


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Lebanon, TN
Mar 17, 2004
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