Down two more...

Jan 28, 2009

As of this morning, I'm down another 2 pounds.  I Love My D.S. !!!   

Well, my first week of being laid off was pretty uneventful.  I'll have so much more time for  motherly duties, and wifely duties, and even time for myself.  I did some work for the video business here and there, and I'll be doing more next week.  I do miss my friends at work, though.   


Goal update...and other musings

Jan 22, 2009

 Goal   Lose 50 pounds   ****** done 

There's the good news.  I really love my DS.  

The bad news is...after 14 years of service, I was permanently laid off from my job.  I was angry, shocked, sad and depressed.  I still go through those emotions, in no significant order, on a daily basis.  I'm so very lucky to have worked there so long, that they gave me a very generous severance package.  It will afford me to be able to stay home for a long time, or find something else, and in the meantime, help my husband grow our wedding video business.  The main thing that's bothering me is that I'm going to miss my co workers.  We were a great bunch, and we had so much fun everyday.  It was like a family, and I'm hoping that we can still keep in touch and that we can do nights out together from time to time.  

Who loses weight after vacation??!

Jan 19, 2009

I did!!!  WOO HOO!!!    Thanks to my D.S., I lost 3.5 pounds since when I left for vacation!  I'm happy.  

We had such a great time in Orlando.  We did Universal, Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom, and Gatorland.  We took tons of pictures, had a wonderful time at the resort we stayed at, we ate good, played hard and we didn't want to leave!  We got in last night around verrrrry cold weather here in Phllly.  Its been snowing all day.  I MISS FLORIDA!!!  
Tomorrow night is the Weight Loss Surgery Support Group meeting at Abington.  I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone.

Ahhh...sunny, beautiful Florida!!!

Jan 10, 2009

 Well, this is our third day in gorgeous Kissimee/Orlando Florida.  We got in on Friday around dinner time, and took it easy at the pool.  Yesterday, we went to Universal Studios and had such a great time.  We got on Shrek, The Simpsons, Jaws, among others.  We saw a Blues Brothers show, right near the park from Back to the Future.  It was a beautiful day, weather wise.  The boys, my husband and I had a blast.  We got back to our beautiful villa at Runaway Beach Resort in Kissimee and went in the pool and HOT TUB!!!  Man, I didn't want to get out!  Today we're enjoying the pool again, and relaxing at the resort.  Tomorrow, it will be off to the Magic Kingdom to see Mickey and friends.


Jan 05, 2009

Get Blood sugar levels to normal range  ****(done)
Stop insulin dependency  *****(done)
Conquer diabetes  ****(done)
Lose 25 pounds  ****(done)
Get to "Onderland"   ****(done)
Wear regular jeans comfortably (zipper and button)   ***(done)

Lose 50 pounds  
Lose 100 pounds 
Get to goal of 135#

I have just three more goals to accomplish.  I never thought that making this choice to have the D.S. could change my life this FAST!!!  My looks are changing rapidly.  I'm fitting into things that I never thought I'd ever fit into.  Clothes that were tight and uncomfortable before are now TOO BIG.  Its a wonderful feeling. 

Three more days til we're off to Orlando for eight days of fun! 



Jan 03, 2009

Well, I've arrived at One-derland!  I can hardly believe it!  

I'm up at this God-awful hour to head to Milwaukee to pick up my son from his holiday visit with his dad and family.  I'm hoping that the flights go off without a hitch and on time.  We have just a few more days to wait until Friday when we leave for DISNEY!!!  I can't wait!  My boys, my husband and myself need this break and chance to have some fun for 9 glorious days at a beautiful resort, taking in the sights of Disney World, Universal, Hollywood Studios, Gator Land...and just relaxing by the pool.  

Better get to gettin'.   

Good Riddance 2008!

Dec 30, 2008

Well, as it is the last day of 2008, the "suckiness" of it all is still hanging on.  I got on the scale this morning....exactly 200 pounds!  Ya think it could have said 199.5????   Would have been nice...but tomorrow is a new year and I'll get there soon!!  Onderland is a second away!  

This year was not a good one for me in lots of ways.  First and foremost, I lost my best friend, my mom, to her battle with cancer.  I miss her every day, think of her often, and I know that she's looking down on me and she's proud.    My company has been bought out by another company, and no one knows from day to day if they'll be next on the cutting board.  This complete change over happens on Friday.  I just have to feel lucky I have a job.  My sister and her family have been having financial difficulties and they may have to move, which sucks.  My husband and I have had some ups and downs in our marriage, but we managed to work through it for now.

2008 was good for me in that I changed my life having this surgery.  I got rid of diabetes, I'm healthier, I'm losing weight, feeling great and looking better.  I have to focus on the positives, and just take one day at a time, and be thankful that I have another year ahead, another clean slate to start with, and my first year that I won't be going on a diet!!!!   WOO HOO!!!

HAPPY 2009 TO ALL!!! 
1 comment

Got a great gift...

Dec 25, 2008

Down another 3 pounds!  I'm getting closer and closer to "one"derland!  It really is great that I won't have the same exact New Year's resolution this year.  Thanks to the DS, I can concentrate on other things besides the dreaded dieting. 

I think my resolution will be to appreciate being home with my family more.  Before I had the surgery and went out on medical leave, I always used to think of going home after working all day as a little bit stressful.  Getting the kids settled and their homework done, dinner on the table, going to karate lessons, doing laundry, shower time for them, getting things ready for the next morning, taking care of my two old cats, and then not to mention cleaning up after them and my dear husband, who...even though I love, is just as messy as two kids combined!  Being home all day every day for 6 weeks just made me realize that I enjoy being home, doing all those things for my family and for the household.  I shouldn't stress out about the messes as much, and I should take more time to enjoy my nights at home with the family.

Christmas was nice.  The boys got everything they wanted (Xbox 360, games to go with it, video camera, new Nintendo DS, Heely's, Star Wars toys, Lego toys, clothes, gift cards, etc) and we did, too.  (Santa got me a Garmin GPS and got Kenny the new high memory Ipod he wanted)  It was very strange without my mom here.  I thought back to Christmases from my childhood and always had the vision of my dad in the middle of the living room floor, in his jammies, putting some Barbie toy together for me, while my mom was getting things ready for Christmas dinner in the kitchen.  All the smells in the house were always so comforting and delicious.  We had our aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends come over throughout the day.  Now, we're a pretty small family.  But we're tight, so that's all that matters. 

3 more days...

Dec 21, 2008

Well, three more days til Christmas.  This month sure did fly by, not to mention the whole year.  The kids are getting excited for Santa's arrival.  I've got last minute shopping to this the last day of my MEDICAL LEAVE!!  All good things must come to an end...I'm going back to work tomorrow.  I'm actually looking forward to it.  I've missed my friends and its time to get back to "normal" so to speak. 

Missing my parents a lot...remembering past Christmases with them.  I'm sure they're looking down on all of us and they're happy that we're all happy and healthy.

I'm down another pound.  This DS is really amazing.  My friends at work aren't going to recognize me.

Size 16

Dec 16, 2008

Yep...that's what size bathing suit I'm wearing in Florida.  WOO HOO!!!    Just last August I was wearing a size 22/24 swim "dress."  That's in the bag for Good Will now!  

Everything's going pretty well.  We were supposed to have our WLS Support Group meeting last night,  but a little bit of snow/sleet cancelled it!  Oh well, one more month til I get to see everyone.  Only 8 days til Christmas.  Lots of fun things coming up over the next two weeks. 

About Me
Scranton, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2008
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 48
