4 Weeks to Go!

Oct 13, 2008

Wow...it's getting down to the wire.  I'm getting a little nervous, but still so excited!  I'm under a lot of stress at work, but I really need to put time aside for myself.  The bag with all of my baby foods, vitamins, Crystal Lights and other DS items is out of the closet!  I have other things on the list to pick up, and I'll do that over the next few weeks.  I'm ready for the change!

October 10th -- November 10th....31 days away!!!

Oct 10, 2008

It seemed like such a long wait, when I started this process, when I got my date....but soon, it will be here!  I'm continuing my fairwell with fun food for now...but on Monday, it will officially be 4 weeks away.  I will eat healthier for two weeks...trying to pump up the protein.  Then I will attempt to do liquids and soft solids for a week before my 5 day count down to surgery!  That's the plan...just have to keep on trying my best each day.  

On a silly note, my husband went to New Orleans for a business conference this past weekend and he bought me what he says is my "first skinny piece of clothing."  It's one of those tight form fitting little tee shirts with Bourbon Street written on it.  Now, I'd probably be able to wear it around my THIGH...but I'm sure by June or July, I'll be able to wear it proudly.  Only time will tell.....  :) 

33 Days til my date with Dr. B !!!

Oct 08, 2008

I'm almost down to the wire.  33 days til my life will change forever.  I have been ending my "love affair" with candy and sweets overload, and its been very difficult.  Stress at work, still going through the greiving process over my mom's passing, and some medical issues have got me down, but I'm trying to keep positive.  I'm trying to plan things for the following weeks post-op, too.  The holiday season will be upon us.  This will be the first without my mom.  Its going to be a rough one. 


Oct 02, 2008

AAAAAA!!!!!!!  I'm in the 30's now!!!  I can't believe it!  I'm so excited!!!

41 days to go!!!!

Oct 01, 2008

 I can't believe it is now October 1st.  Time really has flown by since I started my journey.  November 10th will be here before I know it.,,and before my family knows it, too.  Everyone has been very supportive of me.  I'm lucky to have them all.  I just am having a hard time with ME...and getting myself mentally ready for this.  It is on my mind all day long...how my lifestyle will change in so many ways.  It's helped that I've seen my sister, Lisa go through it all.  She's a true inspiration to me.  

Guess I have to get going with making sure I have all my groceries and vitamins (although I've got a few bags full of those things in my closet already).    November 10th will be here in a heartbeat!!!

It's been a while...

Sep 19, 2008

Well, it sure has been a while since I've posted.  A lot has gone on in the past two months.  My mom lost her battle with cancer and passed away on July 27th.  It's been very hard on me and my family, but we are pulling through.  I really haven't had much time to think about myself or my upcoming life changing surgery on November 10th.  I need to get more focused now.  I can hardly believe my date is only 52 days away!!!  I was able to tell my mom of my approval and my date before she passed, so I know she's up there rooting for me.  It's a slow road back in the grieving process...but I'm doing it one day at a time.

The sweet sound of....APPROVAL!!!!!!

Jul 17, 2008

Today I received word from my case manager at my insurance company that I have been 100% approved for the DS surgery!  I'm so excited, I feel ready to burst...I wanna scream from the roof top!  I have a date of November 10th.  I'm hoping that that date can be bumped up a little, but whatever will be, will be...and I'll be happy with it!  Now, I feel renewed in my quest to become more mentally and physically prepared for this awesome miracle of a life change.


Jun 26, 2008

Today, Dr. Bonanni performed my EGD.  Everything went fine....my insides  are clear and ready to go...lol.  Now I'm hoping that this will start the fast track to the change I've been waiting for.  Can't wait for the approval to go through and my date to be set!!!

About Me
Scranton, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2008
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 48
