Totally 7

Nov 17, 2008

Today I went for my one week checkup at Dr. Bonanni's office.  I had my drain taken out!  WOO HOO!!!    Feels good to be normal again.  They looked me over and say that I'm doing great.  Since I started the liquid diet, I've lost 15.6 pounds.  I'm finding it reeeeeally hard to take in as much as required.  Relying on protein shakes now...i just have no desire to eat.  The water intake is getting better, although its nowhere where it should be. I just have to do the best I can.

This is really amazing...

Nov 14, 2008

I can remember when I could down a huge amount of liquid and food, its like I have a new body.  I am spending an entire day eating a milked down 6 oz vanilla yogurt!  Still haven't finished it!  My new belly is just toooo full.  

Today was a good day.  I've been up moving around, doing light things around the house, folding laundry, etc.  I tried to stay up...really I did...but I needed a pain pill and a rest.  So I took a little nap.  Now I'm up...trying to finish this yogurt.  I'm not complaining.

Thanks to all my friends on here who gave me well wishes.  The support on here is great, and I think its so important to share our stories...the good, the bad and the ugly

Home is the most comforting word...

Nov 13, 2008

 I'm home!  Today, I got home around 4:30.  It was great to be unhooked from the machines, IV drip, nasal tube, and just out of the hospital, in general, even though the nurses were ANGELS  and they made my stay so comfortable.  The ride home was bumpy!  I should have had a pillow on my belly, but I'll remember it for next time I'm in the car.   It felt SOOOO GOOOOD to take a shower, finally.  I musta been in there 40 minutes! surgery went extremely well.  They removed my appendix, gallbladder, and of course the liver biopsy...and 85% of my stomach.  Now I've got a new pouch.  It really feels different, but in a good way.  When he growls at me and makes weird noises, I just look down and say, "hey, now!"  LOL 

I would say the worst part of the stay in the hospital was that frickin' nasal tube.  I HATED IT....WANTED TO RIP IT OUT.  Even though I understand the necessity of it, and I accepted was the worst part of the ordeal.  I felt like a creature from another planet with that thing sticking out of my face.  Couldn't breathe, got stuffed up one night and couldn't sleep....UGGG.  I had to keep it in a little longer, because I felt nauseous the first time they clamped it.  That set me back like a half a day.  But no worries...I'm starting the full liquids tomorrow.

Overall, I'm healing great.  Just feel sore and tight.  I know they say that you have sleeplessness in the beginning.  Guess that's why I've been up since 3am til now...doing bills, checking emails, updating this blog...blah blah blah.  Ok...I think the Vicodin has got me rambling.   Enough for tonight....sweet dreams!

14 hours and 20 minutes....

Nov 09, 2008

...until I'm due at the hospital for my DS!!!  I'm so excited, and so anxious to get this done, I can't even explain it.  I have no nervousness yet....I just want it DONE!!!  

I'm hoping all goes as planned and I'm home Thursday....HOPING.  

Tomorrow my life will change forever...for the better.  I'm so lucky and blessed to have this opportunity.  

GO  D  S  !!!!!!! 

3 more days to go!

Nov 06, 2008

Well, I'm on day two of my liquid diet.  I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised at how I'm feeling.  I'm not really hungry at all.  I am, however, very tired...exhausted really.  I've increased the protein, so maybe that will help.  And...I have the strongest desire and urge to CHEW PRETZELS!!!  I just want to crunch something!!!  But...i know that I can't.  Oh well, I'll survive.

Tomorrow is my last day at work.  Everyone there is really pulling for me and they're a great bunch of people, who I really will miss when I'm out on medical leave.  Saturday and Sunday, I'm going to take it easy, get my last minute things done and hope that the days go by quickly.  Never before did I want a weekend to fly by like this one!  

5 day Pre-op Liquid Diet Starts in the morning!

Nov 04, 2008

 It seemed like it would take forever when I heard of my November 10th date way back in July, before my mom passed.  She even said to me, "Wow, that's pretty far away, isn't it?"  Time sure flew by.  Hard to believe it is just over 3 months since she passed, I miss her so much.  I know she's looking down on me and will be my guardian angel the day of surgery.  

Tonight, my husband, my son and I went to a very nice German restaurant, where I had wiener schnitzle which was amazing.  It was my "last supper" so to speak.  And now, as I type, I'm having a last few pieces of Halloween candy from the kids' basket.  I think if I do what I originally planned (having last time) I will barf.  LOL

Got my lunchbag packed with all my protein shake stuff, baby fruits, yogurts, protein powder, crystal light packets, sugar free jello...blah blah blah.  I'm sure it will be difficult, but I just have to remember, if I cheat, there could be complications, or I could be changed to an open procedure, and I sure as HECK don't want that!

I will check in again tomorrow night, after my pre admission testing and day one of the liquids!  Nighty night for now.

9 days left...

Oct 31, 2008

 Well, its my favorite day of the week, Saturday.  We are taking it easy today, husband's working and the boys and I are just hanging out....well, they're hanging out...I'm doing housework.  Later, we'll be going to my sisters.  She and I will go through all the vitamins and she's going to advise me on what I need to take, and when.  

Last night, I was a little hurt  by something my husband said.  He pretty much said I was "obsessed" with my operation, and that I try to bring it into every conversation.  That wasn't my intention, it was just an observation I was making while we were out to dinner.  I don't know if its jealousy, if it's apprehension he's got about me having the surgery that he won't admit to, if he's just annoyed by me, or what it is.  He's been supportive, but I don't know if he really understands the scope of how my life is going to change.  

Yeah, I might be "obsessed" a little...its 9 days away!  I learned more in the information session the other day, and saw my first real understandable diagram of what the surgeon will cut away, remove, reattach, etc.  They went over everything that will happen from start to finish.  The spoke more of how sore I will be afterward, how I'll need to use my arms and elbows to move around more, to take the strain off my stomach muscles.  (That is kinda concerning me, since I seem to have SEVERE  arthritic pain in both elbows at times.)  

I can't help but talk about it a lot.  I don't know what it is with my husband.  All I know is, I have to be a little self centered during this time.  This is one of the biggest life changes I will EVER MAKE.  I'm altering what God has given me , and what I've abused all these stomach and my body.  I feel very brave and lucky to have the opportunity to move forward with this.

10 more days to go!!! Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2008

    Yesterday, I spent my day at my surgeon's office.  I met with the Medical Assistant for the pre-operative appointment and then I had the 3 hour pre-op class in the afternoon.  It was so informative, and I'm so excited.  It seems as if these last few weeks are taking the longest, but yet time is going by quick, if that makes any sense.  I have to start my pre-op liquid diet on Wednesday 11/5 and I also have to get my pre-admission testing done that afternoon. 

I'm trying to decide where I will go for my LAST MEAL so to speak.  Chinese? Italian?  Just a nice steak some place?  I know I won't be over-eating, but just enjoying the LAST MEAL as the old me.  After my DS, I will be new and improved!   

4...3...2......WOO HOO!!!

Oct 27, 2008

Holy crap....2 weeks left!  The time sure has passed quickly.  I am pretty much all set and ready to go!  I meet with my surgeon's office this Thursday for my pre-op appointments, and then I'll get the appointment for my final pre-admission testing.  Trying to get everything in order at home for my husband, son and they won't be completely lost without me when I'm in the hospital.  I feel complete and total excitement.  I'm not nervous at all anymore.  I just want this DONE, and I want my new life to START!  :)

5...4...3.....AHHHH 3 Weeks to go!!!!!!!!

Oct 19, 2008

Just about 3 weeks left until my life changes forever.  That sounds so prolific and a bit over the top, but when I really think about's so true!  I'm lucky enough that I've been able to see my sister Lisa go through this wonderful life change.  She has lost just about 101 pounds since her DS surgery on 12/26/07.  She's a real inspiration to me, and has helped me so much through preparing for this. 

I'm looking forward to my pre-op appointment on 10/30 with Dr. Bonanni and company.  I've got mostly all the groceries I need in the house already, and I'm starting to get things put on the side for my bag at the hospital. 

Am I nervous?  Honestly, yes...but just a little bit.  I know that this surgery will change my health in all good ways.  I'm hoping the diabetes goes away and I add more years to my life since the pounds will be gone.  In the past, I've lost over 120 pounds in a relatively short amount of time (14 months) on my own, so I have an idea about the emotional changes my mind will go through.  I just have to keep reminding myself of these things and turn that little bit of nervousness into total excitement.


About Me
Scranton, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 31, 2008
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 48
