one month post op

Oct 19, 2007

- 27 lbs
And you began to wonder is this enough? It's not as much as the doctor wanted. Did I do something wrong? Does this mean I'm failing to use my surgery the best I can? Or did I let the doctor set me up for failure by going by his expectations of wt loss? Did I not exercise enough? Not walk far enough? Fast enough? Why can't I drink all my water like the doctor says? Is there something more that I can do? If I add more protien like every says will I gain wt and not lose any? Maybe cut down on what I'm eating? Did I have too much salt? There is a dozen more questions I could ask..............................

Then as I slap myself upside the head. When was the last time I was able to loose 27lbs in one month. It equals 0.9 lbs a day that I lost
or 6.75 lbs per week.

I know in my heart I'm doing the best that I can. I'm eating protien first (okay only protien, cuz geeze my stomach is only so big and I'd prefer to fill up my 1/4 cup with protien as this is what my body needs most) I drink my water inbetween meals as I'm suppose to. I don't throw up, actually I don't know if I would or not, I don't tempt it, I don't eat more then 1/4 cup at a time and I don't eat anything with sugar in it. I take my vitamins faithfully. I walk when I can.. And the rest I'm going to leave to fate.

I about flipped and cried my heart out when at three weeks when I added soft food the scale went up by three pounds. It took a week to get it back off plus an extra pound. I know the science behind the why. But it didn't make me feel any better. The self doubt and self sabatoge was a hard monster to defeat. But since i have a new stomach size and the fear of popping my staples or dumping, I sure didn't run back to food this time.

been here done that

Oct 13, 2007

I journal everything I eat at, plus my exercising.... Haven't I already done this my whole adult life.... 
When will I be able to break this obsession..... cause surgery sure didn't break it..
Am I eating too much, not enough? Did I walk far enough, fast enough? 
I know that I'm only 3 1/2 weeks post op and the benefits have not equalled to the cost yet. But geez how is this suppose to be different this time?


Oct 11, 2007

The ability to cook is going to come out of nessessity... LOL
Okay my new experiment is because I need to travel and needed something portable, yet good for you. Protien bars do not sit on my stomach very well at all so in the kitchen I went.

Mini beef meatloaf muffins

1 pound ground beef 93/7 %
1 egg
1/4 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup lime and garlic salsa
1 small handful of sherredded cheese
Mix ingredients together
Divided into silicon mini muffin pan filled up 20
Serving size 2 muffins equal 1/4 cup
Calories 119, fat 17, carbs 4, protien 11

Mini turkey meatloaf muffins

1 pound ground white turkey
1 egg
1/4 cup oatmeal
1/3 cup peach and pinapple salsa
1 small handful of sherredded cheese
Divided into silicon mini muffin pan filled up 20
Serving size 2 muffins equal 1/4 cup.
Calories 113, Fat 6, Carbs 5, Protien 12

the calories and stuff I did on fitday by individual ingredients the best I could..
My kids and husband loved them, but have to be careful not to over cook and dry out the meat..
I use salsa in everything... My mothers old recipe called for milk to keep it mosit and ketcup and mustard, my post op eating directions say no ketcup or mustard unless watered down so I improvised. The salsa is walmart brand all natural, they have about four different kinds now... 
I put them in freezer bags and stored them in the freezer, I can't have turkey until the 16th and the beef unti 23rd...
It's the middle of the night and I'm suffering from insomnia....

3 wks post op

Oct 10, 2007

I was nine years old the last time I had seafood other then canned tuna. Low calorie since the desicion visit in Aug using two slimfasts and one healthy choice per day, then the optifast liquid diet 2 weeks pre op then the liquid diet 2 weeks post op, then 1 week soft food. My first real food I can add back is fish. Well tuna didn't sit. And I so wanted something other then yogurt, cottage cheese, egg or protien drink... They say tastes change post op..... I went and bought tilapia fish.... and I ate it.. It was soooooo good to have something to chew that took long enough to know you've ate something... It was not bad at all....
Got my shipment of BA chewable vitamins now that I can have them. I'm just not the liquid loving kinda vitamin girl... I am so doing the happy dance... :)
Weight 281 lbs.

CinVanHaz Latte

Oct 06, 2007

CinVanHaz Latte

6 oz cold coffee
1 scoop IDS Multi-pro Vanilla-Cinnamon protein powder
1 TBS DaVinci vanilla SF Syrup
1 TBS Davinci hazelnut syrup
Blend ingredients in magic bullet with ice

Cal 129
Fat 1.5
Carb 3
Protien 26


Oct 06, 2007

If you have not tried Achieve one protien coffee drinks you are so missing out if your a previous coffee drinker...... Died and gone to heaven....

Oct 5, 2007

Oct 05, 2007

Nope haven't learned to stay off of the scale.
Wt loss 23 pounds......

Water...... My grouchy pouchy does not like plain water, I've tried it warm, room temp, cold and ice cold. None of it worked, my stomach cramps, I get a horrible pressure in my chest and throat and I feel nauseated. I give up!!!!! I added crystal light to it. :P
Anyhoo breakfast this morning is water with fruit punch crystal light and fruit punch whey protien. TOM is here and I'm tired anyways and being dehydrated at the same time is not a good combination. Fluids right this min is more important then the food. 

Oct 3 rd 2007

Oct 03, 2007

285 lbs on my scale (happy dance) I really need to stop stepping on the scale everyday. The doctors scale is 2lbs more then mine. So that means I'm down by 2 from yesterday. I know it shouldn't be just about the pounds but how I feel too. Well stubborn ED nurse, kinda like the energizer bunny, just keep going and going... hehehe

Walked my two miles today,  water 50 oz so far, still have this evening to work on the rest.
Doctor said that you see the most wt loss 4-6weeks, hope so need a justifiable reason that I just altered my insides and I have to take these awful tasting vitamins forever. Need to work on a better tasting calcium. Liquid vitamins are gross, need to work on better options of them too. If I'm gonna take em it'd be nice that I didn't want to gag on it.

Okay off I go.

Two weeks post op

Oct 02, 2007

My follow up appointment went good. I swear I was gonna take the optisource and put it in the drive way and run over it. Doing the happy dance that I don't have to drink it any more. There are so many better tasting protiens out there but none as concentrated so it has its place in this process. 
Loss of 17 lbs by the doctors scales. He said he wants another ten pounds at the one month follow up appointment. Does he know something I don't cause I'm use to loosing the first initial water wt pounds, but 10 more in 14 days? I so hope he knows something I don't. To me this surgery is still not real in a kinda sort of way. I'm blessed that I have energy and I"m not throwing up. I get in most of my water and I walk the two miles a day. Did the doctor do anything? Shouldn't I be not doing so well yet? Oh only less then 5 percent of people are suppose to have complications. I'm am very thankful I am not in that 5. Should I knock on wood? Count my blessings? How about I do all of it... :)

Had a duhhhh moment this evening, added whey protien powder to sugar free pudding, first "meal" since my surgery, and took my vitamin, lets just say my grouchy pouchy was not ready for it. Nauseated for one and all of a sudden was sooooooooo tired. For all of maybe twenty mins. Told my DH I was dying and I was never going to eat again. And just like the saying "this too shall pass" it did. Well off to bed I go.... 

9/26/07 One week Post op

Sep 25, 2007

291.8 lbs for a one week total of 13 pounds I will NEVER have to see again as Long as I choose wisely!
Choices that is all this journey is about. I can choose to use this tool by walking and eating right to help it do it's intended job. Or I can choose to eat around it in the honeymoon phase so I can piss moan and whine that the surgery failed me in the end. 
hmmmmm choices choices choices. I think I'll eat right thanks.

I mix 32 oz of water with crystal light orange sunrise and fuzzy navel protien mix and it tastes so much better then just mixing the protien powder with water. You can match up flavors, I've also tried Crystal light fruit punch with stawberry protien powder and it taste good too. But of course good Ideas like this have to come from somewhere. So here is where

About Me
Bakersville, NC
Surgery Date
May 05, 2007
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8 yrs post op

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wt loss break down
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