5 month anniversary!!!

Dec 23, 2009

My friend (the scale) has been in a very good mood of late! Today I'm 5 months out from surgery and have lost a total of 116.5 lbs from my HIGHEST WEIGHT.
OR ... according to what the Surgeon's office goes by... 96.5
OR ... from the morning of my surgery....weighing 234...NOW this am I weighed in at 171.5

for a post- surgery loss of 62.5 lbs.
with a loss of 54 lbs prior to surgery... 
for that total of 116.5 which takes me just past 3/4 of the way to my goal weight!!!

In the past when I dieted for some reason I always seemed to get stuck around 165-162 and start my regain. Who knows maybe I just got tired of watching whatever I put in my mouth or felt that I deserved to reward myself for all the hard work I had done up to that point.  This time - I am aware of those poor choices and if things slow down I know that I will have to up my exercise!!!  I will make it to goal- I will maintain! I will get to healthy weight!  BUT for now... I'm happy to be overweight... it's been such a long long time!


December 15th, 2009- I AM OVERWEIGHT!!!

Dec 14, 2009

YIPPEE! IT HAPPENED... sooner than I thought actually. I was hoping by the end of the week. But this am... got on that scale and there it was 174! My height being 5' 4" 1/2 but you know that health tracker doesn't go by 1/2 inch. I made it to BMI 29.9 ...

moderately overweight!  no longer Morbidly Obese! no longer Obese!

I am very happy this am!

The journey continues... on to healthy weight!!!!

MY GOAL is to have reached MY GOAL WEIGHT by my wedding anniversary in JUNE.
That is  6 weeks before my surgiversary! 

What a terrific thing this has been for me. I am so glad that I had my surgery! I look so much better. BUT - what I appreciate the most is FEELING so much better!

My thanks goes out to all who have given support & advice - it is truly appreciated!
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Next Sunday! (or before) my RELEASE from OBESE!

Dec 12, 2009

Got up this Sunday am and as is my custom... went off to the bathroom then got on the scale.. in my birthday suit.

For some reason my ankles are a bit swollen this morning, but I was still pleased with what the scale revealed. I'm down to 175.5 from my (known) high of 288!

So that means next Sunday or before...
I shall be OVERWEIGHT!
I can't tell you how excited I am to become OVERWEIGHT!
I'm overjoyed!

What a true blessing this WLS has been for me!  True- I am losing slower than many, however, I have never consistently lost weight week after week.

Since my surgery I've had some really good weeks, some so- so weeks. But generally, I've lost
some just about every week. A few weeks I've stayed the same.
BUT it all adds up! or.. DOWN as the case may be. Those little ups in the scale when I was in "the gaining mode" certainly added up without me noticing. Now these little downs in the scale are adding up ... and lots of people are noticing! THAT FEELS WONDERFUL!

Of course, being off my blood pressure meds, no arthritis meds (not bothering me as much- not just because I can't take NSAIDS). Sure I get stiff if I sit too long.. but I try to keep moving and that helps tremendously!!!

Just 40.5 pounds to GOAL! What a journey this has been so far!!!!

I'll be back as soon as that scale hits 174!
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4 Months Post-op! (July 23, 09 to 11-23-09)

Nov 23, 2009

This has been such an amazing journey so far! Usually, I update my weight every Sunday but waited until today to do it since I'm 4 Months out from surgery. 

and that little wait to post paid off! Yesterday my am weight was the same as last Sunday I was disappointed and heart-broken.  (ok I'm being dramatic again)
Then this morning I got on the scale and I had dropped 2.5 lbs!  Wonderful feeling! I exceeded my monthly goal by 1 pound! 

Hopefully, I will keep on track and make my goal weight by MAY. or even earlier! So exciting!!!

I feel like a different person... but I'm the same crazy girl!

So happy to have less than 50 pounds to lose to get to my Doctor's goal!!!!  I'm in shock!!! oh yeah... the gym is probably helping a lot also... even my trips up & down basement stairs... No problem. So TERRIFIC!!!

So.... struggle on... we will get there... all the way to goal!!!! 

No Need to grieve.....WE CAN ACHIEVE!!!!

Some Exciting Stats!!! woo hoo

Nov 16, 2009

Just a month ago I joined Curves. Where I go is a "Smart Curves" which means their machines are tied into a computer.  The hydralics adjust to each individuals strenghts and gradually makes it harder and harder so you keep getting a good workout.

Well here are my beginning stats and todays 1st month report!

Oct 16........................Nov 17
Bust          43                    42
Waist        38                    35
Abdomen   46                    43.75
Hips          47                     45
Thighs      23.5                  22.25
Arm          13.5                   13.0
Weight     202                  189

Pre workout
Heart Rate    84           72!

TOTAL INCHES LOST 11.25~ (I need to remember that at my HIGHEST ...
my hips were around 56 inches YIKES!)
TOTAL WEIGHT LOST 13 LBS ~ (and my HIGHEST weight was 288!)

I'm on my way to Health and IT feels GOOD!

Wishing you similar success on your journey!
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Weight this Sunday SAME as last Sunday!!! grrrr

Oct 25, 2009

This is a first... but in the interest of honesty I feel I must post that my weight remained the same from last Sunday's weight-in. I'm not happy about it. One day during the week it went down to 193.5 but then went up to 195- so I should be happy that at least down to same as last week. I just wanted it to continue to drop!

However, I know that I've had difficulty getting in all my fluids- which move things through the system and also a number of days with too little protein. Also, had a problem with bad constipation. I thought after that all got cleared up - it would show up on the scale. (maybe that was the 1/2 lb!!) oh well..

On the positive side- I did start to exercise this week as I joined Curves and felt really WONDERFUL when I had finished my program. So all is not lost.

I would like to lose 10lbs by Nov 23- my 4 month anniversary. So-- up with the fluids and protein, & exercise--- DOWN with the weight! 

I truly want to make it to my goal weight inside of 1 year!!! I can do it!

Dropping Clothing Sizes....& Wow's !

Oct 17, 2009

Post Date: 10/14/09 8:37 am
( Saturday, Oct 17- I went with a bunch of friends to pick apples- we had a great time- I'm planning on making my own UNsweetened applesauce. I ate a number of bites of various apples and HAD NO PROBLEMS - even with the skins!!!) 

The following is a crosspost from the Lightweights Board. Roz suggested that I copy & paste it to my Blog so that I don't forget some of these victories. It is odd how soon we do forget... So here are my comments from Oct 14,2009 as to the progress I've already made since surgery JULY 23, 2009.

ROZ thanks for the suggestion!

To be honest I did have a few 26/28 dresses, & tops.  I guess the 26/28 & 3X sizes scared me and I got back into size 2X & my plentiful supply of size 24 jeans.

Well, my first wow moment was when I quickly dashed off to the bathroom and didn't have to unsnap or unzip those jeans... with a slight push they slid down!!! So it was time to move onto my 22's.

In no time- I was into 18's. So I started digging around in my basement STORE and found a number of size 16's. I have been wearing them for maybe 2 weeks... noticed THEY were getting BAGGY.

Yesterday- took myself over to the GOODWILL STORE and bought a pair of 14's for less than $3.00. Came home and put THEM ON!
Ok well I had to wiggle a little to get them all the way up over the hips and can't quite snap or zip them YET... BUT THEY WERE ALL THE WAY UP.

I even had a size 12 skirt on the other day! (A-Line- elastic waist)
There was no way it was getting off by stepping out of it... it would have ripped if I tried to get it off over my hips.... so I just took it off the way I put it on over my head! 

Oct 23 will be my 3 month anniversary... i NEVER would have guessed that i could get into 16 jeans let alone 14's. or a size 12 skirt! 
Yikes this is amazing... good thing i'm sitting down otherwise I'd faint! 

Let me tell you... I AM SO GLAD I SAVED ALL MY CLOTHES from my less obese days!

part 2: Thanks everybody! It is so nice to be able to share this with people who REALLY UNDERSTAND the excitement!

How excited I was to become OBESE no longer MO!
those friends without a weight problem just don't get it!

Now I'm counting down my BMI until I am OVERWEIGHT!
Good Grief it's been forever since I was Overweight!

I feel like singing Jiminy Cricket's song...

"Fairy tales can come true...they can happen to you....."

and guess what! The fairy tale that Morbidly Obese people hope for.. becoming NORMAL WEIGHT is coming true everyday for folks who have had any one of the different WLS!

So... don't get discouraged... If you cheat a little- don't allow yourself to go HOG wild. get back to basics... Persevere!!!


Part 3:  Only on a rare occassion could I borrow clothes from my MOM- generally she dressed herself way to OLD.

BUT her Older sister HA she was a classy dresser and as a teen I was thrilled to get her used winter boots and fur coat! When I cleaned out her closet after she died- I snatched a BEAUTIFUL Green SILK SUIT!    ..... I will be able to get into it soon!

I loved it on her and I know I will love it on me. OH yeah she was just about to turn 87 when she died.  My snappy dresser Auntie! Definately a COOL old Gal! when I finally get into the suit it will feel like a HUG! 

ONEDERLAND!!! for real....Sunday October 4th, 2009

Oct 05, 2009

I DID IT!  with a little help from a friend....
my grouchy pouchy!

and even though my pouchy has been grouchy at times... I could NOT have this success without it!  I feel terrific and am looking forward to losing so much more! I am now over half way to my goal weight. Over half way to goal! next goal....

24 more pounds to 3/4 of the way. Right now that sounds like a lot to me! but day by day it will go and I will feel better & better. The sooner I get this off... the sooner I can GO ...
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OCTOBER 1, 2009 GASP! My Morning Weigh-in...

Sep 30, 2009

WOW!  I made it to 200!
I'm down from the highest KNOWN weight of 288! Weight at first appt. was 268. Morning of surgery 234! TOMORROW...(I hope...)

ONEDERLAND!!!  This has been the most amazing thing I've ever done for my health. I am so looking forward to nearing my goal weight. THAT I will take as it comes. Once I get below 150.. 145... 140...

It's just been SO LONG since I've weighed that little. I want to see how I feel & look by then. I think I could be happy at 145-140- it is a GREAT ACHIEVEMENT. But to make it to the goal that was set by the Doctor would be even more exciting! As long as I MAINTAIN well below 150!  I am so thrilled today- I can't imagine how happy I will be when tomorrow comes... whether it IS tomorrow or the next few days.  ONEDERLAND- WOW.

2 Months Post-Op-- endoscopy for stricture...

Sep 30, 2009

DATELINE: September 23, 2009
First thing the morning of 9/23 we were off to the hospital for my endoscopy! What a memorable anniversary!
The stricture was dilated and I felt remarkably better when I awoke from the mild anesthesia.  I was able to drink 2 - 4oz cups of apple juice without ANY problems!

In the closing days of Sept I've also achieved a few other successes. My weight is still going down down down.
I am now approaching ONEDERLAND. this am I weighed 201.5!!!! hoping by SUNDAY I'll make it to ONEDERLAND!
My pantyhose are now just plain ol' Queen Size instead of 4x... yes 4x! UGH.  no more 4X, 3X ,2X for me!

I've given away my winter coats.. they were WAY too big. Just bought a nice winter jacket that is a little snug for now so I can enjoy my winter walks in January!  Can't wait to go cross-country skiing this year! perhaps I can even get hubby to go snoeshoeing with me!

I am extremely happy with my weight loss to the present time and look forward to my continued success.
Away I go into my month 3 adventure!

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About Me
Capital Region, NY
Surgery Date
May 13, 2009
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