Sunday- I was 1 month post-op!

Aug 25, 2009

 Hi it's me again.... I had company Sunday so haven't update my posts. Well, I'm 1 month post-op congratulations to me! I'm doing fairly well. No Major complications although this last week or so I've had some small issues. 

Mostly from eating too fast, I think. Grouchy Pouchy starts to gurgle & groan lets me know it wants to be left alone. But by then something seems to be stuck and I must make a dash for the bathroom. to BURP up whatever has been the cause of the discomfort. I've tossed my meds a couple of times due to taking them so close together. I think I've learned the lesson on that and take them 10-15 mins apart.

I'm getting tired of soft pureed stuff. But I don't WANT real food either really. It is such an odd place to be. But-- as I said... really I can't complain. Nothing Major....

I'm down to 217 (.5) give or take a bit.

so my high weight 288 BMI 49.5 right on the verge of EXTREMELY OBESE
1st visit to Surgeon's 268 BMI.. 46. Morbidly Obese
pre - surg 234 - BMI  40.5 ...Morbidly Obese
current.... 217... BMI  37.4  ...Obese

Let me just say... for now I'm happy to be Obese and heading toward being OVERWEIGHT!!!

This took a long thought process getting to the point of going to the info session.
From there it was just one stepping-stone after another.... I'm glad I did it!
Besides LOOKING Better.... I FEEL BETTER!!! and THAT is why I DID IT.
I am PROUD that I've become a surgically altered FREAK!


My weight....

Aug 02, 2009

since i'm not sure how to do this properly for now this will have to suffice:


Starting weight: 268

Pre-op weight: 234

1 week post-op: 231


Happy this am!

Aug 01, 2009

Well- since Sunday is my regular weight and post day I thought I'd jump on the scale this am.  I've been a little anxious since I came home about my weight because I put on SO MUCH Water weight in the hospital and it took about a full week to get it off.

NO need to worry. No need to stress. Just weighed myself and I'm down to 231! THAT means I FINALLY have a BMI that is NOT 40+ . YES I just barely broke into the BMI range of 30's with a BMI of 39.7! 

HA but I'll take it! so much better than creeping up in the other direction that all of us had become so accustomed.

Wednesday I have my follow-up appt with my primary Doc. so I will probably post mid-week weight as well.
However, after this I'm going to try only to weigh on Sundays.  Have a great day everyone!

First Post-Op Check-up!

Jul 31, 2009

This morning I had my first POST-OP check-up! My husband drove me since I'm still taking my Lortab a couple of times a day. Even if I hadn't been on the meds, I would have wanted him to be with me. Last week soon after the surgeon opened my various sites and could SEE what was going on inside they found some irregularities. So.... today both of us were a bit apprehensive, anxious [me...concerned-him-worried] about what we were going to hear when we got to the doctor's office.

OK here's the deal. Everything prior to surgery all testing went well. Blood work normal. Ultrasound, Upper GI normal. normal normal normal. So off I go to the OR not expecting anything Weird. So - as mentioned they made the necessary incisions and inserted the instruments. Took a look around and found something WRONG- a big discussion took place in the OR about what to do... They decided to biopsy my liver and wait for the frozen section to get the results and see if there were any cancer cells present. NONE were found! (if there had they would have stitched me back up and been off to see an oncologist) THAT was close...

Now- since they still weren't sure what was wrong with the liver but that it wasn't cancer, some further discussion and they decided to proceed with the surgery! ( I AM SO GLAD THEY DID!) So we were still waiting to hear what the diagnosis of the unusual looking things all over my liver actually would turn out to be... some disease process or something that we should not have to have undo concern over. 

Let me tell you... when I woke up Thursday evening and my hubby told me about it I was probably to drugged up to care. but I was so glad that we had a friend spend the day with him during my surgery - just in case....something went bad.  Having our friend with him made it easier for him to THINK than to just Focus on WHAT HORRIBLE thing could be happening to me.

Later, after Eric went home-the doc and his associate came in the room and told me about the unusual find and told me at that point they still weren't sure what the spots were- that we would have to wait for the report. They showed me COLOR Photos. ewwwwwwwwww... so strange... [kinda reminded me of when I had a bad case of strep throat with white marks all over the back of my throat... ]   I started to obsess about what it could be.. came home and did Google & Bing searches on liver disorders.... lots of info no pictures that looked anything like what i have.

I didn't see any point in saying anything about this before- since none of us knew what way it was going to go. 
I feel good- healing well- I mean how sick could I be?  So- thankfully, even though I was concerned I wasn't a basket case because when a person has inner peace it is a gift from God that helps one cope with whatever may come.  

Today- the results are in- it is something called granulomas. The good news is that as I continue to lose weight- they should shrink or possibly disappear!!! So  while this week I haven't lost much weight. It was still a good week.
BTW- when I got home and got on the scale my weight went UP DRASTICALLY! This was because of all the IV's.
I think I went up close to 18lbs! Today my weight is less than my pre-op weight. Finally...

So- sorry long post - just needed to let it all out.... and let you know I'm doing well.... and even though the problems were found, the surgery was definitely a success! If it hadn't been for all my preop tests and this surgery- I wouldn't known I have sleep apnea or that ,for now I have this unusual condition. 

Right now- I'm too tired to research granulomas but will probably look into it further at some point. Right now- my main concern is getting in my 64oz of fluid and a decent amount of protein.  

Thank-you in advance for all your invaluable support!


It's official... I am POST-OP!!!

Jul 27, 2009

Surgery is done and over! I'm sore & tired. I have my post-op follow up appointment Friday am. I seem to be healing well, as I had expected that I would. 

So glad that I told them that I had bad experience with anesthesia with my hyster surgery.  Before I went in for the RNY a nurse placed a patch behind my ear to prevent Nausea. Additionally, they added meds to my IV line that would also prevent the nausea & vomiting. IT WORKED! no problem with it. I did sleep very deeply and don't have any recall of the OR- recovery room or even of the trip back to my room after surgery. I woke up later that evening in my room with my hubby sitting right there. It was a very pleasant way to wake up.

Since the drugs were so powerful I kept drifing back off to sleep and he had a chance to escape from the room and head home. HE was exhausted! I opened my eyes Just enough to see him quietly tip- toeing out the door!
I didn't have the energy or the inclination to speak so off he went to get his much deserved rest.  The last time I had surgery the poor guy made it to the door and i woke up everytime and made him stay... DON'T LEAVE ME....
i would plead weakly... of course- he would turn around and sit back down.  This time I was just glad to see him when i woke up and knew he need to get some rest so -- if you love something let it go.... and He came back in the morning!  how sweet.... awwww

After all these years he isn't going anywhere! He's stuck with me! hahahaha


Jul 22, 2009

Day 3 of Prep- This is getting old... all clear liquids today... had some water, some black coffee, beef broth, orange jello, later some chicken broth. I was tired so I took a short nap- but still have lots to do here at home. last minute cleaning- laundry, cooking for hubby.  BUT I JUST HAD A WOW MOMENT!  I got up from my little nap and went to the bathroom...all those liquids ... and I JUST SLID MY JEANS DOWN WITHOUT UNSNAPPING OR UNZIPPING!
To say that I'm amazed is putting it mildly. 

Well, in the morning, I'm off to the hospital have to be there at 9am for surgery at 11:15. Hope to be in my room by 4pm. I am nervous. However, I know that many have had such great success and I want that as well.  With my jeans practically falling off- I'm on my way.  Surgery is a tool that will help me get the rest of this OFF! Then I get to go SHOPPING!    It will be so nice to buy clothes that are shrinking. Thankfully, there is a thrift store near me. I have a feeling for a while I will be doing a lot of shopping there! I am so happy about this adventure! Can't wait till I'm out of the hospital back home and start recuperating!

so TTFN -- next time I post it will be POST-OP!  YIPPEE!

Countdown to surgery...

Jul 17, 2009

Here it is Friday evening, just a few days before my surgery. By this time next friday I will be one day post-op! Sore and trying to walk to the halls as directed!

I just finished writing a nice update for my blog- but when I tried to add a TAG- it said it was an invalid tag and to fix it. Well- I couldn't figure out to do that. So in the process I lost the whole kit & kaboodle!  If you're going to lose your kit you may as well lose your kaboodle...

So- perhaps Monday - while I'm HOME doing my PREP, I will take advantage of my time spent near the bathroom and update this properly.  I'm just too tired now to gather my thoughts and redo what I lost....

I'm busy trying to do some laundry & housework before next week. Also, I am in the process of packing to go to Vermont to see my cousin in the morning.  Haven't seen her in ages- really want to do that Before my surgery. So that's it for now.  I will post again Monday...have a good weekend everyone.


another GREAT site!

Jul 10, 2009

If you like to laugh- Toni & Linda are wonderful and share lots of positive tips along the way...
since some of my friends act like this surgery is going to turn me into a freak-

Today is July 9th- surgery is 2 weeks away...

Jul 09, 2009

Wow! I can hardly believe it! surgery in just 2 weeks! Only have a couple of appts. before my surgery. This week I saw the Nutritionist aka NUT [that cracks me up- perhaps the NUT should see the Shrink???] anyway - i digress- Then wednesday- I went in for my PATs- and then shot over to the Surgeons for an appt there and to pick up my MediFast.
Yesterday was busy. Tired me out.  Oh they also had a couple of new flavors of MediFast- I tried the cranberry mango- it is YUMMY. To say that I'm excited is an understatement.
I look forward to finishing up my last few doc appts. next week - then on to my surgery July 23rd. woo hoo!

An OPEN LETTER to MYSELF!!! and whomever it may concern...

Jul 02, 2009

LAST MEAL??? it sounds like you are planning on NEVER EATING again- the last Solid food I before starting my Medi-Fast was some steamed broccoli with a little grated cheese and some stir fry shrimp- that i made. the next day -JUNE 27-started the shakes. But I am planning on Having FOOD probably a week out from surgery.. that pureed chicken, tuna sounds mighty good right about now...

Now I can understand LAST cigarette- last alcoholic drink etc-

But people we are going to EAT Again! just very differently...

Pre surgery- We have "I LIVE TO EAT" thinking-
Post surgery- We need to maintain "I EAT to LIVE" thinking.

this will be easier to accomplish if we adjust our thinking prior to our surgery.

To look back longingly at BAD HABITS that got all of us to the point where we Need to have this surgery is really counter-productive.
As so many folks have said this is a MENTAL ISSUE.
over eating- bad choices- lots of fried, fast food, overindulging in GOOD food WILL NOT be part of our post-op lives.

If we allow ourselves to constantly focus on the negative ...
guess what - our surgery will be of no use...
I didn't say the surgery will be a failure-
because the surgery didn't fail- the failure was our own.
failure to follow pre-op program-
failure to follow post-op program-
failure to follow up with the doctor etc.

I'm not saying I haven't had thoughts of indulging- because i have -
a certain chunk of pepperoni caught my eye yesterday and the bacon I made for my husband this am.... But at this point nope can't do it- gotta stick to my resolve.
I need to let myself get off to a POSITIVE start-
I may stumble, but its just that a stumble
not a continued course of making poor choices and then focusing on how wonderful it all was going down... focus on how sick it made me later....
considering the consquences of my actions = better choices.


About Me
Capital Region, NY
Surgery Date
May 13, 2009
Member Since

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