Going down again! Yay!

May 29, 2012

So I have started with the sit-ups in the morning (550 of them...who knew I had the stamina?) I am now contemplating running...(If I have to hear one more time from friends "How are your knees holding up" I will scream)...I never ever had problems with my knees. I have a replaced ankle, 2 plates and 21 pins from a fall...but my knees are fine. I want to try running. Even interval running to start.

Food and I are still not seeing eye-to-eye, I still throw up and am still reacting to lactose. I am 6 lbs away from the goal Dr. Reed gave me, but I KNOW I can see my goal. (150 lbs)

I don't get sick of hearing "Your disappearing!" I knew I would succeed with weight loss. I am just too stubborn NOT to. Taking away my BIGGEST adversary/crutch (food) actually helped me more than even I would have dreamed. I am not tempted anymore, I don't even get the hunger attacks I did. They came about after a highly stressful day where I "forgot" to eat...my rationale was "Well, I forgot to have lunch so I can have McDonalds."

I went in to check out my bra size...I am STILL a 36D...does anyone else find that strange? I thought the girls would be the first to go. Regardless, I grabbed some push up bras, because they sure have seen perkier days...and hope my ass continues to shrink...I am in a size 12 - 13 pants (haven't seen that size since high school) and I just ordered medium and small dress uniform shirts from work.  

I wish my Mom could see me, she was overweight her whole life and I can remember her telling me at the age of 15 when I asked what the purple stringy looking things on my legs were, "Those are spider veins, Love, our family is predisposed to having big hips...you'll have them too..." I figured I was going to be heavy for the rest of my life. I love you Mom but I am really looking forward to proving her wrong on this one.


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Jul 13, 2011
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