lost another 2 lbs. Total of 42 lbs so far

Jun 22, 2009

Well added a little jogging to my morning walk.  It felt great.  I was a little out of breath but the pushing of the burn felt really great.

6-22-09 - It has been 9 years since I have weighted under 300lb

Jun 21, 2009

Ok people... I was really worried about this weekend. First of all I didn't get to excersie preparing for Joey's party and being at my moms for the weekend. It was just crazy and had so much to do. Even though it rain Joey's celebration was wonderful and fill with family and friends who care of us.

Well I got on the scale this morning and it finally moved. Total of 40 lbs since the beginning of the crazy journey. I just can't believe it in 6 weeks I have lose 40 lbs. I love this tool. Still having a little bit of trouble with different foods but I just keep on trucking.   Today is the first time since 2000 that I weight under 300 lbs.  I am just amazed.  I just can't believe how much I let myself go.  But May 14th I rediscovered myself and will continue to work it  until I am health.

Thanks again for all of the support and prayers.

Love you guys.

6-18-09 - Day 35

Jun 18, 2009

I am writing because I just wanted to vent a little bit.  I have hit my 4 week stall and I don't know how to make it go away.  I am almost getting all of my protein in and my liquid.  I have changed a couple of things I am eating to give my body a change and I am walking 2.6 - 3 miles a day.   I just don't know that to do.  My clothes are definately getting bigger and I feel great.  No actually I am a little tried when I get home the last couple of days (but that could be because of the weather).  God it is suppose to be June not April, what happened did they move PA into Washington and not tell us.  But overall I feel great.  Just frustrated with the weight not coming off.  I also I had 1lbs come off in the last week. 

I guess I just got excited for so much weight to come off so quickly at first now it is just sitting there. 

Boy I hate the mental game that our body does with itself.

Well ok thanks for letting me vent.

Since down 38 lbs (13 before surgery 25 since surgery).  I guess I can't complain.

PS.. my ex husband was checking me out last Friday when he was pick up the boys.  I think that is just too funny.


6-10-09 - 1 month post op

Jun 10, 2009

Well technically I am not offical 1 month post op until Sunday, but the my follow up was today.  I know people I haven't updated my profile in a while.  Just haven't really had too much to say.   Well follow up went really well.  He is very happy with everything.  My weight lose and me execising.  I am currently down 37 lbs since pre-op diet started and I am walking 2.6 miles a day, giving me the weekends off. 

I am very happy with the results and won't go back and change anything. 

I am having some issues with trying to start with the real/solid foods but that will come in time. 

New before and after photos coming soon.

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6-3-09 - 21 days post op (3 weeks out)

Jun 03, 2009

Ok I know I haven't posted a blog in a while.  Bad me.  I have been very busy trying to get my stuff together and getting on a schedule of the new life style.  And last week I was battling a 3 lbs weight gain.  Which totally blew my mind considering I am only eating about 600 calories a day.   How the hell did I gain 3 lbs.  Well considering Aunt Flo came for a visit the weekend before I totally was retaining water.  And I wasn't getting enough water into my system.  Well this is going to as crazy as ever.    Well good news is that I have dropped the 3 lbs that I was playing with last week.  And I am back down to the 31 lbs lost.

Good news is that a lot of my older summer from two summers ago are starting fit.  It is like having a brand new clothes. 

OT... I was so glad to start hang out with my friends last weekend and feeling great.  The adult time was greatly needed.  Going to head down the shore for a visit in two weeks and looking forward to this. 

PS the drinking thing is not a problem.

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5-16-09 - Day 3 post op

May 16, 2009

Well feeling good.  Tired but getting my walks and liquids in.  Last night had a scary moment.  I am usually a very independent person and asking for help kills me sometimes.  But lesson learned last night.  I was resting on mom's couch and must have slide to far down on the couch that put me in a flat position and couldn't get up to go to the potty.   Had a little panic attack.  All I really needed to do was pick up the phone and call my mom.  But the stubborn streak kicked in until I couldn't handle it anymore.  But yes mom came down and saved me and I made it to the potty.  But all of the struggling that I did, I think my arms suffered.  I woke up the morning and both of my arms were numb and felt very heavy.  My mom made me call the Dr. and he said that I might be a little dehydrated and I should just take my tyelonol 3 and rest today. 

Well I continued to drink my water and tea and rested some more today and my arms are feeling better.  I actually took a little ride to the local walmart today with mom to get out of the house and do a little walking.  Again made me feel great.  Actually helped me fart.  I didn't ever think that I would be so happy to have gas but this experience has definately made me happy when that happens.

Well I am going to see my monsters tomorrow and then get to go back to my house tomorrow night.  I think sleeping in my own bed is going to be a very nice thing to do.  My mom is great and she is make sure that I am getting all of my liquids in . 
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5-15-09 - Resting at mom's

May 15, 2009

Thank you everyone for all of the good thoughts and prayers.  I have a very uneventful surgery that went very well according to Dr. Dallal.  I was in the operation room at 12:30 and woke up in recovery around 3:00 or so.  Got to my room around 5:30 and started right on ice chips and have been sipping and walking all day and night.  Got released around 5:00 tonight now at my mom's resting.  Got some Gas X strips and took a walk around the block with mom.  The gas pain seem to come and go but I will get through it. 

Again thanks for all of your support .  I am so excited to take this crazy journey with all of you guys.
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5-13-09 - Day before Surgery

May 13, 2009

I really don't have too much to say today.  It is the day before my surgery and I am very at peace with my decision to have to done.  Now I am just waiting for the hospital to call with a time and then everything should just move smoothly along.  The boys are taken care of.  The house is clean.  The wash is done.  And I am very lucky to have a great group of friends and family that are there for me and supporting me 110%.  So here we go!
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May 12, 2009

Ok people!  The finish line is coming upon us.  Last days as a big  Jenn.  From Thursday on, watch out world because sexy Jenn is on her way out of the closet.  Yes people I will be invading your closets.  As the weight comes off the need for smaller size clothes will be the necessity.  Right now I am down 11 lbs in 12 days, which I think is just crazy.  I haven't lose that much weight since I was going to WW in prepartion for my wedding.  Yes it is not a good way to lose weight but hey it is very encouraging that it is already. 

BTW... Sugar Free Water from Rita's is not a good idea.  Whatever they use for the sweeter not so nice on my tummy.  I guess I will stick to the sugar free popsciles (the yellow box, Edy's has good ones & also Walmart brand twin pops very good).  Because after the surgery my diet will consider of 7 days of clear liquids and I will be very limited to what my new pouch is going to let me put into it so I am thinking that the frozen treats will help.    Ok  tomorrow is a total liquid day.  I stop all proteins and vitamins and just intake the liquids to prep the body for surgery.  I will also waiting for a time for surgery from hospital.  I should only be in over night and home to mom's by Friday night.  That should be fun.  Trying to recover at mom's for 3 days.  Good love her but I really wish I could have done that is my own bed.

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5-10-09 - Day 11 of liquid diet

May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to all!  Wel my mother's day was spent on the couch not feeling so hot.  Yesterday went a little crazy and did a lot of nesting.  I totally cleaned my condo.  I changed my closet over to summer clothes and was very excited to see all of the clothes that I will be able to wear this year.  Over the last couple of years I just put them away and in hopes of wearing them again.  But that never happened but this year IT WILL!!  I did pack away my winter clothes in the storage bins that I have.  I know that I will never have to put them back on my body, but there is a couple of things that are in there that are the WISH clothes that just sat in my drawer again with hopes.  But once I pull them out in October I will be handing them down to my girlfriend or Goodwill.    But I did do over it a little bit.  I actually moved my bedroom around for some more change in my life.  And I stranded my back so now I am in a little discomfort.  And also have a hallway full of trash of my old life that has to go to the dumpster.  BTW, I live on the 3rd floor of a condo building so the trash thing is a pain in the A$$.  But now my home is ready for the change and so I am.  All that is needed now is to mop the floors.  I will do that tomorrow after I come home from work.  And then on Tuesday I will pack our bags.  The boys are going to go to school on Thursday but then going to my gram's on Thursday night and are going to miss school on Friday.  I hate when my boys have to miss school but that is the only way I can make this happen.  And then they go to their dad's for the weekend.  I will be recovering at my mom's over the weekend and then come back home on Sunday night and Joey's home health care aid is going to come and take care of me as well as Joey.  I have been truly blessed for all of the people in my life. 

Well I was very weak and had a migaine this morning when I got up.  I am guessing this is because of my craziness yesterday I wasn't on schedule with my diet and missed eating.  I only had a protein shake in the morning for breakfast and when I was finally done at the Super Walmart last night I sat down and had a nice salad and 32 oz of water.  But when I am work I have the schedule down pat and usually drink aroun 64 to 96 oz of water a day at my desk.  So I am thinking that once I have the surgery that the weekend are going to be the hardest for me and I am just going to have to schedule the eating just as I do when I at work.   Again this is a learning process and I will get it correct. 

Well for all of those of you who are taking this journey with me this week you are in my thoughts and prayers.  And I hope all goes well.  Can't wait to hear about your experiences and see your photos.

On the way to the loser bench.  The TOOL is key.
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About Me
East Norriton, PA
Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2005
Member Since

Friends 49

Latest Blog 40
