Theres no way I can write my story in one sitting so I'm just gonna type a bit, plus I'm at work and talking about my weight and all the wonderful painful things that go with it make me cry.

Lets start. I wasn't always heavy but most of my family was and I was determined to not end up heavy and  way old before my time. I was athletic but i never learned to eat healthy. To this day my idea of  healthy breakfast is a dt coke and a bagel with a few pds of cream cheese. Then I got pregnant VERY young by a horrible man who would always tell me I was fat and no one else would ever want me. (This was when I was a size 3) but I started to believe he was right I mean who wants a 17 y/o girl with a kid? Then things got really bad.

Years later. The weight just keeps sneaking on. I try to lose it.  sometimes I suceed but for every 10 lbs I lost I gained back 15. After a while I gave up. I'm gonna be fat theres nothing I can do so why fight it. Right?

Next thing I know, I'm 30 years old, I smoke like a stack, I'm over 100 lds overwieght, I haven't been out socially in about 2 years, (not to mention my non existant sex life). I feel like shit ALL the time. I hate myself. I have no energy and my kids are embarassed to be seen with me. Now what?

I decided to change or die. Because I don't want to live (not that I'm really living) like this anymore. My kids deserve better. I deserve better.

So I spent the last year finding out about surgery. ( it has changed the lives of a lot of people I know from work .) So I'm on the path now. Picked and consulted with a surgeon. (Dr. Greenbaum), got all my consults scheduled, still have some blood work to get done this week, need a gallbladder ultrasound, and EGD (scheduled 2/27/09) then six months of supervised diet. So i guess I'm on the right track but six months before we can even submit to my insurance seems SO LONG.

Thats if for now. Not that anyone is gonna actaully read this. Cross fingers!!
