12 hours til my arrival time at hospital!!!

Feb 26, 2013

My arrival time is 1130 am. I don't' have a clue what time my surgery will be but if all goes well by this time tommorrow I'm be sleeved and on the way to my new healthier life!

Things I'm worried about

1. Something canceling my surgery!  (like a flood, snowstorm,big emergency requiring all surgeons to cancel their scheduled surgeries, a car accident, sudden illness-mine or someone else, alien invasion, zombie apocolyspe, super volcano, just about anything)

2. Getting a catheter.

3.  The nurses unable to start an IV (this has happened a few times to  me already)

4. having the Dr start and not be able to finish the procedure for some reasosn.

5. Pain

6. Not losing any weight.

7. Something going wrong.

8. Dying



