Working On

Fit comfortably in any seat I choose (lawnchair, movie theater, airplane etc.)

600 working on · 385 achieved
Working On

dance as a dissident daughter

1 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

not be embarrassed to see old friends from high school or college.

96 working on · 59 achieved
Working On

get my life back.

6 working on · 1 achieved
Working On

take up horsebackriding again and become a dressage queen

1 working on · 0 achieved · Target goal date: 3/02/2009

be able to find cute clothes in other colors than black!

9 working on · 9 achieved

Is to be healthy, energetic and be able to cross my legs.

1 working on · 1 achieved

move onto the next step towards having weight loss surgery.

2 working on · 3 achieved · Target goal date: 11/19/2008