The Weekly Weigh-In: Week 11

Nov 09, 2011

HW - 248
SW - 233.7
CW - 201.9

THISCLOSE to hitting 'onederland'...I never thought I would be excited to use that cheesy term!

I completely blew off my weekly weigh-in the week I went to Hawaii...and pretty much blew it off after Hawaii, too.

In fact, "Blew" should be the theme of this post.  Why?

Because I blew out my left knee while on vacation in paradise.  Yup, you read that correctly.  This girl ruptured her MCL and managed to tear her meniscus in multiple (tiny) places while in Hawaii.  And I don't even have a good story about how it happened.  Heaven forbid I do it while hiking the Diamond Head Crater, or the Likeke Falls...or climbing in or out of the doors-off helicopter  that we took to tour the island.  Did I do it while exploring the Sunken Island (sandbar) in Kaneohe bay?  Or romping in the surf in Waikiki?

Nope.  None of the above.  I did it while turning around.  Yes.  TURNING AROUND.  To talk to someone.  My knee just buckled and I hit the ground.  I felt (and heard) a loud "Pop" and knew I was in big trouble.  I tried to walk it off.  I was with friends - at a bar.  I didn't want to be a drag.  So, I had a couple of drinks to try to dull the pain. (Note - THAT mistake will never occur again.  Those drinks made me sooooo ill.)  

All of this occurred on a Saturday night.  Sunday, when I woke - I couldn't move the knee.  It took half an hour bombarding it with hot water before the joint loosened up enough to bend at all.  I thought, "Uh oh, I might be in trouble."  My mom said, "Maybe you should go to the ER."


I tried to go on, business as usual.  We went to the Swap Meet at the stadium.  I made it about 30yrds before deciding I was going back to the jeep to rest the leg.  We went to a late lunch at Dixie Grill.  I cried trying to go up and down the steps.  

My mom said, "Maybe you should go to the ER."  

I said, "Maybe I should go to the ER."  

And that, my friends, is how I found myself at The Queen's Medical Center on Punchbowl Drive in Honolulu.  While they are slow - -they are definitely slow in that charming Hawaiian way....and a nicer group of medical professionals you will not find on this earth.  They were FANTASTIC!!  So friendly, accomodating and totally caring.  Next time I get hurt, my butt is hopping a plane to Hawaii for treatment.  For sure.  

No breaks were detected via x-ray - but they didn't want to do an MRI that night because of the tons of swelling in the leg.  So, they immobilized it with a HUGE brace, gave me a set of crutches..some GOOOOOOD pain meds and sent me on my way with an admonition "NO WEIGHT BEARING ON THE LEG!" and "YOU MUST BE SEEN BY AN ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON IMMEDIATELY!"
In fact, they wanted me to see one on Tuesday - the day I left to return home - - I told them I couldn't because I was leaving. 
This girl was adamant.  I was getting BACK to Dallas Texas before ANY specialists touched this knee.  I wanted a conservative one - - you know, the kind who doesn't walk into the initial exam with a scalpel...ready to cut you open.  

And, I found a good one.  After an MRI (which diagnosed the ruptured MCL and minor meniscus tears)....he suggested that we try a non-surgical approach.  I am in a hinged brace - - and do range of motion twice per day.  I alternate ice and heat and have had to (sadly) retire all of my high heeled shoes for a while.

I go back for the third time on 11/29 to see the orthopedic surgeon...and, at that time, we will take a look at the stability of the knee, and what stability I have regained (or haven't regained) and either continue with the brace/range of motion, etc....or reconsider surgery.  I feel like I am doing pretty well - - but when I upped my physical activity this weekend, I started feeling a series of pops in the knee with some additional we have scaled it back again.

I really feel like this has put a damper on my weight loss - - I am not nearly as far along as I would like - -and I do blame the knee injury for it.  I had been trucking along - the treadmill and I were getting to be very well acquainted.  Then this happened.
And, I hit a bit of a depressive episode - upset about gaining 3.3lbs in Hawaii (although, heaven knows a lot of it was probably retained water because of increased sodium intake....not to mention the fluid retention in the knee!)...and I let my eating go to hell.  If I found Halloween candy, I ate Halloween candy.  

I think I have snapped out of the funk, though.  This morning was a protein shake.  My snack was some pistachios...and I am getting ready to have some healthy chili for lunch!


Go, Go Gadget Treadmill

Oct 14, 2011

I have a new guilty pleasure.

Watching 'Friday Night Lights' at 6:00 in the morning.

While on the treadmill.

Okay - the treadmill is in no way a pleasure, but I have found it goes so much faster if my mind is occupied by a good TV show or movie.  At the first of the year, I was watching episodes of "Mad Men" while logging my treadmill time. 

I was glad to see that Netflix has expanded their repetoire of good TV shows - to keep me entertained as I sweat in the morning. 

My treadmill is pretty elderly - - it was given to me by my mom and is probably close to 20 years old by now.  It's loud, too.  So, I have to turn the TV up pretty loudly - and even then, I have found that I need to turn on the closed-captioning in order to make sure I hear whispered conversations, etc. 

But, I have to credit the treadmill with my renewed weight loss.  I was getting my activity in before the stall - - but, once that stall broke, I was even more committed - and the treadmill is the way to go, for me.  I can track my speed and distance, as well as my heartrate...and it scares the canines.  Well, it scares two of the three pups.  The third one, my special child, will still occasionally attempt to hop aboard and is absolutely shell shocked when he flies off the back of it!

The Weekly Weigh-In - - Week #7

Oct 12, 2011

HW - 248
SW - 233.7
CW - 208.8

I am finally proud to write a weigh-in post again.  It feels good to lose!!!  I only wish I could (in a healthy manner) make it to below 200lbs for the Hawaii trip - - but, health is first and foremost. 

However, I am really beginning to enjoy my treadmill time.

Okay, I'm lying.  What I am really doing is using the treadmill to work off stress - - the Rangers are playing the Tigers in the ALCS...and when games go into extra innings, I end up on the treadmill.  Great exercise for me, I get the nervous energy out of my system....and the Rangers win!

I am still taking it pretty easy - - between 2 to 3 miles at a time - - at a pace of anywhere from 3 to 3.5mph...burning from 225 to 275 calories (according to the tracker on the treadmill.)

Now, I just need to do a better job of tracking my target heart rate - - every calculator I see shows a target heart rate that is below what I am seeing on the treadmill - - and I don't feel like I am really exerting myself that much. 

Then again - my RESTING heart rate is (and always has been) really high.  Even in high school, it was around 85bpm...and now it is around 90pbm.  That makes it SUPER easy to get to the standard target heart rates.  Heck, I barely break a sweat when I do I push myself above it a bit.

Ugh - math is hard, barbie. 

Feeling better now that the first 'stall' is behind me...

Oct 11, 2011

Thank goodness that stall really did break. 

I had been hearing about the 'whoosh' that most people enountered after the stall - - losing 3lbs in 2 days....or 7lbs in 3 days.  I was floored.  When my stall 'broke', I lost 0.4lb one day, then 0.7lb the next.  Then, I GAINED 0.7 the day after that!

On Sunday morning, I woke with the most hideous cramps (thank you PCOS)...and the thought of food made me so ill.  I have't been THAT nauseated by cramps in YEARS.    I tried to make a shake - it was a no-go, either.  Even my trusty Cytomax and Isopure sports drinks wouldn't make it through my lips.  I was heaving.   I finally decided that I would rather just stay hydrated - - and spent my day sipping water.  All. Day. Long.  Ice cold. 

Monday wasn't much better - - but at least I finally got a Cytomax down, though it took most of the day, and I had to cut it with water.  I did manage to get my liquids in - - still, mostly water. 

This morning, when I weighed, I was down from 213.8 on 209.7 today.  That is 4.1lbs in 48 hours. 

I am still on clear liquids until the cramps decided to abate -- they're better today...and I have managed to finish off my Alpine Punch Isopure and have just started a Tropical Cytomax.

I was whining about not being at my first interim 'goal' for Hawaii next week.  I wanted to be sub-200 by the time I got on the plane.  I knew there was NO way I was going to make that goal.

However, because of these cramps - I will be much closer than I expected.

Here's to cramps going away - - and the resumption of some food (please, body - cooperate!) either tonight or tomorrow!

The Weekly Weigh-In - - Week #6

Oct 05, 2011

HW - 248
SW - 233.7
CW - 214.6

So, at the risk of jinxing myself, I think the dreaded stall might - - JUST MIGHT - - have broken. 

I have dropped two days in a row (0.7lbs when I weighed on Tuesday and 0.4lbs when I weighed this morning).

I know it is completely psychological - but, seeing a decrease on the scale (however slight) is more motivating than anything else.  My main goal has always been my health - - and it still remains foremost.  I want the blood pressure to be lower, I want my insulin resistance to resolve...I want my PCOS symptoms to go away.  I can't get feedback on those every single day -- but I CAN get feedback from my scales. 

I have also gone on one heck of a shopping spree.  I know -- I can hear everyone now, "Don't buy clothing when you will just shrink out of it!"  But, I have good reasons for doing so.  I want to look good, which equates to feeling good, too!  Plus, my clothing will not go to waste when it no longer fits.  My younger sister is about 50lbs behind me in my weight loss journey.  She has not had WLS and is not planning on it - - but, I am so inspired by how diligent she has been with diet and exercise.  Financially, things aren't comfortable enough for her to buy clothing of any kind in smaller sizes - so I have promised her that everything that 'outgrows me' will belong to her.  So, the cute, edgy black tank covered in rectangular sequins?  I'm hoping I get a month or two to love it....and then it will be on its way to her closet.

The supercute shorts from Old Navy?  Alas, I am afraid that this trip to Hawaii will be their swan song, too - - I bought them two weeks ago - - and I am sure they won't fit come NEXT summer! 

I also bought a super-cute retro-ish polkadot bathing suit....and it's going to live with the sis after the Hawaii trip, too.  Luckily, I am finding a LOT of stylish, high-quality clothing on sale.  It's a gift I have.  I don't believe in paying full-price for clothing, shoes, electronics, etc.  I make a habit of layering discounts and promotions.  I seriously believe in using them to my full advantage!  I figure that a retail establishment won't sell something if they can't make a profit on it somehow!

This past weekend was great - - I picked up the aforementioned sequined tank, a deep purple lace-edged cami, a beaded and ruffled cardigan and a pair of dress slacks.  My mom and sister also got into the game  - - picking up tanks for our upcoming Hawaii trip.  They also grabbed at least three or four other items each.  All of this was at Lane Bryant.  And, after using $175 Real Women dollars I had from my last spree - - we ended up getting almost $500 of clothing for $191.00.  And, that is not even my best outing.  My favorite memory was hitting up LB with the little sis to buy bras and underwear - cute sets, that is.  We got $1800 of lingerie for a bit over $300. 

Yes, that is how I shop! 

The Weekly Weigh-In - - Week #5

Sep 28, 2011

HW - 248
SW - 233.7
CW - 216.1

Total Weight Loss - 31.9lbs

I'm disgusted.  Totally and completely disgusted.  I follow plan, I get activity in.  I get all my protein and fluid in.  AND I $(*(*$^&& gain weight. 

I don't think I want to elaborate any more - except to say that I am so pissed off right now, I can't see straight. 

The Weekly Weigh-In - Week #4

Sep 21, 2011

HW - 248
SW - 233.7
CW - 213.8

Total Weight Loss - 34.2lbs

Yes, I have stalled.  The dreaded 'Three Week Stall'.  On Friday, I was 1.1lbs lower than my current weight.  But I gained 0.7 and 0.4 over the course of the last week.  I am frustrated.  Totally and completely frustrated. 
Yes, I know a stall is 'normal' and I was expecting it - - but I didn't realize just how overwhelming this first stall was for me. 
During the initial workshop -they encouraged us to weigh in every day - - and I think I am going to eschew that in favor of weighing in every Wednesday. 

I am on bariatric soft foods - and I am doing my best to be cognizant of the protein and carbs in each and every bite of food that enters my body.  Probably the worst thing I have eaten is refried beans with greek yogurt.  Of course, when you can only eat one ounce of something - - you can't feel tooooo guilty, right?

In all seriousness - I am making high-protein, low-carb choices (with the exception of refried beans - which were actually suggested by our Nut). 

My favorite so far?
2 cups of diced chicken (I pressure cooked and deboned and entire chicken - and this stuff is soooooooo soft)
1/2 cup 2% Fage greek yogurt
1 can black beans (rinsed and drained)
1/2 cup low fat mild cheddar cheese, grated

I can get about an ounce to an ounce and a half of this down at any given time -and it is excellent!  Not only that, but Doc (the nickname for the boyfriend) also seems to love it - - however, he seems to love it on white bread).

Do me a favor - say some prayers and cross some fingers for me. I would really like to see this stall break before I go to Hawaii!


$%^#$*$^@#$%#$& STALL!

Sep 19, 2011

I was hoping and praying that I would be immune - but it just wasn't to be.

My dears, I have hit the dreaded three-week stall.  Granted, mine didn't hit until three weeks and 3 days out - but it hit.

I awoke Saturday morning to find a 0.7lb INCREASE in my weight.  I was floored.  But, I sucked it up, like a good soldier.

Sunday, I weighed the same.....and this morning?  You got it.  The same. 

So, I am calling it.  Three Week Stall. 

It pretty much dashes my hopes of being sub 200 before Hawaii...but I am taking things as they come, rolling with the punches and being thankful that I am down this much weight so far!

Liquids, Liquids, Liquids, Activity, Activity, Activity..and Protein!
That's my mantra!


Sep 15, 2011

When I went for my 2-week post-op followup (it was actually almost 3 weeks post-op because of the holiday), I begged for help with the skin issue -- the face STILL looked like Vesuvius!
The nurse practitioner prescribed Minocycline for two weeks, and we will visit again to see if it has improved. 
Right now, the really bad places are healing up - and there aren't as many new places....but the ones coming up are still horribly painful. 

I just can't believe I get to experience the humiliation of puberty twice!  That weird, 'in-between' stage where nothing fits (because I am shrinking) and I am trying to figure out just 'who' I am - physically.....the hormones and mood  It really is like being 14 again!

The Weekly Weigh-In - Week #3

Sep 13, 2011

HW - 248
SW - 233.7
CW - 213.8

Total Weight Loss - 34.2lbs

At this point, I have shed 33.2% of my excess weight - I know that the rate of loss is slowing down, but I am so encouraged by how far along I am that I am even more committed to hitting my goal in a timely manner. 


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Aug 12, 2011
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