
Jul 07, 2011

Sometimes, I get so focused on work, or the current home improvement, or my weight loss goals, that I often forget what I've accomplished along the way.  So, today, I wanted to take a few moments and write down all the things I have accomplished so far this year relating to my surgery and weight loss.

I have lost 80+ pounds.  WOW, that is THE big one!  I have a new tool that has helped me, and I continue to use the tool effectively.  I have learned that when I eat too fast, or too much, I don't feel well.  And I really don't like that feeling. 

I also learned that hiccups are the first key indicator that I'm heading down that bad path, and if I realize it early enough I don't make myself ill. 

I have dropped five clothing sizes.  WOW, and now I need to buy some clothes! LOL

I have lowered my blood pressure (which wasn't that high, but it was starting to inch up there), I have lowered my bad cholesterol, and increased my good cholesterol.  I have learned what the CRP or C-Reactive Protein test is/does.  My High C-Reactive Protein isn't anything to worry about right now since all my other indicators/numbers are lower according to my doctor.  I will be keeping an eye on it however. ;)

I have learned how good it makes me feel when I exercise.  My muscles are happy when they are stretched and worked.  My stress goes down when I work out too.  I RAN! Ok, Jogged, up to 11 minutes too... I haven't run since high school and it was pretty cool. 

I have participated in a 5K!!!  (I ran a very little bit, but I still did it and finished!!)  I also learned that having a goal (like a 5K) helps me stick to my work out routines when I have to train for the goal.

I have learned how to buy less groceries.  For example, just buy one zucchini instead of two or three.  I have also learned to use my card to buy off the kids menu at some family restaurants.

I have started working my way to a cleaner way of eating.  By using less packaged foods and more local, real foods.  Not 100% off the grocery store grid, but I'm keeping mostly to fresh fruits &  veggies and meat/fish.

I'm starting to cook more too!! or should that be, I'm learning to cook again! 

I have learned to appreciate protein shakes, and even more than that... I have learned to appreciate protein powder!

I have learned that I do not need anyones approval or affirmation of my weight loss and how great I look/feel.

I have learned to be positive (not just in the last six months, but boy has it paid off in the past six months!)  I no longer let that little voice in my head belittle me, or discourage me.  My little voice now tells me that I am a GODDESS and that I am BEAUTIFUL and that I can do anything I put my mind to (within reason! LOL)

I think being positive is underrated.  It is the best way to live.  So everyone, make lemonade when you get served some lemons!!  I also try my best to live in the present.  I try not to worry about things that haven't happened yet, and I try not to dwell on things in the past.  I am happy!

Hope everyone is too.  Don't forget to acknowledge what you've accomplished during your weigh loss journey.  It may be a long road, but its well worth the trip... just remember to stop and smell the roses along the way!! 

  I have learned that I like the smileys too! LOL


Welcome to ONE-Derland!!!!

Jun 20, 2011

I just keep singing "Welcome to ONE-derland (to the tune of Hello to Hollywood!) hahahaha... seriously, I'm loving the fact that I've moved into the 100s.  I haven't been in the 100s in over 10 years... and out of the 190s even longer ago than that!  Highschool, maybe?  In any case, I'm in One-derland! Can I get a woot woot! :) hehehe

On a more serious note, my labs came back from my 6 month follow up and my CRP is high.  I googled that, and found it its my C Reactive Protein is high, so I need to call my regular practitioner and make an appointment.  I'll share more on that in coming days, after I hear what the doctor has to say.  It may be a bit serious, but not 100% sure.

After reading the comments from my last blog, I took a few moments to really think and acknowledge what I've done... I've lost 83 pounds in six months.  WOW, that's a big deal.  I mean, I felt like it was a big deal, but I was too busy glowing in the happiness of my new smaller self.  83 pounds... that could be a Justin Beiber fan, or a sixth grader... wow.  I can't believe I've come so far so quickly.   It really is an awesome experience.

I also broke down and finally bought some whey protein isolate powder... A whopping 30 grams of protein per one scoop of the powder... That is also great news, as I have been having issues with getting enough protein.  I've also been working on getting enough water too.  My best (and easiest) way of getting water in, is chewing on crushed ice.  I don't know why, but it just works for me... maybe its because I get smaller servings of water and it takes me a while to chew the ice, so I don't get all full and make myself sick.  Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking with it! LOL  It wasn't like I didn't drink protein shakes, I just bought Myoplex.. well, that can get a little expensive, so I finally broke down and bought the powder.. so far its working well, and I like not having to buy Myoplex Lite every four days.

Eat healthy, exercise lots and talk to you soon!

Six Month follow up appt... check!

Jun 14, 2011

Last week I went for my six month follow up.  GREAT NEWS, I'm doing WONDERFULLY.. well, that isn't what the surgeon mentioned, but he did say I wasdoing GREAT.  I asked if 155 is an achievable, realistic goal weight and he said yes, but it will be up to me now.  He mentioned that the second six months after surgery is when my appetite will return, and I will need to be careful with what I eat, and make sure I get lots of exercise, and yes, I should be able to achieve the 155 mark.

So, that's the goal... still 155.  I got blood taken for lab work, but I haven't received the lab results yet.

I started my medically supervised weight loss at 283, Monday I weighed myself and I'm at 201!! woohoo!! 
I could ultimately arrive in ONEderland by the end of this week if I really put my mind to it!!! HOLY MOLY!!!

I think I'd like to make an appointment soon with the exercise staff in the office, so they can take my measurements, and I can find out how many inches I've lost.

I'm having a great time shopping a little and feeling wonderful.  I'm so happy I annoy people! LOL
I'm also reading Jillian Michael's book titled UNLIMITED.  Good book!!! 

Time to go work out... photos will be coming soon.. I just got the camera back and will be loading them to my new computer, so watch for those too!!


My next great idea!

Jun 06, 2011

Ok, so.. .I don't live far from a lake.. and now that I'm not as scared to be seen in a bathing suit, I'm trying to figure out what I can do to have fun and get out on the lake...  I also think I've grown board with my work outs, and that is why I'm having problems getting back with it.... so here is my next great, bright idea!!

I think I want to buy one of those plastic kayaks that you sit on top of.  That way, I'll get exercise, and I'll get on the lake too!! How much fun does that sound like??? I say TONS OF FUN!! oh, my aching arms...

I'll let you know if I achieve this kayak goal.... maybe paddling that kayak will help get rid of my saggy upper under arms (what I affectionately call my BAT WINGS! LOL).  Wouldn't that be nice!! definatey another item to add to the list of reasons why I should get one! 

Have a great week everyone!! Keep on with all the good work!

Time to Re-pave that road!!

May 31, 2011

I noticed today that I have really fallen off the exercise routine.  Of course, I'm in the midst of putting down a laminate floor in my house, so maybe you can consider that exercise.  I am swinging a hammer and walking around and kneeling and then doing it all over again for the next board.  My house is such chaos that I think it has leaked over into my life.  All the more reason to get the dang floor done so I can get my house and my life back in order.  Isn't it funny how ONE thing can really upset the apple cart?  I am still losing weight, (YAY!) so that is good, but I'm sure I'd be doing it better (and faster) if I were exercising.

I was also thinking, maybe I need to sign up for another 5K.  Having that goal really kept me exercising.  I'm such an A type personality that I hate that I didn't get to follow the entire couch to 5K training schedule and this would give me a chance to do it all over again.  Yes, I think this is a great idea!!

I have finally cut my hair short, and have a new SASSY haircut that I just love, and I get ALOT of compliments.

I have had a few problems with eating.  I got sick last week from ketchup (which didn't happen before), but I felt much better after that.  I also have realized my biggest problem is eating too fast and not chewing enough.  Old habits sure die hard.  I suppose if I was more mindful of my eating, I wouldn't have needed the surgery in the first place, but now that its come to my attention (again!) I need to keep focused on it and eat correctly.

For the most part I'm still happy and cheerful and living a positve life... guess I'm just having a few bumps in the road... Time to repave!!! ;) 


One 5K in the books!

May 16, 2011

Well, I got my lazy butt out of bed on Saturday morning and did the Kennelly 5K during the Pet Palooza on Saturday.  This 5K earned money for the Humane Society.  I'm so glad I got out there and did it.  Unfortunately, I arrived just in time to get checked in, and had to carry my runner package thru the whole 5K... which made it difficult to jog... (really, that is an excuse, but it was a big pain to have to carry it the whole time.) 

This 5K was a big learning experience.  First, don't start at the back of the pack!  You end up staying at the back of the pack for the majority of the race.    I started towards the back because I thought it would be best to not slow down the runners... but next time, I need to start farther up front.  I even started toward the back of the dog walkers too, but I didn't mind that so much, since I could still see the some dog walkers in front of me.  I think it would have been nice to have everyone catch up to me and not be at the end since the start of the race so good lesson learned!

My goal was to finish the 5K in an hour.  AND I DID IT!!!!  I finished it in 51 minutes!! I had time to spare!!! woohoo... (well, I finished it at the 56 minute and 20 second mark, but I started about 5 minutes behind the runners.)  I came in LAST, but I don't even care.  I even stopped to help someone with a tired dog... I kept her company for a few minutes while she let her dog rest.  Poor pooch would just lay down in the road and not want to walk any further.  She ended up not finishing the 5K.  I think she wasn't used to the humidity and the heat, so best to stop before she was an overheated pooch.  Now I'm thinking maybe next year Abbee and I can walk it.  (Abbee is my lhasa apso, she is about 10 years old).  Of course, we would have to train together, and I doubt she would run it, but it would be fun to bring her for that extra long walk with everyone else.

I think I will continue to train for 5Ks, and hopefully I can find another one that I want to do in the future.  I'm really hoping to continue with the running.  Who knows, maybe someday I can run a full 5K!!!

Time to start checking off things on my goal list... what to do next.. hmm?  Decisions, decisions!!

My 5th Month Surgiversary

May 13, 2011

I realized today is my fifth month surgiversary.  WOW, hard to believe its been a full five months since the surgical part of this journey began.

Last week I went to see my newest neice.  She was born on March 25th and is just a bundle of joy.  It was also the first time I saw my sister and my Mom since my surgery.  They were very pleasantly surprised when they finally saw me.  I got a few "HOLY COWs" and I was loving that affirmation of all my hard work.  It was even my "makeover week" like the Biggest Loser.  I didn't go out and buy a bunch of new clothes, however my sister did give me a new haircut.  And I must say, I absolutely love it.  I always wore my hair longer in the past, and I am starting to think I kept it longer because if I didn't have a great slim body, at least I had long luxurious hair.  Well, I have gotten past that.  My hair is now cut short like Lisa Rinna and I just love it!!!! Its so different, and it really compliments my face and the newfound bone structure that is actually visible now that I've slimmed down some.

I took alotsof photos of my family while I was there too, and they took some photos of me too.  I was not so pleased when I saw some of those pictures.  They still look like I'm as heavy as ever.  I guess since there is not any way to gauge the difference in my size, I still look large.  Now I sort of understand that even though I have made big strides in my weight loss, I am SO not done losing.  I'm still positive, and I'm not letting those photos get to me, but it was a little disappointing that they aren't so great.  I must learn what poses are best for future pictures.  (btw, I will be posting some photos as soon as my new computer arrives next week or so!!)

Tomorrow is also the 5K that I've been training for.  Unfortunately, I haven't kept up with my training while I was visiting my sister, but I am still going to jog as much as I can and walk the rest.  I have to start somewhere and I can only improve from there!!  My goal is to finish the 5K... and an added bonus would be to finish it in an hour!! :)

Since I've been traveling, I haven't been keeping up with my exercise very well.  Starting tomorrow (5K and lawn work) I am getting back with the program.  I must exercise to be successful in my weight loss journey so this is a non-negotiable task, besides, I feel so much better when I work out and use my muscles. 

Time to get back to reality!!  :)


Half Way and Beyond...

Apr 18, 2011

I have officially made it past my half way mark!! YIPPEE!!!!!!

So, as a treat, I went shopping... Well, I had such baggy pants for work, that I sort of needed a few new pairs.  Boy was shopping fun!!!  I've been watching "What Not to Wear" and am determined to be a fashion plate with my improved body!

I can't wait until I can shop at regular stores, and not have to worry about their limited plus size department.  I'm even more interested in SHOES again!  I always loved shoes, but I had a case of plantar fasciiatis a few years ago, and then I just got into a rut and continued wearing my athletic shoes after the foot problems got better.  Happily, the foot problems finally healed, and now that I'm getting smaller and my balance is getting better I'm excited to wear different shoes!  Someday I'll be like Carrie Bradshaw and own a pair of Manahlo Blahniks!  Maybe I'll make that my treat when I hit my goal weight!

I worked out on Saturday full bore... all three things... both dvds and my 5k training.  I'm starting to have a little problem with the 5K training.  I'm supposed to be running 11 minutes now, but I can't seem to get up there for the full 11 minutes.  I tend to stop for 30 seconds and catch my breath... maybe I'm running too fast, or something.  Or maybe I need to go out and pound some pavement instead of the treadmill.  UGH! I don't mind working out in the privacy of my own home, but having to run through the neighborhood.. ick!  Well, I will just have to do it.  Who cares what anyone thinks.. and I'm sure I won't look pretty while I'm jogging, but my running is for me, not anyone who happens to see me out there.  So I'll just have to DO IT! 

This morning I woke up and did 45 minutes of high energy yoga.. boy, I really like yoga.  I like to feel my muscles stretching and working, and let me tell you, the show INHALE is awesome.  I've only done one show over and over again (I dvr'ed it) and I really like it.  They play great music while you're stretching out and doing the yoga.  They even have a short meditation at the end. 

I can't work out tonight because I'm going to the Bariatric Patient Group meeting tonight.  I'm excited to go.  The Group Leader is awesome, and there will be a presentation by a Life Coach tonight.  Its a great group and I encourage everyone to participate before and after surgery.

Hope everyone has a great week!! 
1 comment

Back in the saddle!

Apr 13, 2011

Well, not literally, but I did start working out again last night.  Boy did it feel good.  I did 20 minutes on the treadmill (which 10 of those were jogging), and I did week 1 of the Biggest Loser boot camp.  I started off on Week One again because I'm pairing it up with the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga DVD tonight.. and I'm just sort of a stickler about things so I wanted to be on Week One on both DVDs!

That means my work out routine will be the Biggest Loser DVDs and my 5K training... making for almost an hour and a half of exercise!!

So, I also weighed myself this morning, just for the heck of it.. and I've lost TWO more POUNDS!! HOLY MOLY! I am so happy!!!  Only .75 lbs away from the half way mark.. yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is POINT 75 of a pound... (not 75 lbs! LOL)  I'm hoping I hit it by next Monday!! Hot diggity dawg!!!

Cya laters sweet pataters!! :)

The road to success is paved with good intentions..

Apr 12, 2011

Finally back from vacation and on here to post an update.

The week in Ft. Lauderdale was awesome.  The weather good, the sun shining and I had a great relaxing time.  I had good intentions to work out every day.  I had packed my  three work out DVDs, my resistance bands, and my yoga mat.  Plus, the resort had a fitness room.  Here is how it sort of went all wrong.

I arrived in Ft. Lauderdale on Saturday... checked in, got settled and marveled at how beautiful the beach is... and the ocean.  I really feel small when I'm near the ocean, and I often imagine someone on the other side of it walking along that far away beach contemplating about someone walking on those opposite shores, just as I wonder about that person...  but I digress.

Anywhooo, Sunday I decided to get busy... so I pulled out my DVDs, and proceeded to load up the DVD  player when I discovered that the dang thing didn't work! UGHHH.  So, I worked out a little from my memory, and with my resistance bands instead of doing the boot camp stuff.  I also went down to the fitness room and walked on the treadmill and did my 5K training.  Since I had other machines at my disposal, i ended up riding a stationary bike too... it was while I was riding that bike, that I noticed that two large dumb bells were being used to hold up the back end of the treadmill.  NICE... so, maybe I won't be walking on that again.  I'm not sure how safe it is.

I did do alot of walking during vacation.  Usually around 3 or 4, I headed offsite for a walk.  One day I walked down the beach, the next to the mall,  but I never really got good and sweaty (except that day in the fitness room).  Wednesday, I had a trip to Key West, so I couldn't work out that day.  By Thursday, I ended up blowing off  most of my exercise because of all the walking.  I did try to do some resistance band stuff, but that was small potatoes compared to my DVDs.  I should never have blown off exercising.  I should have still worked out.  I should have complained and asked for a DVD player that worked.  How easily I gave it all away, instead of asking for what I needed.  What a convenient excuse for not working out last week.  Lesson learned.

I can tell you that I didn't gain any weight over vacation, but I didn't lose any either.  I did try key lime pie, and conch fritters (DUH, I forgot they were a ball of dough!) and I wasted quite a bit of food at restaurants when I couldn't take my left overs back to the resort. 

I have yet to get back on the work out plan, but this week I will be removing that obstacle and getting back with it.
My 5K is a month away, so I need to be ready for it.

On the positive side, I walked about four miles last Wednesday in Key West and had a fabulous time.  I had ice cream and some other little treats and didn't feel ill afterwards.  That is a great sign, as long as I don't over induldge. :)

Hopefully I'll hit my half way mark by next Monday.  I'll keep y'all posted!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 08, 2010
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 49
