4 yrs.....wow!!!

May 16, 2011

June will be 4 yrs for me since I had my insides moved around.  No major problems just tring to maintain current weight and stay healthy.  Just had labs taken and I need to up my calcium, iron and vitamin D.  About 2 yrs ago when we moved to FL I started to have really bad heart palpatations.  Went to the Cardiologist and they did an extensive work up and found nothing wrong with my heart.  I went from having a resting heart rate of like 80 to 45 and no one could explain why.  I finally figured out that everytime I would eat I would have the palpatations and would throw PVC's like crazy for about an hour at a time.  So I started doing my own research and found a gastro dr here in Jacksonville that worked with gastric by-pass patients.  He decided to do an endoscopy and found that my opening to my intestines had stretched to twice the size it was suppose to be.  Finally an answer to why I was so freaking hungry ALL the time and why when I ate my heart freaked out.  My blood sugar would spike and than drop like a lead balloon.  Everything I was consuming was going straight to my intestines and than my body would produce all these hormones to fight off the food than in turn would make heart flip out.  So the gastro dr did a procedure called Sclerotherapy.  They went in through the endoscopy and injected this solution that causes scar tissue.  First time didn't take very well so 2 months later we did it again.  Since February I have finally lost the last 25 lbs and have managed to maintain.  The procedure it self was not painful since they knock ou out but for 2 days afterwards boy do you know that someone was in there messing around.  I am able to control my intake again and sugar levels have leveled out again.  Plus I don't feel like I am having a panic attack all the time.  I am still running and enjoying the fact that I can complete a race.  I have found who was my true friends through all this and which ones are extremely jealous of my success.  All in all.....I would do it again in a heart beat.  Here's the next 4 yrs...... :)

2 yrs and 5 months out

Oct 15, 2010

Guess it has been awhile since I updated last.    Lets see......I have started running races for the first time in my life.  I ran my first 5k in 32 mins last March.  Since than I have ran an 8k and 4 more 5k's.  I fell off the wagon a little bit this summer just because it was so hot and it made running miserable.  But I did do a little swimming since my girls were at swim practice. 
I had to go in the beginning of September and have an endoscopy done.  They discovered that the opening to my intestines was too large and did injections in the opening to create scar tissue.  I feel no restriction when I eat so it has been kinda difficult lately.  I have bounced back forth with my weight lately too.  Not alot but it still scares the "you know what" out of me. 
So I am making this my turning point where I am going to lose the last ten pounds and reach MY goal. 


13 months

Jul 08, 2009

  Okay so it has been 13 months now since I had RNY.  Things are going pretty good.  From December to March I hit the biggest stall!!!  I honestly thought that I had failed.  But I kept doing what I was already doing....minus the evening snacking that I picked-up and I am now down about 15 lbs.  I had my gall bladder removed the beginning of June.  I didn't have stones.....my gall bladder was only working at 5% and that was causing a lot of problems.  But now I am feeling pretty good!!!  Blood sugar still dips into the 30's if I am not REALLY careful at what I am putting in my mouth.  I don't really dump but my blood sugar will bottom out.  So I really weigh my odds before putting something in my mouth I shouldn't. 
I am also considering making an appointment with the head doctor because I think I really need to concentrate on "Why" I feel the need to fill a void with food.  I struggle with emotional eating or convincing myself to push the plate away when I know that I am full.  The food just tastes good and I want to keep enjoying that taste.  I have been doing alright at catching myself but I want to know why I can't just be full and that is enough satisfaction.  Oh well it still makes me feel better to get it on paper.....I guess maybe like going to AA.....
I am still getting use to people seeing me as a thin person.  I still don't think the word thin and my name should go in the same sentence.  I still have body image issues and I think that will be forever and I need to come to terms with that.
Oh I am scheduled to have my breasts reduced.  How many people do you know that can lose 98 lbs and still have a DD chest???  But it works in my favor because there is enough boob mass to give me new boobies and my insurance will pay 100%......YAH....go me!!!  They denied my tummy so it looks like I will be starting a piggy bank for my plastic surgery dreams.  About $6000 for my tummy and another $6000 for my thighs.  You think they will throw my arms in for free???  Oh well....enough rambling. 
All in all I am  very happy with my decision to have surgery.  I can't imagine my life without it.  I am still working on loving me......but doesn't everyone???? 
1 comment

8 months out

Jan 27, 2009

8 months out....seems like forever that I had the surgery.  A lot has happened....we moved from Virginia Beach, VA to Jacksonville, FL.  Sucks to be back here and have no one to hang out with.  My husband is back on sea duty so that means that I am by myself a lot.  I found myself the other night going to the kitchen when I was bored....what in the world was I thinking!!!!  I guess that is how I comforted my loneliness before when he was on sea duty.  Plus I smoked than too, and boy do I want a smoke SOOO bad.  I won't but boy if someone offered one right now I would take it.  I need to get back on the ball of things and remember why I went through this whole thing.....why am I trying to sabatoge(probably spelled wrong) myself.  Maybe I need to see a shrink.....GGGGRRRR!!!  Well sorry this update wasn't as bubbly as the others.....just upset with myself.  Need a kick in the pants.  But I have manged to get to 155 and now can squeeze into a size 9-10 pair of pants.  LOL!!!! Well I will update later!!!

6 months out

Nov 21, 2008

Wow!!!  Has that much time passed???  Hard to believe that I have lost so much weight.  There are times that I look in the mirror and serioulsy don't recognize the person staring back at me.  Very odd feeling!!!!  I can fit my butt in a size 12 now.....yahoo!!!!  I feel like I test the water sometimes when it comes to food.  I am VERY aware of EVERYTHING that I put in my mouth.  I have found that some foods make me sick and some don't.  I know that I can eat what I want.....but am I going to????  NO WAY because I threw all those fat clothes out and I am not going back.  I feel like a new person....and I don't ever wanna go back to where I was.  I can now run again.....I am working on 2.5 miles right now.....but I am just happy that I can make it a mile.    I am hoping that I can maybe do a run when we get to FL.  But I wanna make sure that I am better shape than what I am now.  Well that is all for now.....I get to clean house and get ready for our move to FL in December. 

4 months

Sep 23, 2008

Well I am about 4 months post op and have lost 57 lbs.  I had an appointment with the doctor last Monday and I was told I was way ahead of where I should be.  Well at least they didn't tell me I wasn't losing fast enough.  I have dropped my BMI 10 points.....that is AMAZING and I don't mind saying that for the first time in a LONG time I am proud of myself.  
Now I am more concerned about my vitamins and protein.  I have been losing alot of hair lately....I know that it will grow back but it is still upsetting.  I have also found that no matter what I do or say someone is going to say hurtful things.  I never decided to do this surgery based on what other people thought.....and I will not not let those people that are negative and hurtful to sabatoge what I have done for myself.  I feel better than I have in a LONG time.  Why can't other people be happy for me.  If they are not happy with themselves do something about it and stop talking negative about me.  WHEW!!!!  Glad I got that off my chest.  Well hope everyone has a great day!!! 

3 months out

Aug 23, 2008

  It has now been 3 months since I had my surgery.  Wow!!!  I am now down 47 lbs, a little slower than what I wanted but my body keeps getting stuck at a weight for about a week and than it drops.  I have been working out almost everyday and that helps a lot.  I am trying to get better at taking my vitamins.  Some days I forget and others I am right on top of it. 
I started a new job last week and really realized how much I need to take my vitamins.  I was so tired when I came home from work that I couldn't function.  Now that I have started taking them I feel so much better.  Well I will write more later....nite 

one month out

Jul 13, 2008

Well it has been a few days from being a month out.  I started out at 237 and now I am at 206.  6 more lbs and will finally be out of the 200's.....YEAH!!!!  Seems like I go a few days than drop weight.....go a few more days and drop some more.  I freaked out for a few days because I actually gained 2 lbs.....omg....I freaked out.  I thought I did something wrong and would be that few people that wouldn't lose weight from the surgery.  I know it sounds silly but I am sure that I am not the only one that has had that fear.  I am pretty much eating what I want.....I am just VERY careful about what it is.  I have had a few instances where I thought my chest was going to burst open because I didn't chew it up enough.....that is one thing that is going to be hard to get use to.  I started going back to the Y and I am swimming laps and working out again.  Feels so great to get back in shape.  I just can't wait until all the clothes I have are too big.  What a wonderful goal.  Well got a house to clean....YUCK!!!  TTYL

feeling better

Jun 22, 2008

Things are a lot better now.  I feel much better than I did.  I had a crazy beginning.  My drain hole decided to spring a leak.....lol.  I woke-up soaked in blood and than in 2 hrs it happened again.  So back to the hospital....just to the ER this time.  Lab works came back and everything looked good.  Bleeding had stopped and they think that maybe there was a pocket of blood...which would have explained why I was so bloated.  Because I felt so much better afterwards.  I have lost 21 lbs so far.....go me....go me.....and my feet don't hurt and neither does my back.  I just can't wait until I can start working out again.  I think I over did it a little bit today.....my house was driving me nuts and I think I was bending and moving around WAY too much.   Which I know better after hearing everyone else's stories.  I don't know if anyone else feels like this but.....there are certain people around me that I wouldn't tell them if I was hurting or sick to my stomach because the look on their faces are like "I told you not to get that surgery".  I would rather make them think that everything is alright than to get that look.
Still having a hard time getting in all the fluids but I am getting MUCH better.  I drink more water now than I ever did before the surgery.  Just hard to get use to not drinking while I am eating.  I am offically 14 days out.....seems like weeks and weeks since I had the surgery.  
Gonna run for now.....ttyl 

Home Sweet Home

Jun 12, 2008

  Well I have been home from the hospital since Wednesday afternoon...lets just say.....I have felt better.  I feel so bloated and everytime I drink water it just gets worse.  I think it all has to do with my iron being REALLY low and that is why I am feeling so yucky.  Plus my legs have been swelling which is really depressing.  Well I am going to write later....I am really sick to my stomach.  ttyl

About Me
Jacksonville, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 24, 2007
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