Two weeks down and 21 lbs gone

Oct 19, 2011

 Down 21 lbs and feel better.  I notice I don't feel as bloated and my face is thinning out slightly.  Still a long way to go but I have to keep telling myself that it's only been TWO WEEKS!  Prior to the sleeve it would have taken me 1.5 to 4 months to lose this amount of weight...depending on which diet and how much exercise I would do.  By then I would have been frustrated and would slowly start slipping off whichever diet I was on.  It's wild to know that I will surpass the 21 lbs soon.


Back from the hospital with my new Sleeve!

Oct 11, 2011

Hello Everyone...I made it through :)


Prior to surgery I was definitley feeling the love and support from friends, family and my OH friends :)  Thank you!

My surgery was on 10/5/11 and   My surgeon was great & the nurses were fantastic.  I was so happy to get home and shower, see the kids, rest in my own bed, etc.  I had a really great support system and am feeling better / stronger every day!

I'm only 6 days into this journey and just wanted to share a few things with you...


Longer Stay: 
I was only supposed to stay overnight but instead had to stay 3 nights due to my blood pressure and Heart rate being so high.  I was just going a bit stir crazy by the second day and bummed I had to stay a third.  Better safe than sorry :)

The only negative about the surgery experience was the debilitating nauseua I had for a the 1.5 days after surgery.  I just couldn't move the right way,  have tv on, couldn't talk much. My Mom stayed by my side overnight sleeping in a chair just to be with me.   I felt bad as she would talk and I'd have to shake my head no to say I'm too nauseaus to listen.   My Mom and husband were an amazing support system :)

Because I felt so awful I regretted the surgery.   Luckily I was prepared.   I had read tons of blogs and took 6 months of pre-op classes that told us that we may feel that way right after surgery and it will pass.   When I felt the regrets entering my mind I would think back to what others have said..."You just feel that way right now.  Be patient and it will pass."  I've seen many quotes on blogs saying that if you had asked them if they regret the surgery in the beginning few days then they would have said yes.   But now that they are a few months out and losing weight, feeling great then the LOVE it , Never regret it and even highly recommend it.   Some even say they only wished they did it sooner.

Bottom line....
If you begin to regret your surgery then please hang in there!  It's normal to feel that way. 
So many people have felt that way and you will begin to feel a little better each day that passes.


I have not been getting the 60gms of protein a day since the surgery.  I've tried the syrupy hospital protein additive and a premixed punch type and cannot stomach the taste or consistency.  After I meet my Surgeon this Thursday I should begin to get off clear liquids and go onto full liquids.   I really want to have my EAS chocolate drink as it has lots of protein (I think 19 grams but don't quote me) and tastes so delicious!  

Feeling Pressure after baby sips:
So, prior to surgery I figured I'd be OK drinking my fluids if I only took baby sips.   Wrong.  After 3 or 5 tiniest sips I begin to feel pressure in my upper stomach.   To correct this I need to shift my body around and burp (excuse me) :)  I'm not complaining at all!   I just never expected that carefully sipping would make me feel that way.

I'm sure it's all normal as the Doctor did remove most of my stomach :)

Looking forward to doing my regular activities again, eating well, and exercising.

Please email me if you have any questions and I will do my best to get back ASAP! 

Thank you for all your support and I'm so excited to be in the post-surgery portion of my journey!

Much luck to you all! 

Kim :)

1 comment

Tomorrow is the Big Day!

Oct 04, 2011

I cannot believe 6 months of pre-op classes have gone by already.   When I began this process I thought it would take forever to have a surgery date.   Now, it's tomorrow!   I get my VSG (sleeve) tomorrow and my brain has not yet caught up.   I have been getting things ready though.  

Cleaned the pantry and fridge of junk
Stocked vitamins / supplements and protein drinks.
I also chopped off a foot of my hair to donate to Locks of Love.
I figured to capture it while it is thick and healthy just in case I begin to lose hair.  

I still want to write some motivational lists to keep me going in case I feel depressed that I cannot eat or if I regret doing the surgery, etc.   After reading blogs and article and studies on WLS these are possible feelings that I may experience so I want to be able to open my notebook and read my motivations so I can nip those feelings in the bud. 

My kids are excited for me too.   My 8 year old son's face just lit up when I told him that I was having a special procedure done to help Mommy lose weight.   Originally, I did not want to tell them but one day they wanted to know how someone can get cancer (they have heard that word around as their schools do fundraisers and family members have cancer).   Anyway, I rattled off some things like smoking, heredity, being around chemicals and then mentioned that being very overweight/obese can also lead to cancer.   They got worried so I told them that I am doing something about it.  My kids are thrilled and I am praying that it works so I can live a long healthy active life :)

I hope that the surgery goes well & I make it through.
I hope that I actually do lose all my extra weight as this is my last resort.
One more... I also hope I don't get that nasty air bubble trapped in my body.   Ouch!   Last time I had abdominal surgery I had one trapped in my shoulder and it was so painful :(  

Looking forward to...

getting rid of my spare tire around my middle.
seeing my once pretty legs again (my legs are short but they used to be very shapely :)
being able to cross my legs
not looking like Mrs. Potato Head when I put on glasses or a hat. (I cannot believe how round my face has gotten)!
getting rid of my last few maternity t-shirts (my youngest child is 3 yo so i think it's time to donate them).
getting on rides with my kids and not feel like I'm going to break them.
fitting on rides with my kids.
running, biking, doing anything physical!
riding that waverunner I was not able to ride last year as I didn't fit into the life jacket.
not feeling hungry all the time.
not having these intense sugar cravings where I feel like a drug addict wondering where I'll get my next fix.

There are tons more I could mention but my 3yo is pulling on me :)

Wish me luck and good luck to everyone out there!


Just got my approval letter from the hospital board!

Aug 31, 2011

So very excited to receive this in the mail!   The hospital board has approved me for surgery after my completion of the 6 month pre-op program.   Now they will send it to my insurance company to see if they will cover it.  

Hopefully I will know in a few weeks! 

My tentative surgery date is October 5th.

I was originally going for RNY but will see if the insurance covers the Sleeve.  Crossing my fingers that something gets approved by insurance!

Cannot wait to be my normal size again!!! 

Taking the kids swimming but...

Jul 15, 2011

I wish I could be in the pool with them!   Still pre-op.  Looking forward to the day that I can put on a bathing suit or even just bikers and a tighter tshirt and be comfortable swimming with them :)  

Going to have fun anyway!  

Take care :)

Too Big for the Lifevest :(

Jul 04, 2011

Although I was visiting my inlaws family on a beautiful lakehouse I had a sad moment :(

I really wanted to try the waverunners that had just steps from their back door but was nervous about my balance.  This is because my center of gravity has shifted since putting on 100lbs in 10 years. 

ANYWAY...I was all set to do it but sadly could not fit into the super extra large adult life vest that was given to me.  
I was the only one in a house full of 30 adults that could not fit into it and I became disappointed in myself, frusterated, embarrassed, disgusted in myself and embarrassed....oh yeah, I said that already. 

I put on my sunglasses, went to play some batmitten (spelling?) instead with my husband.   The sunglasses helped hide my tears from the family members I was meeting but my husband knew I was not happy.   I was upset for not even an hour then blew it off.

Aside from that incident I was just uncomfortable in general as my belly looks like I swallowed a truck tire.   I just have a huge tire around my middle above my belly button!   Any position I sit in is uncomfortable and embarrassing.   Leaning back accentuates it (and makes breathing a bit more tricky)...Leaning forward makes me slouch...sitting up it shows.   There's no hiding it.  

Overall I had a fantastic weekend!  Just very disappointed in myself that I did this to my body. 

I am pre-op....No surgery date yet (too early)...Very nervous about the surgery and how I will feel afterwards with eating.

Lots to think about...

Thanks for listening :)

Was looking forward to my 1st support group meeting...

Jun 01, 2011

but then our area was under a severe storm warning advisory and tornado watch until 8pm :( 

I didn't want to leave the kids with the sitter as the last tornado warning frightened my son.   We are in eastern PA so getting a tornado warning is very rare for us.   

Wish the support groups were held more than once a month as I now need to wait another month to check it off my list.  


Halfway through my 6 month Pre-op appointments...

May 24, 2011

...and I'm up 4 lbs!   Not so great as they won't consider me for surgery if I end the program weighing heavier than when I began the program.   I've been doing what everyone says NOT to do.   I've basically been eating everything that's not nailed down that I know I won't be able to enjoy after the surgery.   I have to get out of that mentality.

I've also been keeping track of only my proteins and not my calories.   I was happy to see that I have been getting enough proteins but I'm sure my calories are way high.   Need to get on the ball.  

So, what's left is

3 group meetings
3 medical appointments
2 support group meetings
2 behavioral health meetings
1 meeting with the surgeon

Can you believe that's what I have left still!?!   I feel bad for people who have a hard time taking off of work for these appointments because there are so many.   I'm not complaining...just feel bad as I saw some people worry about taking this much time off.  I'm glad they are so thorough explainging everything though.   When my Mom had this done over 10 years ago she only had a few appointments and off she went.

Much luck to everyone!  


2nd Appointment tomorrow

Apr 18, 2011

Can't wait for appointment number 2  ! 

In total there are 12 appointments I need to have for the 6 month pre-op program.

1 Seminar...DONE
6 appointments with their doctors (not the surgeon)  ONE DOWN & ONE TOMORROW
2 group support meetings
1 Dietician
1 Psych.
1 with the Surgeon

Looking forward to inching my way through this process. 

I'm so tired of feeling this way. 
I felt like the biggest person in the Mall the other day with my family.
I'm hoping that the surgery will keep my food portions in check & punish me if I do happy to eat a lot of sugar (dumping).
Plus, I'm hoping that I won't feel hungry all the time and thinking about food even when I just ate!  
I cannot believe I even got to this point. 
After 10 years of officailly being obese/ morbidly obese (plus years of being overweight prior) and trying every diet / eating plan out there...I'm getting more and more ready for this surgery.

Best wishes to you on your journey as well :)

Found a local GBP Mom :)

Apr 07, 2011

Strange, I have been talking to this sweet Mom at my kids Elementary school and finally dropped off my daughter at her house for a play date.  While I was there we were joking at how the kids wear us out.  Her daughter constantly wants her to run and chase her...something I can't even fathom at this point.  I agreed with her and said, "I feel the same way.  It's funny you do too and you are fit!"  She said wait a second then ran out of the room and returned with a little pink photo album of her at 300 lbs!

I was surprised and asked her how on earth did she do that.   During that split second until she answered thoughts raced through my head.  I thought that if she says she lost the weight on her own then I will feel like such a failure yet again.  I have met about 4 people who have lost 40 - 80lbs on their own and think that if they can do it then I can too.  Obviously I never lost the weight or I wouldn't be here :)  When she said she had gastric bypass surgery 2 years ago I was actually relieved and excited.  Relieved that I didn't have to beat myself up again for not being capable of losing the weight on my own during my numerous attempts over the past umpteen years but also excited that I had someone to talk to. 

My Mom had GBP over 10 years ago...before it was done laproscopically.  I can ask her anything but it's not as fresh in her head.  Now I have a local Mom who I can confide in :)  So happy about that!  She also had a majoy tummy tuck last fall where the incision went almost the entire way around her body.  It almost met in the back.   I never saw that before. 

Anyway, I'm going to try to schedule my 2 support group meetings now....All the best to everyone!
