Stuck at 220

Mar 28, 2008

On Tuesday, I have my 4 week follow-up, but I have not lost any weight for a week.  While this is nothing to grimace about, since I've lost 33 pounds, but I have a bit of lower ab pain, more like pelvic pain in my left side.  It may be premenstral stuff, but I feel like I'm always thirsty and have very little energy.  I'm thinking I need to amp up my protein and drink water, plus add more regular exercise.  I've been active, but not really aerobically.  A lot of people have said that they are surprised at how active I've been considering the surgery was only 3.5 weeks ago.  But I suppose I would like to see the needle on the scale to continually thrill me each morning.  I'll let everyone know what comes of the pain.  TTFN

Good Friday

Mar 21, 2008

Greetings anonymous reader.  Today is Good Friday.  While that might not be something that registers to you as a special day, as my reader I wanted to share how special this day is to me.  As a child I did not have a religious background.  Christmas and Easter were days that were spent with extended family, mostly being with the adults while they talked, ate, and drank their way through the day.  As a teenager, I started going to church and ultimately decided to become a believer of Jesus Christ and to follow Him with my whole life.  While there have been ups and downs in my commital relationship with God these passed 22 years, I am so grateful that He has not forgotten me, nor has he cast me away, or removed his loving-kindness in caring for me.  Good Friday is the celebration of Christ's death.  This is the opposite thing we 21st century dwellers like to celebrate.  We like to keep it light, enjoy the life with all the things we think we deserve, etc.  By the way that isn't sinful, its just the partial picture.  But there was something about the willingness for Christ to go to the Cross.  His last few words spoke only of His true identity as the Son of God.  There was no pleaing for his life, no outcry of the injustice he was about to face, no grand sermon.  He simply went to Cross.  His grief, his suffering, and his death are not incidences that are far removed from people today.  He knew suffering--the real kind.  Hebrews 4:15-16 states "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin  Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in our time of need."  While Christ's death calls all to ponder the Cross and creates the way to Heaven for all those who believe, I also believe the Cross was about understanding how much God cares for those who suffer in life.  Whether we struggle with Faith, with our obesity, our checkbook, our marriages, etc.--we have God who gracious knows the language of those who suffer.  I encourage all who may read this to speak to the Lord, God gets you, He loves you; the cross symbolized how He will hear and listen to your needs, indeed He will hang on every word you have to say.

Gas Monster

Mar 09, 2008

Who else has had to deal with major gas, after their surgeries?  I get this burning sudden cramp in my left side, the same as where my drain is.  This cramp gets my undivided attention whether I'm getting up from the couch, or moving a lot and then stopping.  Today, I walked a mile and felt fabulous.  Then I had more cramps.  Let me know if anyone out there can relate.

Home today!

Mar 07, 2008

My surgery was March 5th, Wednesday, 2 days ago.  I guess I did so well with walking, drinking liquids, and peeing that I was able to go home.  I start pureed foods tomorrow.  Ya, I am soar, but the Lotab (?) is pretty good for me.   I'm ready to start feeling bettter.  Tonight's dinner is a cup of chicken boullion, and Diet Snapple Raspberry Tea, and maybe some hot chomomille.  I'm officially on the losing side of this thing.  At first I didn't want to share too much about my surgery with others, but it was nice getting all the well wishers messages when I checked my messages today.  God has been so faithful. Again I'm so grateful that I found Western Bariatric  and recieved excellent care from Dr. Krahn, his staff, and the staff from St. Bernadines hospital.  For everyone's information, I did weight 2 more pounds than when I went in for sugery.  I am full of all kinds of fluids, but I was warned about this, so I was not disappointed when I stood on the scale when I got home.  I'll post soon.

Pre-opt appoint today

Feb 26, 2008

Urg, I just typed a lengthy post, but accidently hit the back button, and my words vanished.  .  .completely annoying, hmph!  Anyways. . .today was my pre-opt appointment, my last appointment with my doctor before the surgery, next Wednesday.  I've lost 6 pounds since I've started the pre-opt diet, which encouraged my doctor greatly.  Apparently he has postponed surgeries of other patients because they did not stick to the pre-opt diet.  Dr. Krahn is a doctor with convictions!  When I first was looking into this surgery, I did not really know of any doctors, but just looked online with UnitedHealthcare and saw that he was close by.  I was grateful to hear that he has an excellent reputation.  In fact the staff at both Western Bariatric and St. Bernadines Hospital (San Bernardino, CA) have been very capable, professional, and caring throughout the whole pre-opt process.  I have every confidence that my surgery will be done at one of the best facilities with one of the best doctors and staff.  I'm thankful for living in this scientific era, where I can get this surgery as a means to fight my life long "enemy."  I am most grateful to my loving and gracious Heavenly Father who had led me to this doctor and facility to get the help I needed.  His grace, indeed, has been sufficient for me.  

In future posts I would like to write a bit more about how this surgery has affected my spiritual journey to become more like Christ.  There are many on this website, who freely profess having a relationship or belief in God.  I would like to do a little research in the area of obesity issues and faith.  If anyone would like to write me their thoughts on that issue I would love to hear them.

Pre-op diet is underway

Feb 22, 2008

So, I am starting day 3 of the 14 day pre-op diet, consisting of a protein shake (30-40 g protein and 15 g of carbs) for breakfast, one for lunch, and then 4-6 oz of cooked protein with a small side of leafy greens for dinner.  I was dreading this part of the pre-op, but so far so good.  I think I'm totally paranoid that if I don't do well with this than my surgeon is going to call off the surgery. I've been drinking lots of water, Crystal Light, and some hot tea with Splenda.  I was a major coffee drinker a few weeks ago.  I liked my coffee to taste like dessert with half n'half and Sweet N'Low.  But my absolute favorite was Diet Pepsi.  Even without calories, this magic little drink increased my appetite to exponential sizes.  I can trace back my rapid weight gain to the summer I started drinking diet soda.  I've haven't had any carbonated beverage for 2 months, and I still crave them.  But I know this is my "slippery slope."  Not coincidentally, though, I've slept better, I don't have that sick bloated feeling I have grown accustomed to.  Ok I have to go work now. . . more later.

I'm on my way:-)

Feb 02, 2008

My surgery date is March 5, 2008!  I'm about a month out and I cannot wait to get on the loosing side of this surgery.  This surgery is part of a bigger picture for my family.  Both my hubs and I are trying to get healthier, in order to prepare for the adoption of our son and daughter.  We are working with an international adoption agency.  Up until today, we've been mentally gearing up for a daughter from China. However, today we had our first parenting class, and were challenged to consider shifting our attention to adopting from Korea, as their wait time is dramatically less than that of China.  Most children from this agency in Korea are boys, and we would be able to pick our son up in 10-12 months.  For China, the wait time is at least 24 months and growing.  With this development, I'm looking forward to working on weight loss.  While I await March 5th, I plan on getting a start on Billy Blake's TaeBo workout.  Hopefully I can drop and tone a bit before surgery.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 9

Latest Blog 17
178 today--really?!
Life after my MRI
181 as of today:-)
I ran 3 miles tonight:-)
195 today:-)
Moving on down:-)
