Monday, June 8

Jun 08, 2009

I'm still not sleeping well.  I am not taking any pain medication so the achiness and radiating pain are annoying.
I'll start back on the muscle relaxants and see if that will help any.  It was a beautiful day again!  I decided that I wasn't going to get out and walk; I'm sore and hurting and didn't want to add to the issues.

WEIGHT:  I weighed in at Dr. G's office today at 284.  That's with my clothing on.  I guess my clothes could weigh about 2 pounds.  So that means my scales are pretty accurate.  And my math is wrong.  I'm only down the 9 pounds from the NUT's visit.  ~smile~  I'm okay with that!

DIET:  I have had my 8 glasses of water (minimum) today along with about 55 grams of protein.  I did have 2 slices of whole wheat bread when I said I wasn't going to but it was below my minimum calories so I'm okay with it.  I'll start to slowly phase the bread out and add the veggies in.  Hubby is going to make up about 10 pounds of roasted veggies for me later this week. I hope to keep that going each week so that I can get my carrots and potato's-keeping those to a minimum-and I can steam broccoli.  I am going to start eating a small salad everyday to try to get at least 1 serving of veggies in.

EXERCISE:  I did some housework today, along with a bit of laundry and I did walk to the car and go to my appointment with Dr. G.  My right leg was really bothering me today.  I'm trying to eliminate the pain medication and it's been a struggle today.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    TTuesday 6.9--Gallbladder ultrasound @ Roger Williams at 9am
                                Friday 6.12--Heather Gagliardi-/Nutritionist at 8am

I had my first appointment with Dr. G today.  She feels that I am a good candidate for Gastric Bypass.  We discussed the Lap Band and although it may work, the Gastric Bypass will probably help me more with the sugar/carb issue.  The dumping syndrome will be a big determent.  Which is what I thought!  She seemed impressed with my take charge attitude in seeing the psychologist, the nutritionist and getting the gall bladder ultrasound.  They are to schedule my endoscopy and call me.  I need to submit letters to Dr. Cannistra-cardiologist and Dr. Roland-Internist requesting their approval for the surgery.  I don't think it will be a problem.   So, things are progressing. 
I did state that I would like to have the surgery near the end of July and she wasn't sure about the insurance bottleneck/approval but thought that would be a good goal. A new birthday!

I'm currently not eating or drinking in preparation for the gallbladder ultrasound.  And it's SOOOOO hard.  I'm used to drinking every 10-15 minutes while awake.  So I'm pretty thirsty.  But I just have to go until 9am and then the test and then I can drink! 6 weeks ago I would have 'died' from not being able to eat.  Now it's drinking!  A good progression, me thinks!

INSURANCE:  Dr. G's office has all the information and will start the insurance process.  I'll call them back in 2 weeks (especially after my endoscopy) to see what else is required and where we stand if I don't hear from them first.
Note to self....need to contact Dr. G's office on 6.22.09 regarding insurance.

EMOTIONS:   Doing well today.  I was excited to head to my appointment with Dr. G and I'm still excited.  I'm expressed my excitement to my husband today and he's still concerned that I'll leave when I get skinny.  But he only expressed his concern once.  I realized today that I become frustrated with him when he does express himself and I need to not do that. I want him to feel comfortable and able to express his feelings, too.  Maybe then, he'll allow me the same courtesy!  
I'm frustrated with work issues but hopefully I can get those resolved tomorrow.

WORK:  I worked from home today. I got a lot accomplished.  I realized today; I don't want to work for a few months.  I'm wanting to recover from the back surgery, I want to recover from the WLS and get back to feeling good before going back to work.  I also feel that if my employer is just waiting for a reason to let me go (which I know is the case) just let me use my short term disability before you let me go.  Is that a terrible thought or bad reasoning? ~shrugs~  I'm praying about it daily to see where God wishes to lead me.

MISC:  Mycah goes home on Thursday afternoon for her Dad's wedding.  I'm going to miss her for those few days.  But she'll be welcomed warmly when she comes back home and I can't wait to hear about the wedding.
It's about 2am and I think I'm going to finish this up and try to head to bed. 
I feel good about this blog.  I feel great about getting my thoughts out of my head!!

Sunday evening, June 7 update.

Jun 07, 2009

Just an update on the day:

I ate some cottage cheese, Fiber One Strawberry Yogurt (SOOOO good!), 2 bites of a cheese pizza (and that's all I wanted!), A homemade banana muffin and a frozen fruit bar.  I didn't have a lot of protein but I really wasn't hungry either.  I need to keep on top of my veggies!  I'm going to work on that this week, too!

Mycah and I went to ceramics today.  We had a blast.  Then came home and although I wanted to do 15 minutes on the Wii, my back was very sore this evening.  So I gave myself a pass. I'll do 2-15 minute Wii workouts tomorrow.
We also made 2 dozen banana muffins.  First batch-not so good.  2nd batch-much better!

I have my first appointment with Dr. Giovanni.  I'm nervous and excited and I hope she feels that WLS is for me. I've got to make sure that I have everything all in order in the morning....note to self!

Hubby asked me 10 times this evening if I'm still going to love him when I get 'skinny'.  Ahhh, now I understand what's bothering him.  Maybe if he sees that this is the best thing for me, he'll jump on the wagon, too!  I can only hope. I just found him.  I don't want to lose him!

I'm going to try to head to bed. I am thankful that I have a place to write, and get information and make friends.  God has pointed me in the right direction.  He is Great!

Sunday, June 7

Jun 07, 2009

Wow...what a beautiful morning!  The sun is out, the wind is just right...a gorgeous day!  Thank you Lord for this day and allowing me to be a part of it!

Now, to start with my blogging on a more normal basis! Here goes!

WEIGHT:  281.8.  That means I am down 10 pounds from my meeting with the NUT and almost 19 pounds in the last 5 weeks.  I'm not seeing it yet...well, maybe a little!

DIET:  So far today I've drank 16 ozs of water and 1 EAS AdvantagEdge Chocolate Protein Drink.  I'm going to keep on top of the protein today.  Cottage Cheese, Chicken and Tuna/Egg Salad (lite mayo) are on my list.  NO BREADS!!  ~ugh~

EXERCISE:  I met Julie at Slater Park for a walk this morning.  I also met Cynthia and Denise. Mycah and I took Mika (the dog) and we ended up getting in about 1 1/2 miles.  Pretty good for just having back surgery 11 days ago!  My leg was numb towards the end so I'm glad I didn't go the full distance of 3 miles. I have a date with the Wii this afternoon for about 15 minutes of hula hooping and bowling.

SUPPORT GROUPS:  Wednesday 6.17--Living Life WLS Group (Jules' group) from 7-9pm at Roger Williams Hospital.
                               Tuesday 6.23---WLS Support Group from 6-7pm at Miriam Hospital.
                               Thursday 6.25--Weigh to Win Support Group from 6-7:30pm at Roger Williams Hospital 

APPOINTMENTS:    Monday 6.8--First appointment with Dr. Giovanni at 1:45pm
                                Tuesday 6.9--Gallbladder ultrasound @ Roger Williams at 9am
                                Friday 6.12--Heather Gagliardi-/Nutritionist at 8am

INSURANCE:   Nothing submitted yet. However, I have all the pertinant paperwork required to submit and will take it to Dr. G on 6.8

EMOTIONS:   I'm doing pretty good today.  I got up and walked and although that was a bit painful, it worked itself out and it's just an ache right now.  I feel good about getting a walk in.  I really enjoyed being in the sunshine and sweating a bit! I was with new friends, my lovely young daughter and the pup-dog. Life is good.  God is good!

WORK:  Work is a source of stress for me.  It's also stressing my marriage.  I'm concerned about going back to work and then having to take more time off due to the WLS.  I'm being phased out and that's a horrible feeling.  I have given them a reason to phase me out, I suppose, with my injury but I'm not happy there anymore. 

MISC:  Mycah and I are going to go paint ceramics this afternoon.  I can't wait.  We loved it the last time she was here for an extended time and this should be fun, too!  I'm going to try to make something for Mike and Rachel's wedding.  I'm thinking coasters and wine bucket.  Maybe I can also make the pretty little wine glass markers and purchase a set of wine glasses.  Just have to see about the cost!

Hubby is upset with me.  He won't speak to me.  And  it's frustrating.  I guess I'll eventually find out the whole issue.  Until then I'll just sit here and wait. AND lose weight! 

Overdue Update.

Jun 06, 2009

It's been over a month since I blogged.  I've been dealing with work issues, back pain and surgery and recovery, My youngest daughter visiting for a few weeks and of course, marital issues.

I need to have an outlet and I'm hoping this blog will be it.  I need to see the positive progress I am making!
I think having an outline with specific issues to update will work.  It's a work in progress and will probably change but I want to make sure certain things are consistant.  That's the perfectionist in me!

1)    Weight.  This will be updated every Sunday morning.  I can't get on the scales more than once a week or I drive myself nuts with a few ounces coming and going.
2)    Update on what I eat.  I have been recording things on my "The Daily Plate" and although I am keeping my calories down, I'm not eating correctly.  I started out well but kinda went of the rails so I'm going to sit down and write out a few days menu.  I'll keep track of my foods this way.  If it says I have to eat 3 oz of chicken, then that's what I'll eat. That usually works well for me.
3)    Exercise. With me just 10 days out from surgery, that will be a bit sparse for another week or so. But I am vowing to get in 30 minutes of walking a day and 15 minutes on the Wii Fit everyday.  I'll increase my exercise time on 6.22.09.  TBD as to the increase.
4)    Support. I want to keep a record of support groups that I have attended and will be attending.  This section may have a date of the next support group or will have an update on the group discussions. My plan is to attend 3 support groups a month.  I think this is very attainable.
5)    Appointments. This will be like the support category.  Dates will be placed and which physician, nutritionist, procedure unless there is an update on the specific appointment.
6)    Insurance. I want to keep on top of the insurance issues as they come up.  I don't want anything to fall through the cracks.
7)    Emotions.  This will probably be used the most!  I have a lot of different thoughts going through my head. I have a good support system at home some days and other days, no support at all.  I have to deal with jealousy and disgust and doubt almost daily. 
8)    Work. I know this will be off topic but if I write up what I deal with on a daily basis, I might be able to see how to handle the issues.
9)    Misc.  Just what is says.  Misc. information-the dog ran away, I car broke down, you know....things like that!

I hate Sundays!

May 03, 2009

I've always disliked Sundays.  They used to be family days.  All the children would get together with grandparents and have a dinner and just relax and play.  That stopped after I was divorced the last time and really I put an end to it when I moved to Rhode Island. 

It's just not a good day for me and today has been horribly difficult.  My oldest wants to talk about her inlaws and her father's side of the family.  My youngest doesn't want to talk at all.  The son living with me decided to spend the afternoon sleeping and hubby had to work.  I've tried calling a few girlfriends and they were busy.  Didn't have time. 
Just feeling all alone today. 

I've spent the last 2 days resting and I wanted to get up and move around but even after a few minutes, everything is so weak and tired.  I know I'll sleep and be fine tomorrow but right now....I just want someone to want me, yanno?

I've eaten everything I can think of and then some.  SO all the pounds I added today will take me 2 weeks to take off.  And that pisses me off!

I think I'm going to bed and see if tomorrow brings a change in mood.

Back Spasms

May 01, 2009

I'm having pretty bad back spasms.  Had 2 over the last few days.  Very painful! 
I'm resting today and the weekend and hopefully I can get the spasm to settle so I can go back to work on Monday.  I never take a sick day; I think this is my first in about 5 years.  And I'm feeling very guilty.  I know they are a perk but I still feel guilty.

I scheduled an appointment with the neusurgeon for May 7th.  I have to get my MRI films and then fill out a long patient registration form.  I hope he can give me some relief.  I'm really tired of hurting.  And the more I hurt, the more my BP (which is high but controlled with medication) goes up.  Then I have all the symptoms of the high BP on top of the back pain.  It's a vicious circle and I am just tired with it all!

Still researching daily about WLS.  I'm trying to decide what I feel comfortable with.  I guess I'll wait to make my decision after attending the seminar with Dr. Pohl.  That's only 12 days away.  I'm not nervous but just have a jitter or two.  I need to determine what that feeling is. 

My eating has been off the last day or so.  My hubby has gotten a lot of low fat style Ice cream and they taste wonderful.  I'm trying not to eat them but all of a sudden I find them in my hand.  I can't figure out how that happens. 

I've also been researching protein drinks/shakes.  I realized last week if I eat a high amount of protein, I don't eat as much-even the ice cream doesn't find it's way to me.  (Plus it might help when/if I do get to have surgery)

Currently working on:  my knitting
Currently reading:  Wicked.

2nd and 3rd baby steps

Apr 28, 2009

The first baby step turned into a 2nd baby step as I called Dr. Pohl's office and was told I would have to attend a seminar first.  I didn't get the name of the gal I spoke with (which is VERY unusual for me) but she was very nice and answered my questions.  Maybe not with answers *I* wanted to hear but nonetheless, they were answered.  ~smiles~  I will be attending the seminar at Roger Williams Hospital on May 13 at 6pm and I will be filling out the attendance form - she stressed this several times!

I also called the pre-approval department for my insurance company and spoke with a very nice lady about my insurance coverage.  I left all the details and someone was to phone me back this afternoon but didn't.  I'll phone tomorrow morning to confirm that I am covered.  Once I get confirmation of approval, I'll feel better.  I'm pretty certain I'm covered since my last phone call to them was a few weeks ago and I was told I was -"You have a great insurance plan...can I work for your company?" is what the customer service rep asked.  ~laughing~

I started tracking what I eat, again.  I had gotten away from it for the past month or so but starting back and watching what I eat now has me more motivated than ever to change now before surgery so I won't have a hard time afterwords.  I researched protein choices and shakes this evening.  I'll start trying a few...maybe I'll find one I can't live without!

I also scheduled an appointment with a neurosurgeon.  I'm going to have him check me out, check out my MRI and nerve tests and see if there is anything he can do for the back pain, as well.  I need some relief.  I am taking a new medication through the day...a muscle relaxant that's not supposed to make you sleepy.  I used it all day and no sleepiness but horrible burning in my back and down my leg.  I didn't take the 3rd dose and the burning sensation is fading.  I read online where some people tend to have worse pain in the beginning but once they are used to the medication-things start to turn around.  What do you do when your pain level is at a 7-8 to begin with?  Making it go to 9-10, while working, doesn't help.

I'm gonna try to get some sleep now; insomnia has been hitting me hard for a few weeks. 

Appointment with GP

Apr 27, 2009

I saw my GP today.  For my back pain but also to discuss WLS.
I got a script for a muscle relaxant that I can take through the day and a referral to a neurosurgeon for my back. I don't want surgery but Dr. R (GP guy) said this surgeon is really conservative in doing surgery.  He has PT facilities available along with injections and other tricks in his bag.  I'll phone tomorrow for an appointment. I have to grab a copy of my MRI before heading there but that won't be a big deal.

As for the WLS:  Long story short-he'll sign off if my cardiologist thinks everything is okay.  And I already know that my cardiologist, Dr. C, will sign off.  He thinks the weight loss will help the high BP and slow down the CAR (coronary artery disease).  SO...YIPPEE for me!

He refered me to Dr. Pohl, so I'll call Dr. P's office tomorrow to get the initial background information and get started.  BTW, Anyone know him and give me a head's up on his procedures? I'd greatly appreciate it!

I also need to contact my insurance company again with obtaining more information about my coverages and what the plan will pay for.  I got a tenative yes, but I want to make sure they are correct. 

I am going to attend a support group for WLS peeps-who have already done the surgery.  The information said that people who are interested are welcome to attend.  That's tomorrow night at 6pm.  I'm looking forward to getting more information (if there is any more out there!)

Oh, and I was surprised by Dr. R---he recommended lapband instead of gastric bypass.  I thought that was interesting as we talked about a goal weight and he felt that 150 would be a good start (since I'm 5'7'')  That will be about 130 pounds, depending on the day.  Also half of me.  WOW.  I also told him that I would lose the weight and keep it off, but I'm doing it for my health.  So if my body is at 165 and everything is healthy, I'm gonna be okay with that.  He liked my attitude.

I started a high protein diet.  It was rather hard as I wanted to snack all day.  No cravings or anything, I just wanted stuff.  gotta figure out why that's happening.
Gonna post a post and then heading to bed.  I think the medication is kicking in. ~another YIPPEE~

Bad day today.

Apr 26, 2009

I don't know if bad is the right word....restless day. frustrating day. munchy day. 

I wanted to eat everything I could find.  And I pretty much succeeded.  My faith is wavering now that I've decided to take the step to talk with my GP about WLS. 
My biggest concern today:  Who would support me?  I have a husband; he is obese, as well.  And Diabetic. And has heart issues. Yet, he won't stop eating.  And I can't stop him.  He's a feeder, as well. That's a big problem when you are trying to not eat.
My family isn't near and I really don't have friends here.  I have acquaintances.  I have co-workers.  But no one close to be with.  I realize I'm lonely.
I'm ashamed for eating what I did.  I can't just let it go; I'm chastising myself for eating yet I got to the refrigerator and grab something else.  Excuses. I make excuses.
I'm tired.
I'm scared.
I don't want to live like this anymore.
I don't want to feel like this anymore.
I need help. Where do I start?

Obtaining information

Apr 25, 2009

I've read through this website for the 2nd time in the last few months.  I love looking at the 'before' and 'after' photos.  Looking to see who looks like me 'before' so I can get some idea of what I'd look like 'after'. 

I'm looking into getting any and all information about the WLS doctors in my area.  I know the hospital I'd like to be at so that narrows down choices by 1 or 2.  I'm trying to find out what my insurance will be requiring for paperwork but I'm looking at the worst for them.  They'll want all sorts of paperwork and tests so I'm preparing myself for each step. 
Baby steps.
I took the first wobbly step when I signed up here.  I admitted that I had a weight problem.  (The pain also helped me realize that too! ~smiles~) 
Next step, a bit less wobbly was scheduling the appointment with my GP to get the process started.  I'm going in to see him in less than 3 days but I'm armed.  I'm armed with all the medications I'm on and all the health issues I have (he knows it but still good to have from me)  I'm armed with all the receipts for Weight Watchers memberships and meetings.  I'm armed with the Bally's gym membership paperwork and cost.  I'm armed with all the diets I've tried within the last 10 years.  I'm armed with all the food journals and exercise journals and lists of diet books that I have read. 
I want my GP to know that I am serious about this process.  It's not a process for wimps.  I know it's going to be hard.  I know I wont' be able to eat what I want.  I'd rather give up it all to be healthy. 

I've got a list of tests that may be required for insurance approval; I've had almost all of these tests done within the last year to 18 months.  I'm going to request copies from the appropriate doctors for my files.  Then if it ever is requested, I have a copy.

I just hope this process doesn't take years to happen.  I don't know if I can deal with the pain. 

~kelly jo....being hopeful today.

About Me
Pawtucket, RI
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2009
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 21
