some silliness, 12 days of vgs

Dec 03, 2006

On the 12th day of Christmas, my surgeon gave to me.....
12(THOUSAND) smiles,
No less than 11 WOW Moments!!!,

A snack of 10 soy crisps,
Nine times more confidence,
eight  sizes dropping, 
7 blocks of walking..., 
6 thongs in a row,
5 tiny lap scars................................,
protien shakes and vitamins...,
Clear liquid diet,
burping like an old man!!!,
And a new tummy shaped like a sleeve!!!


3 months out...time to reassess

Nov 24, 2006

I am about 3 months out now, down 55 pounds. Last night I took a look at my daily eating and drinking habits and I have come to the conclusion that I am getting sloppy.  This week has been especially sloppy with Thanksgiving,  I have let myself graze pretty much all week.  These are the things I have noticed this past week:

1.  I am eating more carbs....they just slowly snuck back into my diet
2.  I am not drinking as much water as I should...I am good about drinking in the a.m., but as soon as I get home from work I don't drink liquids like I should.
3.  Even having Sugar free pumpkin pie in the house is too much of a temptation.
4.  Ditto with stuffing from Thanksgiving!
5.  I have not been measuring food, just eye-balling and my eye-ball is pushing the limits!
6.  My activity level has fallen...I have not walked all week, nor am I trying to.

I am getting sloppy with my habits.  Don't get me wrong, I have still lost 2 pounds this week, but imagine how much more I could lose if  I get back on track with eating less carbs and exercising.  I know I have a time window here, and I hope I reassess myself every so often to get the most out of this surgery and to retrain my brain to better habits.

What I plan to change:
1:  Start Measuring my food doesn't hurt to do this, why am I balking about it!
2:  Keep my carbs under 30 grams (use Fitday to measure)
3.  Start walking!!
5.  Get rid of all temptation.

I know myself well, I always get sloppy after I think I have mastered something.  And maybe I will still be successful losing all my weight even if I was sloppy, but that's not how I want to use this tool, this opportunity.  I don't want to think of this as a diet either, it's a new lifestyle I have to adopt to be successful in losing then maintaining my loss.  I'll never be about completely denying myself something to eat that I want, but I need to retrain myself that one or 2 bites of something is just as satisfying as 1/2 cup of that item. (yes, the dratted delicious thanksgiving stuffing my mom made).  Lifetime habits are really hard to break.  I am not beating myself up, I don't think I have done horrible these past couple of weeks, but I have let some old habits sneak back into my life that I would like to see as something of the past. yourself every so often, that can keep us on track with where we want to be!

I love birds

Nov 18, 2006


I love this picture of my friendly neighborhood American Kestral.  He swooped down and caught a huge grasshopper right after I took this.


Nov 13, 2006

A big wow for me today...I am down 1/3 of the way.  50 pounds in less than 11 weeks--unbelievable!  This surgery rocks!


Strep Throat

Nov 12, 2006

I had wondered how things would work with me and my sleeve when I came down with some bug or virus or the I know.  I ended up with strep after all and it has knocked me flat on my butt. I felt it coming on Wed. night and got to the doc Thursday afternoon.  He took a look in my throat and said, "OH MY!"   I had a temp of 103 for over 2 days, even after my pcp gave me shot of penicillan.  I stayed in bed most of the time.  Finally Sat night I started feeling faintly human again, today just feels like I have a bad cold.

The real issue I had was not being able to drink much, nor did I really eat anything since it was so painful to swallow.  I tried to get a half a cup of water in every time I got up, but I really have no idea how much I drank.  I'll need to ask my husband to help me push fliuds next time I get sick.  I tried several foods, but ended up going back to a full liquid diet.  I even tried mashed potatoes watered down, they made me so sick.  Cream of chicken soup has been the only thing I really have had for several days.  Maybe getting sick slapped my stall out and once I get back to regular foods I'll start burning fat again.  Not the way I would have chosen, but I hope it works.  I'm sleeping a lot to help heal and hopefully will be back to work Monday.  No more wet slobbery kisses from my nephew for awhile!

Stall is over, yeah!

Nov 07, 2006

Down 2 pounds since the weekend, looks like the stall is over.  I've had 2 so far, one at 4 weeks and this past one at 10 weeks.  Our bodies are fascinating things. 

I have been so proud of myself for staying away from sweets so far.  I made it through Candyland at test is Thanksgiving!  I think I'll make a SF pumpkin pie.

Stalling this week

Nov 05, 2006

I have been in a stall this week, hopefully tomorrow will start a downward trend with the scale.  I tested my ketones Thursday and it's the 1st time it read none.  Everyday this weekend the strips got a little tiny bit darker so I think my stall is about over.  I upped my protien to 75 grams and tried to stay under 25-30 g carbs.  Water was doing great until today, but my throat is a little sil, brother and nephews all have strep and I wonder if I'm catching it or being psycosomatic.  My 2 year old nephew just started giving me slobbery baby kisses this week.....wonderful, all that slobber filled with streptococcus bacteria.  Oh well, I guess I'll see this week if I have it.

Will I ever learn?

Nov 02, 2006

So my last post was all braggy about how well I am doing...then I go put my foot in it.  That'll teach me to be so smug!  

It's been chilly here, I've been cooking soups and stews and I made hash tonight (beef cubes, onions, carrots and potatoes in a beef broth thickened with a little flour at the end of cooking).  That stuff got to smelling so good that I ladled a little extra in my bowl, thinking that I could eat that little bit problem!  Well I started SLAMMING it down, I wanted to taste and eat is as fast as I could.  I guess I thought if I could eat it fast, then I could get it all in.  Yes...well..I'm usually an intelligent person but that seemed to make sense at the moment. 

I currently have several chunks of meat and potato trying to reverse course out of my esophagus.  Picture the Mack truck backing up whilst serenading your ears with "BEEP BEEP BEEP"    Ugh. Picture me banging my head on the was whilst muttering: "stupid stupid stupid"

I really wonder if I will EVER learn to measure what I am eating, or if I just stretch  the hell out of my tummy and ruin my surgery.  Why did I want this much food???? I know how much this hurts, and how unpleasant it is.  I have been home taking care of my kid who has a bad cold, one that I am feeling like I might be fighting off.  Did I want to comfort myself so much with food that I made myself miserable?  I guess I really need to think about this behavior and try to twist my pea brain around it.  Maybe I need to read this post as a reminder every night before I take one bite of dinner.  ugh...

Foods I eat

Oct 31, 2006

I am doing really well, as of yesterday I am down 46 pounds in 8 weeks.  This surgery is amazing.  I'm sure I'll slow down soon, but this is the kind of thing I am doing food-wise right now:

I eat about 700-800 calories a day, mostly protien.  I eat very few carbs right now, I think I stay under 30 grams of carbs.    I haven't had any protien shakes in several days, I only have one if I don't get enough protien in for the day.

Yesterday I had chicken salad for both breakfast and lunch and for dinner I had broiled fish with lemon, grilled zucchini and 2 small cubes of potatoes, a little bigger than a pair of dice.   I had around 60-65 oz of water.  

Today I had 6 peanut butter crackers for breakfast, string cheese snack at 10 a.m.  1/2 a small Wendy's chili for lunch and 3.5 oz of tuna salad for dinner. (I was on the go all day today, so maybe a few more carbs than usual) same amount of water.

I try to eat all my protien and not suppliment with shakes unless I need to.  I always need to have a snack  around 10 a.m. if I eat carbs for breakfast...dunno, I guess protien holds me well until lunch.  I also try not to have too many soft foods, as I feel like that makes me eat more.  I like to get a pound of shaved roast beef at the deli for those times I need to grab and go.

Head Hunger Triggers Oct 23 2006

Oct 23, 2006

I've been doing great, no cravings past week 2 or 3...just rocking along, then BAM!  Today I just wanted to throw anything sweet in my mouth!  Where did that come from?

I thought it through, and I think it's because I am really tired today after my big bash on Saturday Night. (I had a great 40th birthday party)  Sunday we spent cleaning up all the rentals and I didn't sit down much, so I am a tired girl today.  I think that was one of my food cues before surgery.  Tired, so some sugar to pep me up!  I ate REALLY well today and bought some SF fudgecicles if I want to go the sweet route for a snack, but the really cool thing that I want to share is that as soon as I figured out WHY I was craving sweets....I stopped craving them!  TOO COOL!

Head hunger, you cannot win!

DSCN0810.jpgMe with Bogart at my 1940's 40th B-D

About Me
Dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2006
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Friends 134

Latest Blog 32
One Year ago Surgery-My thoughts
almost a year, sugar demon
99 pounds of fat off my butt, ....
97 pounds!!
Reality Check II
Reality check
7 months
