Learning lessons Oct 17 2006

Oct 16, 2006

I have to tell on myself....I was so tired my DH brought home Chinese one night and he brought me chicken and broccoli and an egg roll.  I was zoned out in front of the tv and ate all the chicken, about 3 ounces, a couple of bites of broccoli and without being aware, about 45 minutes later, there was no egg roll left.  I had mindlessly eaten the whole thing when my intention was to have 1 or 2 bites.  Let me tell you how miserable I was!!!!!  Oh my goodness, I never threw up, but wished I had.  I had to go lay down and just moaned until I could function again.
Lesson learned!!!  Man, it still hurts to remember! 

Starting the Journey

Oct 13, 2006

October 10

Some thoughts on sugar
I think I must be allergic to sugar. I really think of it as a poison, one I was addicted to for a loooong time.
I remember years ago when I gave up sugar one lenten season and I felt better than I had in years. I was not sleepy during the day, not grumpy and irritable and I had energy! I know about the sugar buster diet, etc, but I would never try that because I would have to give up my sugar. I was too adicted.
Now being off sugar for 6 weeks, down 34 pounds, and active..I feel wonderful! I eat sf pudding or fudge bars if I want a sweet treat.
I almost feel like a drug addict in a way..I fear if I ever give in to the sugar demon I will head back down the addiction path and not be able to stop!

Oct 6

I'm 5 weeks out and feeling great. I am down 30 pounds and am walking with my husband every morning. Sometimes I wonder if I'm eating too much...I am having about 700 to 800 calories a day, but I am losing weight so things must be working. I talked to the insurance lady at the surgeon's office and they plan to appeal the insurance on medical neccesity, and will continue to appeal if they need to do so.

Sept 23, 2006

I'm a few days past 3 weeks out, here are some things I am experiencing:

I am still trying to figure out my schedule of pills and vitamin/minerals--can't take calcium cit. with iron, and can't take any of the above with my synthroid. I need to write out a schedule.

I have had a really weird mixture of constipation and loose stool---I added benefiber to my morning tea.

I'm not feeling hunger, but I definitly know when I need to eat--it's more of an empty feeling.

String cheese is my best friend. :o)

I don't really enjoy eating yet...maybe because I need to chew better, or I am trying foods too hard on my new tummy.

I love to drink cool water, tea or crystal light...just feels soothing

Coffee is not on my menu yet, if ever.

Restaurants are easier than I thought they would be...high protien appetizers are usually the perfect size and I'm a cheap date!

Head hunger hits me in the evenings on occasion...sugar free popscicles help tremendously as does walking.

Energy is great, unless I overwork, then I am like jello in the evenings.

Overall, things are going great!

Sept. 18, 2006

Well, I did get a nice suprise! I have lost 22 lbs! Wow..in 2 1/2 weeks..I am so amazed. I'm able to put on my size 24 jeans this week, that was nice. At the Dr's office I had a doppler sonogram of my legs checking for blood clots, that was interesting. I had a little concern about blood clots, but my mind goes down dark alleys sometimes..as if I need to have anything else to obsess about!

The other suprise I got wasn't so nice. I got a letter from UHC denying coverage of the VSG. I specifically told the staff at Baylor that I could not pay for this surgery, but I was assured by the office manager that we could go ahead. My understanding is that I am one of the 1st group McCarty is doing of the VSGers. (actually I am his 4th one! I had thought he had done about 50...not that it would have changed my mind, I have no doubts of his skill.) As one of this 1st group he is going to bat for the appeal, or he's going to write it off. Regardless I am not able to pay, and frankly I am not worried about it...can't get blood from a turnip and they can't take the surgery back. I hope this won't affect my DH for surgery in the future, though. I'll be giving this to God and knowing in my heart that it will all come right in the end.

Sept. 8, 2006

I've taken it easy this week, walking a lot, energy has been good...I actually walked around the Dallas Home and Garden show this evening with my friend and daughter. My 2 largest scars are itchy, a little red. Day 2 was the worst, I haven't taken any narcotics, haven't needed them, but the queazyness of day 2 was awful. I am sick of the full liquid diet...yogurt for breakfast, sf pudding (I can eat the whole little container) for lunch, soup for dinner, sf popcicle, blah blah blah...ready to CHEW something. I'm going to have fish for breakfast lunch and dinner on the 13th. I know I'm going to have to take it slow or risk getting sick with my new small tummy. I go back to work on the 11th. I need to look up some soft food recipes. I decided not to weigh until my 2 week visit to the surgeons office on the 18th. I'm waiting for a nice suprise!

Sept. 3, 2006

Woke up, I am a fart machine. I have prepared my family and apologized in advanced, but I think they are happy that with every toot I feel much better. Sugar free pudding for breakfast, had about a 3rd container. Had an unexpected BM and felt a LOT better afterward. Haven't been hungry, 1st thing in the morning I feel....empty.
Sept 2, 2006

Feeling much better today, gassy feeling...but it's coming out.

Sept 1, 2006

Day after surgery, I was miserable...nausea and gas unable to escape. Tried to take an anti nausea pill, managed to barf it and the applesauce right back up. Why would the dr prescribe PILLS?, I have no problem with a suppository. Home by 3 pm, in bed trying to sleep and sip when awake.

Aug 31, 2006

Surgery came and went, I remember telling Dr M that I was getting hungry, and could he do something about it? He smiled and said," I think we can do something about it."

Next thing I remember is being wheeled into my room where my husband was waiting for me. I was very pleased not to have a catheter or a NG tube. I was on oxygen as they told me I was not getting as much as I should. Slept on and off all day, was awake and alert when I was awake. Ice chips and water was all I had. I was hooked up to the leg squeezers (can't recall their real name!) and asked to take them off so I could use the potty. I walked 3 times around the nurses station the 1st day. Just sore from incisions, but used the morphine pump when needed. I had DeeAnn, the most wonderful day nurse, but then I had Steve, the creepy night nurse. He came in and announced that he hated the way the nurse had put the IV in before surgery, so he proceeded to tape it up like a mummy and got it so tight that it hurt. I loosened the tape after he left. My IV went off and it took him 20 minutes to figure out what to do to shut the alarm off. Same with the morphine pump, which had just begun to make me queasy. Didn't sleep much that evening. He told me to get one more jolt from the morphine before the day nurse took over so I would be ok during shift change. I did and the queasiness started up again big time, had to get ant-nausea...by then creepy Steve was gone and sweet DeeAnn was back. Very few night shift nurses I have ever known have any people skills at all. I couldn't ever see Steve trying to function with people during the day.

August 30

I'm going in tomorrow at 5:00 a.m., my surgery is 7:00 a.m. Glad I am first, fresh Dr, fresh nurses, techs, etc. DH will wait and call folks when I'm done with surgery. I am so blessed with friends and family, I have so many people praying for me. I am one lucky woman, and I'll post next after surgery.

August 25

I went to the hospital for my pre-admit. The nurse who checked me in had RNY, his surgeon was Dr Kuhn, Dr M's partner. He was great...3 years post op, looks great. Next to blood draw, two cute ladies who were funny, then to ekg where my tech was one of Dr Kuhn's patients a few years ago. He lost 200 lbs! He was a hoot and we spent quite awhile gabbing. Next was the chest x-ray, I wanted to see it all, so I asked the tech to show me all my bones...I love that stuff.

August 23, 2006

OH really was a help when I was looking at all 4 current surgeries...I never had any appeal towards the lap band, the idea of the fills wasn't for me. I was ok with the RNY, the DS and the VSG. The DS and the VSG were my preferences

I met Dr McCarty and I was so excited that I had a hard time concentrating on everything he said.

*Note to Pre-ops, always try to take someone else with you to your consultation!

He was showing me pictures of the DS, while talking about the VSG, and I am an extremely visual person being an artist, so I got fixated on the DS. I went to go get scheduled and the next available was August 31! I was beside myself that it was just 8 days away so I left the office with the idea I was having a DS!

I looked through all my paperwork the next morning and noticed my hospital orders said "sleeve gastrectomy".....whaaa? That didn't sound like the DS, so I called to clarify and it turned out to be the VSG. I was perfectly OK with that. I liked the idea of my intestines in their original order if I can lose weight that way.  I was excited about the sleeve during the seminar, but I thought I would have to have the RNY due to insurance.  Dr. M is gung-ho for it, he thinks it's the wave of wls future.

August 1, 2006

Dr. McCarty's office called for my consult on August 23, YEAH! I am starting vitamins now and having a few little food funerals of things I know I should never have again.

July 13, 2006
I attended the Baylor WLS seminar July 13, and I am waiting to hear back from the Dr's office about the next step. Current weight: 304 lbs.



About Me
Dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2006
Member Since

Friends 134

Latest Blog 32
One Year ago Surgery-My thoughts
almost a year, sugar demon
99 pounds of fat off my butt, ....
97 pounds!!
Reality Check II
Reality check
7 months
