5 days after surgery, sailing down the mountain

Dec 16, 2009

I feel so great now. 
Sure, still not back to baseline (so who liked baseline??), but I could go to the gym and do some treadmill walking which I've noted some VSG patients were doing by now - so, maybe I'll try that later today.
I had one bad day post op, then every day has been better, and better, and better.  This is FANTASTIC!.  Yesterday, I "pulled Mr. Ball's" about 10 inch catheter from my upper incision site - piece of cake, yea.  That device, although odd, was quite useful and it does sound ishy, but it really was fine.  Glad my surgeon uses it (On Q is the commercial name).
I took in over 70 ounces of fluids yesterday and 24 ounces of protein drinks. 
I am not regretting this surgery ONE BIT!
love to you all.
Dec. 16th, 2009

3rd day after surgery

Dec 14, 2009

Well, the old saying "things are getting better all the time is true" .  I'd like to share a few rantings never the less.

I have this subcutaneous small catheter in one incision area hooked up to a ball I carry around at all times with bupivocaine (sp?) and it gradually is emptying into the site.  I call the holding device "Mr. Ball".  I have been sleeping a lot on oxycontin, can only sip very small amounts of liquids at a  time, gradually that is getting better. gastrograffin UGI on Saturday morning was daunting - having to stand up and drink crap when you already feel nauseous, but only took a couple of minutes.  That radiologist  - I can't imagine what he was thinking (she looks like minus a million bucks).

I had a post op room 10 feet from a tubex (sp?) system major depot.  That was absolutely horrible.  Like someone loading and unloading dozens of metal chairs for a banquet - the noise intolerable.  That was probably the most difficult aspect of my hospital experience.  My nurse told me they gave some people ear plugs.  OK, a room next to "a train station" is not a good thing.  Insanity was setting in, I begged to be discharged sat. morning. (Surgery was 8:30 a.m. Friday) The doc said, if I couuld eat and keep it down (that meant eat Carnation instant breakfast) I could go but only because he could count on me to come back if I got dehydrated.  I drank it praying I would keep it down and did.  Then I went home paranoid I' get dehydrated so drank an ounce of water every time I could tolerate it.  The other paranoia is about blood clots, so walked around the house, cleaned counters, emptied dishes, went out on the deck, and just paced a lot.

What in the world was I thinking????  Having surgery sucks. Well, I'm still glad I did it but that "truck, rolling over you " feeling is no fun and I can hardly believe I did this voluntarily!!!!  (Actually, like the rest of you, I worked for this).  Definietly more capable of sitting now (instead of lying or standing), spirits are surprisingly good, taking great care of every detail - recording every ounce of fluid, gram of protein, the medication, so I must say this is a lot of work!  Maybe nothoing worthwhile comes without a lot of work, so it will all be worthwhile in the end. 

So, that's the second chapter of my story.  The first chapter was the 4 months of leading up to this.

And yes, I'm glad I did this.  I can dream can't I? 


surgery in 8 hours!

Dec 10, 2009

It's here, the day, I made it without eating any food for 7 days.
Still don't beleive this is happening.
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Yea, no headache, less than 2 days to surgery!

Dec 09, 2009

Finally, headache gone.  I was worried I'd have one until I could eat food again.  I was also VERY worried I was getting sick.  Slept almost 11 hours last night.  Thinking - I might just have lucked out and stayed healthy this week.  I know added stress to just the concern about surgery being the "right move" was that I wouldn't be able to have it Friday because I came down with a bad cold/flu etc.  I work around kids and you know how those little tikes can be.  Anyway, only about 36 more hours to go, this liquid protein diet with broth, jello thrown in the mix is surprisingly adequate.  although, it is adding up to less than 1000 calories/day.  I actually made Blueberry Buckle for my family and another person whose grandmother died tonight and it didn't phase me!  That's great.  Had to keep reminding myself not to lick the spoon or taste the batter to be sure it was just right.
slowly telling folks where I work, about 4 or 5 but there are many, many more I think I'll just let them guess or not.  Somehow, I need to feel in control of the process and I don't feel comfortable talking to everyone about it.
Family is supportive, although my teenage son probably hasn't really been paying much attention.
Can't wait now, I think I'm ready for Friday.
Dec.9th, 2009

Horrible headache, day 5 liquids only

Dec 08, 2009

I'm not sure exactly why, but having horrible headaches.  Well, they weren't unmanagable, took Tylenol - no ibuprofen preop of course until tonight much worse.  Too little caffeine?  (went ahead and had a few ounces late afternoon, not really helping), too dry?  (Seems like all I do is drink - but maybe not enough water).  I sure hope I feel better in the morning.  This is terrible.
Did anyone else have headaches on the liquid diet?
I've had so much broth I'm starting to turn into soup.

December 8th, 2009
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DAY 1 liquid diet

Dec 04, 2009

December 4th, 2009
Well, so far so good.  Oddly, already dreamed before I woke up this morning that I was getting ready to eat some solid food and then told myself I'd regret it.  I suspect more dreams like this to come.  Ugh, the hunger isn't bad, the churning in the stomach is noticable and the energy needed to not do what I usually would is noticeable as well.  Time for some chicken broth.
Had my preop appts today, they couldn't draw my blood - other than that, went fine.
Back to the lab Monday.

Whirlwinds, who'd have guessed.

Dec 03, 2009

Denied coverage for WLS Nov. 23rd.  Denial reversed Nov. 30th.  Surgery scheduled for Dec. 11th.  I'm a lucky girl.  However, I did work hard at all that luck just so you know.

Yippee! Denial Reversed!

Nov 30, 2009

I faxed my letter of appeal Friday, called today to see if they "got it in the right department and how long to expect to wait".  I got a call back 3 hours later with the great news! Denial REVERSED. I am excited and nervous. (Also, a little pleased with my letter writing skills).  I feel like I just got a big, big present and at the same time wonder if I will be able to tolerate "opening it".  Thanks to everyone for the many words of support.  I am absolutely going to "accept" this gift. 

November 30th, 2009

The letter.

Nov 27, 2009

I faxed my letter of appeal today.  I must admit, it was pretty convincing at least I thought so!  I was told by the rep at Health Partners to have it go back to the original medical policy local since I was including "corrected information" and that would be quicker than going through the appeal process.  Wonder how long it will take for my letter to be reviewed by the physician who gave me a rejection the first time?  Here's hoping.
1 comment

Pictures keep me wishing

Nov 26, 2009

I will submit my letter of appeal tomorrow.   I spent a lot of time on it yesterday but of course with Thanksgiving not able to submit today.  I'll call and see if a fax is acceptable.  In the mean time, looking at everyone's before and after pics feeling very wistful and wishful.  I'm glad for all the folks who have had great success.  I know SOMEDAY, maybe not soon, but someday, I'll be there.

About Me
Duluth, MN
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2009
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