My "why's"

Jul 01, 2011

My boyfriend and I were talking the other day about my decision to do this. He is amazingly supportive. I have never been in a relationship with someone more supportive of my choices. He also calls me out when I get too upset about not losing "enough" weight for the surgery to be scheduled. He has encouraged me to go to group weekly, which I am. He is taking care of the kids for the extra 3 hours every Thursday. He asked me why I wanted to do the surgery. "List the reasons for me..." he said... LOL... I started talking, and 30 minutes later, he was like "Wow! I never knew you wanted to do those things, or that you couldnt do those things now!" I am going to list my "why's" here... as my way of keeping myself honest. 

To live longer
To make my kids proud of me
To be able to hike again (I was once an avid hiker - I would go for miles!)
Rock climbing (always wanted to try it!)
\To be able to do things like the Adirondack Extreme Zip line
Jet skiing
To be able to sit in a booth at a resturaunt
To run a marathon
Take country line dancing lessons
Take ballroom dancing lessons
To tie my sneakers in the middle again
To walk without being winded
To be stong enough to move furniture again
Bike riding (I miss this!!)
Kayaking (I used to canoe every summer)
Canoeing or rowboating... loved doing this!!
To not be in pain all of the time just from moving
To wear a dress, and look good in it!
Find clothes that fit and look good
To live a "normal" life - one made up of doing, not watching
To make a dearly departed friend proud of me
To be able to paint my bedroom without having to "rest" every 5 minutes
Take the dogs for a walk / run
Play tennis with my daughter
"Live" my life - not watch it happen around me.

The last one is the one that really gets to me. I want to live my life to the fullest... not just watch it s it happens.. I want to DO more, live a fuller life, and live every moment of it. I do not want to watch it go by me, and say "I wish I could do that"..... NO MORE... I WILL live every moment of my life - DOING what I want to do, as I can do it!! 

Time to go for my mile walk today, since I cant get to the gym.... 


About Me
Surgery Date
May 09, 2011
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