Down kinda day

Mar 31, 2012

Today is a down in the dumps kind of day..... Not sure why.

I am still not losing weight... I'm still pretty much stalled (I think). I pulled my shoulder out last week, and havent been able to strength train, which is really bumming me out. I LIKE toning and strengthening my body...not being able to do it makes me sad. My shoulder is healing, but it is still tender, and Brittney said to give it another week to rest before we start up again, so I am on "light duty". 

On a good note, I ordered a size 2X sweatpants (they are in the washer now) and a size 1X shirt that came in the mail today. I am wearing the shirt now. OMG.... What a feeling!! I am wearing a size 1X shirt!! AMAZING!!! I am SO happy about that!!

I am also wearing size 24 pants, and hope to be in a 22 by the end of April. I think its time to do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Its time to get my cardio going again - maybe that will help me feel better. 

There is so much construction going on at my house - I had an addition built for my son Noah - he is Autistic (and BiPolar) and really needs his own space, so instead of my kitchen getting done this year, I decided to get this done, and give everyone some peace. It is sad, because my kitchen is literally falling apart - some of my cabinets dont even have doors on them. There is a gaping hole in my ceiling from where the bathroom leaked into the kitchen. It sucks. To top it all off, I need a new roof on the front of my house. It needs to be done, there is no way around it, and its stressing me out. 

I messed up on my food today. No protein at all today. UGH!!! WTF am I thinking??? Tonights dinner will be protein, protein, protein. I have GOT to get it in, or my weightloss will NEVER pick up. 

Okay... I have got to go and get some more laundry done. I'm just so down today, all I want to do is sleep.... but, I cant. 


About Me
Surgery Date
May 09, 2011
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