And Woman say Cramps are so Bad

Jun 07, 2010

Well today (06-07-10) I started my soft foods and so I took 1 egg & 1 egg white and about 6 crawfish tails and blended it very well and cooked it soft. I took one bite and it tasted like a piece of heaven. Well then came the 2nd bite and it tasted even a little better. I placed my baby spoon down for 2 min and once o pick up the 3 spoon up, the cramps started. I was cramping so Bad and hearing all kinds of noises coming from me stomach. I knew I hadn’t eaten 1 oz yet but it felt just like I was walking out of the Golden Wok “Chinese buffet ”. Man it stayed cramping for about 10 min before I started burp. Once it started it all want to come up but I did have anything down there. If this is what women go through each month I take my hat off to them because those cramps had me saying several prayers.   

