18 Days Post Op

Sep 12, 2014

I've just been cruising right along since the surgery. I still haven't had any issues with nausea or not being able to eat food. I did have a couple days where I was dizzy first thing in the AM but i think it is all resolved now. I am getting in all of my protein (yay!) and almost all of my fluids. It's really hard to get all of your fluids in...didn't know it would be that hard. lol I stopped weighing myself so I feel in the dark. I wont find out my new weight until October 2.... I may weigh in on my 1 month anniversary....just for funzies :) I started doing arm exercises last night with 3 pounds weights... I figured i'd do that for a week and then move up to my 5 pounds. I can't really tell yet that I'm losing weight...Trying to not get discouraged right now. I know I need to up my exercise time I usually walk the halls twice a day for 15 mins at a time. Can't wait to jump on my treadclimber ...I may try that next week ;-)

