cream cheese

Nov 16, 2010

Cream cheese is going to be the death of me.  I never thought I was addicted to cheese, but I think I am.  Of all things,  cheese is going to bring me down.  lol  I got up  this morning and everything went normal till i opened the refrig and decided I couldn't eat another egg. and there is was beckoning me.  Just a few Melba toast rounds and an ounce of cream cheese.  That won't hurt.  It always starts that way  ( i ain't right)!  next it will be Cheddar and then I'll have cheese on everything and pretty soon, I'll be , well, let's just say cheese all the time is a bad thing for your digestive system.  I would have put cheese last on my list of addictions.  strange the things i am finding out about my self these days.

Gooood Morning!

Nov 15, 2010

Lost 2 more lbs.  It is a gooood morning.  The plateau i was at has broken and we're going down again.  At 300 lbs.  I'm going to reward myself with a Christmas sweater or tee.  If is it too big at Christmas, all the better!   That mean s I have 2 lbs. to go to get it.
I started the day right with prayer and meditation.  What I came away with is I'm only human.  Don't take on more than I can handle and lower my expectations. of myself.  i am a small, but important part .  That right now especially apply to the coming holidays. I usually am the life of the party when I go home and i won't be this yr.  i will let one of my nieces do that, since that is her "job" in the family on a normal basis.  I have always been jealous of this niece since she was born and resented her taking the attention away from me.  It's time to grow up. Come to think of it, that has been my problem all my life.  Attention and more than i need.
Well hubby up and ready for work.  Myst go 
Love ya

mroning ritual

Nov 14, 2010

I probably shouldn't blog anything till I have talked to God in the morning.  Strange how my attitude changes.  But i get up and head straight for the coffee and news,  make a fire, and breakfast.  Then I bog and God gets put In sometime after my hubby leaves the house, usually.  That;'s kind of backwards, but  I've done worse. 
Yesterday I finished, finally, putting pics in all my picture frames.  When you have so many grandchildren, you got a lot of picture frames to fill.  I have them all on my shelves in the living room room and they are really cute.  That kept me busy and my mind off of food.  Today, I get to actual keep a couple of them and that may make me want to eat after about two hours. lol
It's raining here this morning, so I guess Grandpa will take them to McDonald's,  where there's an indoor jungle gym to play on, for breakfast.  I better stay away from McDonald's.  Then he'll bring them back here.  They love to go to Grandma's house.  We have alot of space to run and play and a garage to ride bikes, even on rainy days.
I have decided maybe I was a little too strict on not participating at all on in the holidays.  I know I can't handle a full blown dinner with everyone here, but have decided to visit them, instead.  That way I have a "safe" place to go when I fell overwhelmed.  I can go to Mom''s and rest..  And I can leave when I get tired.
Lost a pound this morning. Been doing the elliptical machine the last three days.and swimming.  Maybe that helped.  I had hit a plateau, I think.  For a few days nothing changed..  I was beginning to worry. 
Well, I have nothing exciting to report so have a great day. (tea) 

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