Bizzy Bizzy

Oct 09, 2014

Diet? Doing ok.  Exercise? Forget it.  I wanted to write a blog entry at least once every other day. LOL didn't happen.  If you looked at my planner, you'd understand.  Everyday it has been work, grandchildren, a death, a funeral dinner to plan, and/or hearings in court (job related, I'm not in  I tried to fit exercise in but honestly, if I wasn't working, I was sleeping.  The good news is I lost a pound.  I've also been reading my old Overeaters Anonymous book which has really given me some eye opening points about going to a Higher Power, (I call Him God) and depending on Him to help me with my crazy obsession on food.  I don't think I can work the steps without going to meetings, fellowshipping with other members and getting a sponsor, but I can definitely strive to fix my focus on seeking God for help until I can attend a meeting.  However, I can say with complete gratitude, my Doctor (Dr. Robert Cooper of Seymour, IN) recommended seeking support through and going through a struggle with others gives me strength.  I definitely think that when you are on a team, you have a better chance of success.  Next week I have only two things to do other than my normal schedule and one of them is to meet with someone who is going to develop a fitness plan for me on weights (wahoo!), so I can get back into walking/running AND start strength training :-)

