Passed psych evaluation

Nov 14, 2008

I really didn't think I'd fail, but I was amazed that the results came in so fast. We got the letter on Tuesday.

I think I need to find a head doctor somewhere local. I left Weight Watchers coz I wasn't getting the support I thought I needed for the changes I needed to make in my mental relationship with food. I still need that.

My mother is going to visit my sister from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I am really looking forward to her being away. She's soooo negative about most everything.

Hubby is looking forward to her departure even more than I am. He's going away for the weekend for some training. He needs some time away.

I think my almost 3-year-old daughter will cry when we leave Grandma at Auntie's house. It will be hard to comfort her and not laugh in joy at the same time.

Ta ta for now! <- always wanted to say that

Psych eval seemed okay

Nov 09, 2008

On the 3rd the surgeon's office called and said they could move my psych eval up to November 8. So of course, I said yes.

I got up early on Saturday and did my normal 40-minute ride on my bike. Then I headed down below. Traffic was a lot heavier than I expected, so I was a little stressed out when I pulled into their parking structure. I went inside and filled out the super long TF test. Then I talked to the psych person.

She seemed very nice. She recommended I get my suspicions about sleep apnea checked out.

It seemed to go all right. We'll see.

I think I'll try for the sleeve initially. Let's hope the insurance approves it.

Surgeon Consult Went OKAYYEEE

Nov 03, 2008

I dragged my hunny down to Burbank for my initial consult with the surgeon on October 28. I'm glad he went, because now he knows a lot more about the procedure and what life will be like postop.
I was a little disappointed that the nutritionist didn't talk about the sleeve at all. I asked the doctor and he said he didn't think the sleeve alone would work for me. And insurance companies have issues with it.
Maybe I'll just go for the RNY. If things go horribly wrong, it can be reversed.
At the appointment, I made a followup appointment for my psych evaluation on December 5. After that, they'll submit it to my insurance.
But EEEK! today their office called and moved the psych eval up to November 8. Might I get my surgery before the end of the year? It would make holidays with the fam a whole lot of fun.
Starting in January, they're going to offer a therapy group for dealing with 'eating normally.' I signed up for that. Once a month down to Burbank won't be too painful.

8 Days to Surgeon Consult!!!!

Oct 20, 2008

I'm starting to get nervous about my consult with the surgeon on the 28th.
At HDMG's nutrition class last week I was down 3 pounds from the previous month. Yay!

I don't like once a month weigh-ins.  Too much time to screw around and then really fast be good right before the weigh-in. (Well, that won't be happening once I get the surgery.) That was my last HDMG-required nutrition class. I'm more excited about that than the weight loss. I really wish the class had had more about post op diet. The stress class was the most helpful for me.

I hope, hope, hope the surgeon thinks a sleeve will work for me. I can do RNY, but even though the sleeve will take longer, it seems like a more normal life after the initial loss. Tiny meals of normal food seems more doable than the care and feeding of a whacked out replumb for the rest of my life. (And 46 pills a day -- eesh!!)

Now, of course, I'm starting to freak about whether Pacificare will cover a sleeve. On OH, I've found United Healthcare (PC's parent company) folks who were approved in the past. But I saw a recent posting that UHC is now back to calling the sleeve experimental. AAAAAUUUGHHH!!! 

I just have to remember everyone is different and I'll have to see what happens for me.

On to Burbank!!!

Finally an appointment with the surgeon!

Sep 19, 2008

My initial consult with the surgeon is on October 28. 6 weeks! This is going to seem like forever.

I hope I don't gain a bunch of weight before I see him. I have a nutrition class next Wednesday. I'm just trying to maintain.

I'm still exercising, but now I do a tai chi video once a week. I don't get the heart thumping workout I do on the bike, but the stretching is nice. I feel more graceful when I'm done with it.

Referral in my hot little hands!!

Sep 16, 2008

I got the letter from HDMG today with the referral to Dr. Quilici in Burbank. Woooo hooo!!! I'll call tomorrow and make an appointment.
I'm a little nervous, but I'm really looking forward to getting on with this. I've been futzing around with it for 20 months(!). I hope there isn't too much of a delay in getting to see the doctor.
Oh, and I have a nutritionist group meeting next week. But my stress level about that is way lower than even my stress from work.

I'm past the gatekeeper!

Sep 12, 2008

I had my appointment with Dr. Dulgeroff today and I made it!!!! He gave me the referral to Dr. Quilici!! I'm excited and scared at the same time.
Dr. D seems to think I'll be having my surgery in November. But if the folks in my nutritionist class are any indication, we're looking at November before i even see Dr. Q.

Aaaauugghhh! Nut weigh in tomorrow

Aug 19, 2008

Please, please, please let me be under 380. I weighed myself at my Mother's doctors office last week and I was 381. I know every scale is different, but it made me wince.
I've been riding my bike 30 or 40 minutes almost everyday since I got it. My legs feel great. But I think the muscles that I've brought back from the dead weigh more than the little bit of fat that I've worked off my rear.
I know something's happening because my clothes are fitting differently. And I didn't need a pry bar to get out of the seat at the $1 theater a couple of weeks ago.
I've cut the amount of junk I'm eating. I'm trying to limit the salt. I've drank so much water lately, I think I slosh when I walk.
I've gone to two WLS support group meetings. The first was okay. The second was horror story night. I'm skipping it tonight because I need to save the gas for my nutritionist meeting tomorrow.
I don't know about gastric bypass -- I'm investigating vertical sleeve gastrectomy. I just don't see myself eating more supplements than real food for the rest of my life. Dr. Quilici's web site seems pretty gung-ho about VLG.
We'll see. It's all about getting healthier. I need to be positive, get my water in and not touch anything salty for the next 30 hours.

I have a kneecap!

Aug 07, 2008

It's too early for "Wow" moments. Maybe this is a "neat!" moment...
My husband and I were sitting on the couch watching Jon and Kate Plus Eight tonight. He touched my knee and said "You have a knee cap!"
I'm glad the bike riding's been working somewhat -- my legs are getting a little toned.
I have no idea if I've lost any weight, but it's a lot easier to walk than it was before I started on the bike. In fact, I went two days without the bike and I got the most painful ankle/heel cramps.
Unfortunately, my fat apron/spare tire doesn't seem to have shrunk even a little bit. I know it's going to be with me until i can get plastic surgery post WLS.
It didn't go away the last time I lost weight. It filled up like a water balloon when they were pumping me full of IV saline during a botched attempt at inducing labor -- that was pretty interesting -- I sloshed for a couple weeks afterwards. But hopefully it will get flatter and lighter.


Jul 29, 2008

Bleh. I know it works, but it's hard to get excited about it. The doc recommended a recumbent bike. I'm doing 30 minutes 5 times a week now. Now the trick is to hop on the bike when I really want to put something full of fat and sugar in my mouth.

I've been getting up at 5 to ride the bike. Normally, I have the house to myself until 6. So, I watch a TV or a DVD while I do the bike and when I eat breakfast. I'm enjoying the alone time. Unfortunately, the hubbie has started getting up early. When he walks into the room I feel like I should drop everything and get in the shower -- but I have 10 minutes until I *have* to be in the shower. (He wants us to be out the door with the 2-year-old by 6:30.)

I know this is nothing in the whole scheme of things. But i don't want to have to get up at 4:30 just to have some alone time.

I measured myself today -- 74 at the hips! 47 1/2 chest! 37 thigh. Don't have a scale that can handle me.

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Where the Jackalopes Roam, CA
Jul 09, 2008
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