7 mo. Surgerversary...

Feb 13, 2007

Well here I am and I can't really believe its been 7 months since I began my journey.


I finally made it in to see my PCP (actually saw a diff doc before I could get in to see my PCP. My dr. was out of town) and after a bit of drama I found out that my Thyroid numbers are elevated again. So my med dosage has been bumped up and hopefully that will be the answer to this horrible fatigue. All of my other lab are just fine so this has to be the culprit.

I've been on the higher dosage since last Wenes. and so far no change yet. Not sure that I will be as lucky as last time and have the meds work on the first try versus going back in 4 weeks to see that I might need my meds bumped up again. 

This is all really weird since I only needed the minimum dosage in the beginning to get my levels back to normal. Now they are off again...Ah well, such is life right?

The rest of my journey has been hit and miss. I don't dump off of anything ( I have dumping symptoms but nothing substantial comes from those episodes)...in the beginning I was to afraid to try things that could make me dump. I learned early on that I didn't dump on higher fats. And it was by accident that I learned that I don't dump on sugars. 

I was a little discourage by this at first but then I just told myself that it doesn't matter if I don't dump. I didn't have surgery for it to beat me into submission. I just need to keep myself controlled...yeah I lacked control pre-op but have had many talks with myself. This is indeed the best shot that I have to get healthy and to a more normal weight. So I just need to continue to follow the guidelines set out for me and use common sense and I can and will still be successful.

It really isn't the end of the world *IF* we don't get all of the perceived perks from WLS. We all still get the smaller stomach and that is definitely a big help for me. That helps keep me in control and that is good enough for me. Because at the end of the day food choices are up to me anyway. I've learned to eat better and thats what counts.

My weight isn't much different from my 6mos post. Things have slowed down now and I'm o.k. with that. I've lost so much already my body needs a chance to adjust to all of this. As long as I continue on a downward trend I will make it to normal and healthy.

Well guess that is it for now...


            ~~~T C.~~~


Feb 10, 2007


Your Ticker:

           ~~~~~~ 11lbs. lost 1 week before surgery ~~~~~~

Reality check ;-)

Jan 31, 2007



 *SIGH* I have had a rough three weeks mentally. I figured now is a good time to transfer my thoughts to written word as to make sense of it all.




I have finally reached my 6 mos surgiversary period. This is the stage to where my time for the biggest weight loss quickly is over. To date, I have lost 149lbs from my heaviest and 138lbs since my surgery date. I'm pretty happy about my accomplishments but am very nervous and scared about the rest of my journey. Now I know that all of the works is on me and I'm afraid of that thought. Yes I knew that it would be on me at some point before I had surgery. But the day has come and all I can think of is how I failed so many times before and is unsure of myself in reaching somewhat of a finish line. Though I know that I will never be finished with my fight against obesity, I'm speaking more in the term of getting to goal. Maintaining is a also something we will have to fight to do.



Depression has found it's way into my life in a very BIG way. I've read that people who have rapid weight loss suffers depression because the rapid weight loss sort of throws the hormones off kilter. No one explained this to me before I had surgery. I think I read something about it but didn't really read about it in depth like I should have. I'm a little disappointed that my surgeon didn't let me in on this little secret...but oh well.



My whole life I've been able to deal with any down moments that I have had (temp bouts with Depression). But this is definitely to great for me to deal with on my own and fear that I will need meds to help me get over this hump. I feel better knowing this isn't just in my mind. I happened upon a post on a WLS message board about others dealing with this as well.



I’m also so full of self doubt these days. I’ve not been the most confident person in the world but now I seem to question my own every move. I over analyze my words before I say/write them. I have begun several post on OH and erased them so many times it isn’t even funny. It ends up taking me about 10 min. to write a post. I’m just drained all the time, it’s like my newfound life is just too overwhelming. Yep, I definitely think meds are imminent.



I've not been putting my best foot forward with exercise either. Mostly because I had been dealing with some dizziness after exercise, when I bend over and get back up. Even when I kneel down and get back up I get pretty dizzy as well. Yes this is no excuse because I could have reached out to my surgeon's office to try and get answers. I dealt with some dizziness early post op and had labs done to see if there were any deficiencies causing it. Working with my surgeon's office, it was determined that it could have been slight dehydration and left at that.



Now I seem to be having these issues but only when I bend, kneel and get up because of course I have been skipping out on the exercise. So I don't know if it will happen after that or not. I know that I'm neglecting myself again same as pre-op. My old attitudes about dr’s have crept back up into my life. I never liked dealing with them because I knew whatever reason I was there ended up being because I'm SMO...it could've been a broken toe. Dr. would make ya think the toe was broken because you are fat. That literally made me neglect my health my whole life.



I swore post-op that I would be different because of course they can't blame everything on my weight anymore. I know that this is a very dangerous place to be post-op. Because life is so different as a post-op and things can get serious quickly...neglecting my health now can really mean life or death. I have an appointment with my PCP on Thurs. hopefully I can get some answers then.



My diet has gotten more lacks also. In the beginning I was so rigid with my eating. I was so focused on the rules that my DT has set up. Everything is fair game from 6 weeks post-op...treats included! Well I went with that and shamefully have tested the limits to many times. I now see what longer term post-ops mean when they say we should restrain from testing the waters early out. I'm living proof that it's truly a struggle to put those not so healthy items down. I've truly been fortunate to this point. For some reason those post form the "old timers" didn't set in for me earlier in my journey. They now make more then enough sense to me.



Another thing that I'm trying to make myself aware of is that I am skipping meals. Sooooo bad too! I get up in the mornings and have a protein shake in lieu of food. I've been treating the protein shake as if it were a meal. Then I wait to long to eat real food and in my mind I'm ravenous. I say in my mind because I don't have real hunger just yet...I have felt a hunger pang or two but nothing more then that. So I say that my real hunger hasn't come back just yet. Any who this makes want to overeat later. Or perhaps get the ravenous thing in my mind because I waited to long to eat then grab a not so good food choice. These are where my downward spiral begins because I often give in to my bad choice and chock the whole day away on a nasty carbfest of total simple carbs. A quote that I find to be interesting comes to mind when I realize the cycle I am on. "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten". Duh! C, when were you going to kick that in...? The answers seem so simple when you really think about it. 



Well guess what, this is a very bad thing. Same thing that I did pre-op and so in essence, I'm not learning a thing.



I'm so disappointed in myself because I felt I was doing so well all along. But I have since realized that I've been doing the same thing as I was doing pre-op. I'm keeping myself in diet mode with these types of behaviors. And to think, I wouldn't not have even come to reality had I not been paying attention to the words of some of the longer-term post-ops. I have a long road to travel and I have to travel it differently then when in my pre-op life IF I want to successful in my WL journey.



I read an interesting post on a WLS message board. That post really hit home for me and made me open my eyes to the reality of my WLS journey. The post was about "throwing in the towel" when it comes to our WL journey. It really helped me to understand that this journey isn't about giving up when there is a bump in the road on our path. We had this surgery to gain better health through weight loss. And on this path we will deal with a lot, go through stalls and have head battles etc. But it all a part of this journey had WE HAVE TO take the good with the bad...we can't just give up. I know for me personally, that giving up is what got me to the place of being SMO. I tried this or that diet and then I gave up, for whatever reason, I just gave up.



For the most part through my journey I have been so focused on getting to the finish line that I have lost focus of why I had surgery in the first place. While I know that there is really not a finish line because we will always fight obesity, I'm speaking in terms of getting to goal (whatever that maybe..for me it's healthy weight.). It is so easy for me to get caught up because I have so much to lose still to get to a healthy weight. So I'm missing out on the part where I'm suppose to be learning a new way to live and be healthy because my focus is all-wrong.



Well it's a new day for me and now I have a new attitude. I WILL NOT FAIL at this journey and I WILL keep trying no matter what. I know that I am not perfect but I will do my best to stay on the beaten path...the path less traveled is just to risky and familiar to my old ways.




                              ~~~ Triple C.~~~









6 mos surgiversay...I can't believe it's here already

Jan 12, 2007

So here it is my, 6 mos. update...





First off, I can’t believe it has been six months already. Back in July this day seemed so very far away…it definitely was world wind for me.





I have lots of feelings about my journey thus far. I’ve had good and bad emotions to this point. I have reflected on the bad emotions and somehow think that they probably derived from fear of the unknown. I also put way to much pressure on myself especially when it comes to my WL journey. My DH calls me an over achiever but I don’t really see it that way, although it makes me chuckle when he says that L. I’ve always been plagued with the attitude that everything has to be done exactly right, otherwise it’s just not good enough. I realize this is not good for my WL journey because I set my self up for my old dieting habits of just quitting.





I was starting in bring back the habit of if I eat something that I deem wrong in my diet (although even according to my DT, NOTHING is off limits…I just need to limit my intake of the not so great choices) I just blow the entire day. This goes back to the attitude of do it right or don’t do it at all. This really scared me because I don’t want to fail at my journey. I know that this all or none mentality will set me up for total failure. I’m so determined not to become a statistic (weight gain) that I find myself over thinking everything now or trying different things to try and ensure that I succeed at this. Then come the pressure and the all or nothing attitude. I just need to accept the fact that I will succeed if I just follow the basic rules for life.





Thanksgiving and Christmas was horrible for me as far as eating. I got a real glimpse at what my old habits were and being/feeling out of control looked like. You just feel so invincible in this journey early on. I figured early on we are all trying to figure this whole journey out and once we get it figured out and we know what we are doing (so to speak) bam, old habits find their way back into our lives.  New posties beware…





So I’m down 129lbs SINCE surgery, down 140 since the week before surgery. My day of surgery bmi: 61.5.

Today my bmi: 42.2

Day of surgery bmi: 63.5





My pre op clothing sizes: 4x & 5x tops

                                         30 & 32 bottoms





Today clothes sizes: XL, 1X and some 2X’s

                                  22, 23 (junior plus) and 24’s





WOW! And Yippee L! When I see those numbers (weight) written like they are now, I’m amazed. But I have had a hard time trying to enjoy where I am because I’m so stuck on wondering if I will ever make it to where I want to be. I’ve never been thin/skinny and I have so far to go that it seems unrealistic that I will get there. I see others on the boards that are able to do it but I still fear that it is out of reach for me. I also feel like I’m in a dream and that none of this is real at all.





I looked at some photos that were taken around Christmas time in 05’ and am shocked at the differences. I look like someone had taken an air pump and just pumped lots of air into my face. I need to take more photos during my journey so I can truly document my metamorphosis.





My exercise has not been and virtually none existent these last 2 weeks. For the past 3-4 weeks I have been battling some extreme fatigue again. I have made an appointment with my PCP but can’t get in to see her until Friday the 19th. I’m going to see if maybe some of my labs are off and possibly my medication for hypothyroid maybe needing adjustments.





I have finally fallen into the category of those who just let it fall to the wayside. I will get back on board with it because I know that it is very important to my success in this journey. I was just reading yesterday about how with rapid WL it is important to build muscle with exercise because during the rapid WL phase we lose so much muscle already. I want to be strong and healthy so I must exercise to ensure my best healthiest body.





So overall this journey has done wonders for me and I am finally ready to say that I’m happy I did this. I’m so much more mobile now, I can cross my legs, I can run a little bit (not marathon or sprinter yet *L*), I can buckle my seatbelt and have lots if slack left on the belt. I actually look at myself in the mirror now as I NEVER had the desire to do it before. I can get dressed w/o sweat…actually I’m cold a lot now. I can go shopping instead of having my DH do it for me. I can exercise without feeling like I’m going to die. I have a larger variety to choose from when I purchase clothes and actually have them look good on me. I can wear prettier shoes now (still have big feet but now that my feet have shrunken a bit I can actually get better looking shoes). I can wash every surface on my body without hurting myself in the process (this is the biggest accomplishment for me J). There are other things to be added to this list when I can remember them all.





O and how could I forget…I actually went into the store and tried on a size XL leather coat? It was a men’s coat but I was able to fit it nonetheless. I don’t ever remember fitting into a size XL anything so this is definitely a wow moment. I even took a pic of me in the coat because I could not believe it fit. Here’s a pic:





Well I have certainly blabbed enough for now…







                                ~~~Triple C. ~~~

Here are my pics:

Consult 6/1, 3M, 22D PO and 6M, 27D PO -150total



















I'm a member of the Century Club...Woot!!!

Nov 18, 2006


That's right, I'm in and so very proud! 

I actually made the Century Club yesterday (since surgery this time) but I wanted to make sure it stuck before I put it into my profile. Today I wake up and yes indeedy, I'm in the CLUB! 

Today, I was able to get a Century Club card for my profile. I received it from a member who use to work with OH. When I open the message about it, I just about went to tears. I have seen other people's cards but never imagined my face on one...well at least for some time. I was just content with keep plugging a long. She took and put my pic and my name on the card....HOW BEAUTIFUL OF HER.....


With out further ado here it is...my very on CC card :


Till next time friends....
                           Love, Peace and Soullllll
                                ~~~Triple C.~~~


Tardy, Tardy, Tardy...for shame ; p

Nov 17, 2006

Howdy OH family,

Well back here with an update.

So I went in for my 3 month check up which was actually late as I've been off schedule since my 6 week check. Dr. Bollman was more then elated with my progress. Dr. Bollman is pretty much calm all the time, doesn't seem that to much would rattle him *L*. Well as he walked into the room that I was in he immediately said way to go to me before he was even in the door good. That set the tone for the whole visit for me. Pretty much all he could say was "WOW". 

I've lost 37% of my excess weight already. This is almost unbelieveable to me. I was down 92lb at my visit on 11/9/06, I was happy but feeling very ungreatful as well. I know I shouldn't be and I need to keep the focus on my health. Of course I wanted to be down 100lbs by the time I visited for my 3 mos check up. I was doing so well and was down 96lbs that morning but I guess the ride did me in because I was swollen from the 3hr trip. Over all I've given myself the talk about how I need to be grateful because I was way worse off 3.5 months ago. I am now ashamed of myself for even feeling ungrateful, how dare I? Hello 92lbs in that amount of time is more then I could have ever hoped for.

I also had the talk about this being more a marathon not a race. I really needed to have that talk with myself because it made me feel a lot better. I think that it almost becomes a game with me that I play against myself. I've always been an over achiever when it comes to myself personally and I brought that attitude over with me to this journey as well. 

In the beginning, I was really cool, calm and collected. I wasn't going to sweat the scale or the number that was on it. But it became fun and amazing to see the scale move like it was. I'd never experienced anything like it, so this was like having a new toy to me. Anywho, I realized that this is about being healthy and learning a new life to stay fit and healthy. I know that if I continue to follow the rules that the scale will do what it needs to do. 

Now on to how I'm feeling...I'd have to say that my comparison physical feelings are more then I could've hoped for! I'm in awe everyday of how I can do things that I couldn't do just a mere 4 months ago. It is truely amazing. I can do up to 7 miles a day (WATP w/ weighted balls videos) in walking. 4 mos ago I could barely finish a quarter of a mile via the high school track. I have very little to no pains when I'm out shopping. I don't break out into that awful sweat that I used to. i'm much more mobile overall.....IT'S GREAT!

Eating: Well, I'm doing great with that. I can tolerate pretty much anything at this point. I think I can handle sugar as well (figured that out by mistake while eating out) but I do stay away from it. If I will have something sweet it is usually sweetned with artificial sweetners. I'm not interested in keeping real sugar in my life. Although I must say that by way of low carbing pre-surgery, I had let go of sugar for the most part anyway. When I was in my teens and early 20's I was a sugarholic. However, as I began to get more serious about my weight, I began to wean myself off of sugar. I'd have to say today, I'm so happy that I did! 

I talked to Jennifer (Dietician) while I was at my appointment and I told her that I could pretty much tolerate anything. She told me well sometimes that can be seen as a not so good thing. And other times it can be a good thing. Well I mulled over that for awhile but I was determined not to let that affect me. Normally I would take a statement like that and internalize it and sort of "live it". Well I decided I didn't care if I am a dumper or not. I won't let "if" I can eat something dictate my life for me. I've seen so many times on the boards a very good statement, "JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN, DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD". That is the statement that really is my life at this point. I know that I can pretty much eat whatever I want but it doesn't mean I should. 

I decided to have this surgery because I saw it as a chance to change my life and get healthy. Now I know I'm not perfect (I've had bad days as proof of that also) and I am just beginning my journey. But I'm commited to making this a better life for myself. I want to be healthy and as fit as I can possibly be (at whatever weight that allows me to be so) and this is my opportunity. I've lost weight and gained it all back but I realize that this is a unique opportunity that I've been given and I want to make the best that I possibly can out of it.

Now don't get me wrong, I still wonder if I will ever get to a "normal" weight. I also wonder about times were things in my life seem out of control and I want my old friend food back. And honestly at this point I can say that I don't have a way to deal with those things yet. It scares me to death to think about when I can eat more...will I get out of control? I'm plagued with these thoughts everyday, unfortunately. But I also know that this is my life, I walked the path to get unhealthy and I will ultimately have to walk the path to get healthy and stay that way. I also plan to get some type of therapy to work through this also.

Till next time my friends........

                Love and Happiness (whatever this may be for you)
                             (((Hugs))) to you all....~~~T C.~~~

Knock, Knock Century Club, .....CAN I COME IN? WOOT!

Oct 26, 2006




Well again I'm tardy with my update so here it goes...

Yesterday (10/26/06) I was officially down 100lbs..WOOOHOOO! This is a first for me, I've never, ever, ever lost 100lbs before. I've gotten as high as 85lbs all together but never 100lbs.

This is 100lbs down SINCE 10 days BEFORE surgery. I'm not going to post to the boards about it just yet. I will wait until I'm officially down 100lbs SINCE surgery. Seems like things have speeded up for me since I've majorly increased my exercise. So for me I've lost 100lbs in 3 months and 23 days. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E!

I never thought from day one of even considering this surgery that I'd lose 100lbs so quick. I do have a lot to lose but I never even dreamed that I would lose this amount so fast. I'M MORE THAN EXCITED ABOUT THIS. I'm trying to maintain my composure because there are people around me that I would feel like I was bragging to if I said anything so I figured I'd just post it here.

As far as how I'm doing? Well all is much better with me. I've started doing exercises I'm up to 5 miles a day on most days, unless I'm to fatigued then I will just go 3 miles. My miles come in the form of Walk Away The Pounds videos. I struggle a bit but I figured it's just because I'm trying to get used to the exercises.

I eat between 500-800 cals at this point. It all depends on how hungery I am on each given day. I have on occassion gone over 800 cals.

Everything else seems to be fine for now. I will update more after I go to see my surgeon. I hope to see him on Nov 9th versus seeing him on Dec 12th as I was suppose to. My mom is actually starting her process (she go approval on 10/25) and will have her consultation and pre-op testing on Nov. 9th and 10th. And since it is such a distance I hope to be able to be seen then so that I will avoid a trip 1 month later. 

                         ~~~ Live and love well!~~~
                                  ~~~Triple C.~~~


My official 6 week check up...late albeit

Sep 20, 2006




Well had my what was suppose to be 6 weeks check up. All went well, didn't have to have labs done this time because I had labs done in Aug. I will get them done when I go back in 3 mos. My Aug labs showed pretty good improvement, so I'm only to get new labs if I start to feel bad or "funky" as Eileen put it.

So my official down on Tues. was 61lbs. I'm pretty excited about that. Almost like a dream! I'm still a little nervous about getting to excited as I've lost weight before, to the tune of 80lbs only to have my body appear to stop right there. Then after the 80lbs I'd sabotage myself and then I'd spiral from there. I have faith and know that this time will be different.

I read a interesting post today about someone needing to lose about 200lbs and they wondered if it was possible. I really appreciate the responses the thread had gotten since of course I started out needing to lose over 200lbs. I want to copy and paste one of the post from there. I plan to reflect on this whenever I'm needing the lift to get me through the rest of the way...
                                   "snip post"
"Stay focused, stay honest, stay strong, follow the plan, make good to great choices at least 95% of the time the first year and as close to that as possible the second year.   NONE of us are perfect, although some profess to be, accept that you might stumble a time or two - but take this surgery serious enough that you do everything in your power to do it as ACCURATELY as possible during your first year.

I started off at 402 pounds and needed to lose well over 200 to reach a healthy goal.   The first year, I truly was harder/stricter on myself then my doc ever could have been.  I KNEW the weight would come off faster the first six months, then it would during any time of my journey - I also knew it would be "somewhat quick" the next six months, so it was very very important to maximize that first year.   Those of us with OVER 200 pounds to lose, truly don't have the luxury of constantly stumbling and getting back up, it's important to hit it aggressively the first year.

Case in point?  I lost a 186 lbs my first year, and struggled to take off the remaining 49 pounds over the next EIGHT months, for a total of 235.

I think it's VERY doable for you to lose the 200 lbs, barring no medical complications - you just have to get in the mindset, form a plan and BELIEVE!! 

Good luck to you - it's an awesome life changing journey!"
                                    "snip post"

I think that is some very good advice to those who need to lose a good bit more then the norm. I hope I'm even half as successful as the poster above.

My biggest feat right now would be learning to be prepared to eat while I'm out. I must admit that I didn't make the best choices while I was out of town the last couple of days. Not proud of it but plan to make that the next problem in my journey to conquer. That along with wanting to munch while I'm tired. I was fooled because I had so much more control if that happened and I was home. Seems that I can either take a nap or find something to occupy myself when I'm home. But most of my bad choices yesterday was because of my being exhausted from my trip to the dr. and having no way to really deal with it. But NO excuses for me anymore, it happened now I know that it CAN happen and I will be prepared for it. I really don't like when things throw me off plan. I feel so out of control and like I'm in my pre-op patterns all over again.

Yesterday is gone and an awareness was awakened, now on to preparedness!

                Lesson Learned?...Be as prepared as possible!
                                ~~~Triple C.~~~


Just an update

Sep 12, 2006




I had a long entry type and pushed a button on my keyboard and lost it all...ggggggggrrrrrrrr

O' well, I have not had an official 6 week check up with my surgeon yet. I was suppose to go on Sept 12th but wasn't able to make the appointment. I am going next Tues. Sept 19th. I will update again after my appointment.

So far I'm down 57lbs SINCE surgery. I'm very satified with my progress so far...actually I'm quite elated ::big grin::. My fatigue has finally gotten better, I took a turn for the better around 7 1/2 week post-op. I sometimes have issues with dizziness after bending over but I plan to see my pcp about that and then address it with my surgeon as well.

My protein and water intake have been up and down. I was averaging about 50-55 grams a day. I've since gotten it up (in the last few days) to 60-75 ( my NUT rec. 65-80 gr. a day). My water is pretty good, except I've been struggling since Labor Day Weekend. We move that weekend and everything got off track with me. I'm doing a lot better now. I was also slipping with my foods, taking in higher fat proteins. It was scary watching myself slip backwards like that. I started tracking my food with fitday.com in Aug. Well once the move got closer in date, I stopped logging my foods. Hence my food choices not the best and I wasn't keeping a count of how much protein I was taking in.

Lesson learned? Keep logging on fitday! I've started logging again a couple of days ago and I'm much more mindful of what I'm eating. Also, I'm getting in between the minimum and the maximum of protein gr. that my NUT suggests. I'm going to have to work on getting my fluid/water intake back up to where it was (64oz to 104oz), I've been slacking a bit on that.

That's my update for now....
        Remember...Good Things Come to Those Who Wait!
                              ~~~Triple C.~~~

1 month Post-Op...

Aug 12, 2006

Well here again to update my profile @ 1month out to the day.....

Boy has it been a bumpy ride for me. I have been battling extreme fatigue ever since I was a week and a half out. I couldn't even exercise at all. I had been working with my surgeon's nurse to figure out what was going on. They did labs and all was fine with those (which I was elated about) in fact my labs showed improvement Yippee!

Food has still been a struggle, I'm not getting in all of my protein at this point. I eat 3 meals and no snacks. all food taste gross to me but I eat what I can. I'm now feeling a bit of hunger as well. No not head hunger, I actually feel a growl in my pouch area. It happens mostly when I need more to drink. I've also started adding a Atkins Advantage shake to my day to boost it up. I plan to add another shake soon in hopes to boost my protein amounts.

To date I have lost 52lbs total, 11lbs pre-op and 41lbs since surgery. I started @ a size 32 and now I'm down to a size fitted 26 , clothes sizes aren't melting away but I'm guessing it's because I've been losing pounds versus inches. I'll definitely take either or, I'm sure inches will come off soon...no worries here. Also, my BMI has gone from 63.5 to 55.6...WOOOHOOOO!  I am still in shock at my total pounds lost to date. I've never lost this amount of weight sooooooo fast in my life. My DH is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
proud of me. I feel like the luckiest girl at the ball having him be so supportive to me. My kiddos tell me how they can see that I've shrank already *LOL*...how cute.

I think I'm finally turning a corner with feelings of why did I do this to myself. I think the fatigue contributed a lot to my feelings. Mostly because I couldn't find a cause to my fatigue. I'm guessing that it had something to do with a little dehydration. I'm now getting in almost a 104 oz of water in. Of course I only drink water, nothing else taste good to me. I've tried propel and it was great at first but now it taste to sweet. So now I dilute it if I'm going to drink it. Sugar free koolaide hurts my tummy so thats a no go for me.

Well nothing else is new for me right now so I'll stop blabbing and will update again when something is new for me or @ 2 months post op.

Toodles....~~~Triple C.~~~


About Me
windy city native living -n-, MO
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2005
Member Since

Friends 51

Latest Blog 46
Menus, exercise, fluids and vits...changes
Yesterday was my 17th month post operversary *L*
Menu, exercise, fluids, vits...NOT A GOOD DAY...BUUUUUTTTTT
Happy Tuesday, OH...Here is my regimen for today...
I'm baaaaccckkkk!
Today's menu/exercise/fluids/vit check
My menu today/exercise/fluid intake..
My Virtual Model...
